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(Created page with "{{Class |Name=Gnome Giant-Slayer |Source=Complete Warrior |Role=DPS |Summary=In every gnome community, only a select few individuals of extraordinary courage take up the mantle of giant-slayer. Relying on a combination of agility, combat prowess, and pure craftiness, the gnome giant-slayer is the bane of all creatures who use their size to terrorize the small or weak. The champion of those far-too-often trampled underfoot, the gnome giant-slayer stands far taller than hi...")
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=== Requirements ===
'''Race''': Gnome or other size small race
'''Base Attack Bonus''': +5.
'''Skills''': Escape Artist (3 ranks), Tumble (3 ranks).
'''Language:''' Giant
'''Feats''': [[Dodge]], [[Mobility]], [[Spring Attack]].
=== Summary ===
|Name=Gnome Giant-Slayer
|Name=Gnome Giant-Slayer
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|Content=A 10th-level gnome giant-slayer can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than he otherwise would. Once per day, when he would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow struck by a giant, not a spell or special ability), he can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, he makes a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt; the gnome giant-slayer adds his class level as a bonus on this saving throw). If the save succeeds, he takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, he takes full damage. He must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute his defensive roll - if he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the character’s evasion or improved evasion ability (if applicable) does not apply to the defensive roll.
|Content=A 10th-level gnome giant-slayer can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than he otherwise would. Once per day, when he would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow struck by a giant, not a spell or special ability), he can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, he makes a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt; the gnome giant-slayer adds his class level as a bonus on this saving throw). If the save succeeds, he takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, he takes full damage. He must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute his defensive roll - if he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the character’s evasion or improved evasion ability (if applicable) does not apply to the defensive roll.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1-1: The Gnome Giant-Slayer Progression
Attack Bonus
| +1
| +2
| +0
| +0
|Favored enemy (giant) +2
| +2
| +3
| +0
| +0
|Crafty fighter
| +3
| +3
| +1
| +1
| +4
| +4
| +1
| +1
|Favored enemy (giant) +4
| +5
| +4
| +1
| +1
|Close shot
| +6/+1
| +5
| +2
| +2
|Fast movement
| +7/+2
| +5
| +2
| +2
|Favored enemy (giant) +6
| +8/+3
| +6
| +2
| +2
|Improved mobility
| +9/+4
| +6
| +3
| +3
|Annoying strike
| +10/+5
| +7
| +3
| +3
|Favored enemy (giant) +8, defensive roll

Latest revision as of 11:11, 29 October 2023


Race: Gnome or other size small race

Base Attack Bonus: +5.

Skills: Escape Artist (3 ranks), Tumble (3 ranks).

Language: Giant

Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack.


In every gnome community, only a select few individuals of extraordinary courage take up the mantle of giant-slayer. Relying on a combination of agility, combat prowess, and pure craftiness, the gnome giant-slayer is the bane of all creatures who use their size to terrorize the small or weak. The champion of those far-too-often trampled underfoot, the gnome giant-slayer stands far taller than his stature would suggest. As the ultimate believers that “The bigger they are, the harder they fall,” these doughty battlers actively seek out ogres, trolls, giants, and the like to slay. Some also utilize their training to take on other immense opponents, such as umber hulks, monstrous vermin, and even dragons.

Most gnome giant-slayers are fighters or rangers, although some paladins and clerics also take up the path of giant slaying. Rogues who favor looting the dens of ogres and the like also become giant-slayers. Monks make excellent giant-slayers. Arcane spellcasters rarely take up this class, since it largely depends on toe-to-toe interaction with immensely powerful creatures.

Gnome giant-slayer NPCs are often lauded as heroes or celebrities within gnome communities. They might serve as captains of the guard, trainers, or in other positions of authority. Some pass down their mantle from generation to generation, granting the bravest son or daughter a treasured nickname such as “Trollbane” or “Giant-Crasher.” Those who work for their own purposes might still enjoy some measure of popularity but prefer to remain aloof from political venues in favor of pursuing personal gain. Of course, many look to adventure to prove their mettle; rare indeed is the gnome giant-slayer who hasn’t bearded his share of trolls or fire giants in their very lairs.

Role: DPS

Characteristics: Crafty fighters that are apt at fighting folks bigger than them, and specifically giants

Source: Complete Warrior

Game Rule Information

The Gnome Giant-Slayer has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Dexterity to dodge and duck from a giant's strikes, and Constitution to prevent yourself from being reduced to 0 HP.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d10

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Gnome Giant-Slayer's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Gnome Giant-Slayer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Gnome Giant-Slayer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium types of armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Favored Enemy (Giant) Ex: A gnome giant-slayer gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills against giants. He gets the same bonus on weapon damage rolls against giants. This benefit stacks with the ranger favored enemy class feature if giant is the ranger’s favored enemy. This bonus increases by an extra +2 for every three gnome giant-slayer levels beyond 1st.

Crafty Fighter Ex: At 2nd level, a gnome giant-slayer gains a +4 dodge bonus to his Armor Class against giants, or a +2 dodge bonus against any other (non-giant) creature at least two size categories larger than himself. This benefit is lost in any situation in which the gnome giant-slayer would lose his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. He also loses this bonus in heavy armor.

Slippery Ex: If a gnome giant-slayer of 3rd level or higher is grappled by a creature at least two size categories larger than himself, he can add his gnome giant-slayer level as a bonus on any checks (whether grapple checks or Escape Artist checks) made to escape grappling.

In addition, a gnome giant-slayer can move through an area occupied by a creature two size categories larger than he is. This doesn’t apply against creatures that completely fill their area, such as a gelatinous cube. (Normally, a character can only move through an area occupied by another creature if it is at least three size categories larger than the character.)

Close Shot Ex: At 5th level and higher, a gnome giantslayer does not provoke attacks of opportunity from giants for using a ranged weapon while threatened by them.

Fast Movement Ex: At 6th level, a gnome giantslayer’s base land speed increases by 10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the giant-slayer’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.

Improved Mobility Ex: At 8th level and higher, a gnome giant-slayer gains a +4 dodge bonus to his Armor Class when moving out of or within a giant’s threatened area. As with all dodge bonuses, this benefit stacks with the bonus granted by the Mobility feat.

Annoying Strike Ex: Whenever a gnome giant-slayer of 9th level or higher damages a giant in melee, that giant is shaken for 1 round.

Defensive Roll Ex: A 10th-level gnome giant-slayer can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than he otherwise would. Once per day, when he would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow struck by a giant, not a spell or special ability), he can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, he makes a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt; the gnome giant-slayer adds his class level as a bonus on this saving throw). If the save succeeds, he takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, he takes full damage. He must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute his defensive roll - if he is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the character’s evasion or improved evasion ability (if applicable) does not apply to the defensive roll.

Table 1-1: The Gnome Giant-Slayer Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Favored enemy (giant) +2
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Crafty fighter
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Slippery
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Favored enemy (giant) +4
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Close shot
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Fast movement
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Favored enemy (giant) +6
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Improved mobility
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Annoying strike
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Favored enemy (giant) +8, defensive roll