Difference between revisions of "Chaplain"

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In addition to the potent invocations of faith and wrath, chaplains learn a number of others than enable them to perform many tricks and attacks.
In addition to the potent invocations of faith and wrath, chaplains learn a number of others than enable them to perform many tricks and attacks.
===== Least Invocations =====
===== Least Invocations =====
====== '''Invocation of Anger''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Anger''' ======
Target of your level in HD or less must make a Will save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds
Target of your level in HD or less must make a Will save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds
====== '''Invocation of Vigilance''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Vigilance''' ======
See normally in darkness and magical darkness. Lasts 24 hours.
See normally in darkness and magical darkness. Lasts 24 hours.  
====== '''Invocation of Brotherhood''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Brotherhood''' ======
Extends Shield of Faith bonus to all allies within 30 feet. Lasts 1 round/level. It takes half of the time it was active in order to recharge
Extends Shield of Faith bonus to all allies within 30 feet. Lasts 1 round/level. It takes half of the time it was active in order to recharge  
====== '''Invocation of Favor''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Favor''' ======
All allies gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage. Lasts 1 round/level
All allies gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage. Lasts 1 round/level  
====== '''Invocation of Fervor''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Fervor''' ======
Aligns weapon as per the [[Align Weapon]] spell
Aligns weapon as per the [[Align Weapon]] spell
====== '''Invocation of Solitude''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Solitude''' ======
Negates sound in a 15-ft radius. Lasts 1 min/level.
Negates sound in a 15-ft radius. Lasts 1 min/level.  
====== '''Invocation of Resistance''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Resistance''' ======
Subject gains energy resistance equal to your Shield of Faith bonus of a type of your choice for 1 min/level (One type).
Subject gains energy resistance equal to your Shield of Faith bonus of a type of your choice for 1 min/level (One type).
===== Lesser Invocations =====
===== Lesser Invocations =====
====== '''Invocation of Despair''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Despair''' ======
-6 to an ability score, -4 on attacks and saves, or 50% miss chance. Will negates.
-6 to an ability score, -4 on attacks and saves, or 50% miss chance. Will negates.  
====== '''Invocation of Punishment''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Punishment''' ======
Makes subject blinded or deafened. Fortitude negates.
Makes subject blinded or deafened. Fortitude negates.
====== '''Invocation of Cleansing''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Cleansing''' ======
Frees object or person of your choice of one curse, one disease, blindness, or deafness
Frees object or person of your choice of one curse, one disease, blindness, or deafness
====== '''Invocation of Alacrity''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Alacrity''' ======
You and your allies act on the same initiative, whoever's is highest.
You and your allies act on the same initiative, whoever's is highest.
====== '''Invocation of Vision''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Vision''' ======
Dispels invisibility within 5ft./level.
Dispels invisibility within 5ft./level.
===== Greater Invocations =====
===== Greater Invocations =====
====== '''Invocation of Truesight''' ======
====== '''Invocation of Truesight''' ======

Latest revision as of 05:47, 29 May 2023

While many gain invocations from making faustian bargains with infernal or ungodly powers chaplains are members of faith. Unlike the cleric who draws divine spellcasting power from a deity you draw invocations instead and other divine boons, such as shields of faith, the ability to consecrate the very ground on which you walk the ability to smite those who oppose you and using your zealous fervor and lances of faith to damage foes. Your presence on the field helping allies and destroying enemies with righteous fervor will become incontestable.

Role: DPS Support

Characteristics: Invocation slinging servants of a deity

Source: Homebrew

Game Rule Information

The Chaplain has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Charisma is important for a chaplain because the raw divine power his faith generates provides the force behind his blows in combat and Constitution is important for a chaplain to keep him alive in the front lines.

Alignment: Any (Same as Cleric of chosen Deity)

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10

Class Skills

The Chaplain's class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) Int, Knowledge (planes)(Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Chaplain.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Chaplain is proficient with simple and martial weapons and light, medium, heavy armor and shields

Invocations: In combat, a chaplain harnesses the divine power of his faith in the form of invocations. The chaplain does not prepare or cast spells as other wielders of divine power do. Instead, he possesses a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and abilities known as invocations that require him to focus the raw energy generated by his faith. A chaplain can use any invocation he knows at will, with the following qualifications: A chaplain's invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. A chaplain is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use an invocation if he is hit by an attack, just as a spellcaster would be. A chaplain can choose to use an invocation defensively, by making a successful Concentration check, to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity. A chaplain's invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation's description specifically states otherwise. A chaplain's caster level with his invocations is equal to his chaplain level. The save DC for an invocation (if it allows a save) is 10 +Chaplain level. Since spell-like abilities are not actually spells, a chaplain cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat. He can, however benefit from the Ability Focus feat. as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities, such as Quicken Spell-Like Ability and Empower Spell-Like Ability.

The four grades of chaplain invocations, in order of their relative power are least, lesser, greater, and divine. A chaplain begins with knowledge of one invocation, which must be of the lowest grade (least). As a chaplain gains levels, he learns new invocations, as summarized on the class progression table. A list of available invocations can be found following the class description.

At any level when a chaplain learns a new grade of invocation, he can also replace another invocation of the same or a lower grade. At 6th level, a chaplain can replace a least invocation he knows with a different least invocation (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be either least or lesser). At 12th level, a chaplain can replace a least or lesser invocation he knows with another invocation of the same or lower grade (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be least, lesser, or greater). At 16th level, a chaplain can replace a least, lesser, or greater invocation he knows with another invocation of the same or a lower grade (in addition to learning a new invocation, which could be least, lesser, greater, or divine).

Shield of Faith Su: A chaplain is protected by the power of his faith, projecting a field of force around him. This field absorbs kinetic force and converts the energy into harmless light. This shield is identical to the Shield of Faith spell, but it is permanent. Shield of Faith can be suppressed by a Dispel Magic spell, but cannot be entirely removed unless willfully suppressed by the chaplain. The shield of faith provides a +2 deflection bonus to AC and improves by 1 for every six levels of chaplain your character has.

Divine Force Su: A chaplain's attacks are empowered with the raw divine power that his faith generates. A chaplain adds his Charisma modifier to damage.

Lance of Faith Su: The first ability a chaplain learns is lance of faith. A chaplain attacks his foes with raw divine energy, using the unrefined power of his faith to deal damage and sometimes impart other effects. A lance of faith is a ray with a range of 60 feet. it is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. A lance of faith deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and increases in power as a chaplain rises in level. A lance of faith is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the chaplain's class level (rounded down), with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when a chaplain reaches 18th level or higher. A lance of faith is subject to spell resistance, although the Spell Penetration feat and other effects that improve caster level checks to overcome spell resistance also apply to lance of faith. A lance of faith deals half damage to objects. Metamagic feats cannot improve a chaplain's lance of faith (because it is a spell-like ability, not a spell). however, the feat Ability Focus (lance of faith) increases the DC for all saving throws (if any) associated with a chaplain's lance of faith by 2.

Smite Opposition Su: Once per day, a chaplain may attempt to smite an opponent whose alignment opposes his. He adds his Charisma bonus to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per chaplain level. At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, a chaplain may smite one additional time per day (up to 5/day at 18th level).

Aura of Courage Su: Beginning at 3rd level, a chaplain is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability ceases to function when the chaplain is unconscious or dead.

Divine Grace Su: At 4th level, a chaplain gains a bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on all saving throws.

Divine Health Ex: At 5th level, a chaplain gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot or lycanthropy).

Consecrate Sp: At 7th level, a chaplain gains the ability to consecrate the ground around him. This ability's effect is similar to the spell consecrate, but rather than effecting undead, it effects creatures of the chaplain's opposed alignment. This ability can be used at will.

Zealous Surge Ex: The chaplain's boundless energy and dedication to his deity allows him to throw off the effect of a special attack, spell, or other attack that would otherwise hinder or harm him. Once per day, from 8th level on, you can opt to reroll a single saving throw. You must abide by the result of the new, second saving throw, even if it's lower than the first. The decision to reroll must be made before it is revealed whether the first roll would pass. this ability does not require an action.

Incontestable Presence Ex: At 19th level, the chaplain's presence in combat becomes a testament to his dedication. The chaplain becomes under the effects of Holy Aura, Unholy Aura, Shield of Law, or Cloak of Chaos, depending on his alignment. this effect cannot be suppressed at will but dispel magic or a similar spell will suppress the effect.

Table 1-1: Chaplain Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







Special Invocations Known Shield of Faith Lance of Faith
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Shield of faith, divine force, least invocation, lance of faith 1 +2 1d6
2nd +1 +3 +1 +3 Smite Opposition 1/day 2 +2 1d6
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Aura of Courage 2 +2 2d6
4th +3 +4 +2 +4 Divine Grace 3 +2 2d6
5th +3 +4 +2 +4 Divine Health 3 +2 3d6
6th +4 +5 +3 +5 Smite 2/day, Least or Lesser Invocation 4 +3 3d6
7th +5 +5 +3 +5 Consecrate 4 +3 4d6
8th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Zealous Surge 5 +3 4d6
9th +6/+1 +6 +4 +6 5 +3 5d6
10th +7/+2 +7 +4 +7 Smite 3/day 6 +3 5d6
11th +8/+3 +7 +5 +7 6 +3 6d6
12th +9/+4 +8 +5 +8 Greater Invocation 7 +4 6d6
13th +9/+4 +8 +6 +8 8 +4 6d6
14th +10/+5 +9 +6 +9 Smite 4/day 8 +4 7d6
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +6 +9 9 +4 7d6
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +7 +10 Divine Invocation 10 +4 7d6
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +7 +10 10 +4 8d6
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +8 +11 Smite 5/day 11 +5 8d6
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +8 +11 Incontestable Presence 11 +5 8d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +9 +12 Lance of Faith 9d6 12 +5 9d6


A chaplain who ceases to be of the same alignment or who violates the laws of their deity loses all chaplain abilities and benefits. He may not progress any further in levels as chaplain. He regains his abilities and advancement potential if he atones for his violations. (This particular atonement procedure is left to the discretion of the DM). Like a member of any other class, a chaplain may be a multiclass character, but multiclass characters face a special restriction. A chaplain who gains a level in any class other than chaplain may never again raise his chaplain level, though he retains all of his chaplain abilities. The path of the chaplain requires unwavering discipline and dedication. If a character adopts this class, he must pursue it to the exclusion of all other careers. Once he has turned off the path, he may never return.


Invocations of Faith

Some of a chaplain's invocations, such as staggering lance, modify the damage or other effects of the chaplain's lance of faith and shield of faith. These are called Invocations of Faith. Unless noted otherwise, lances of faith modified by invocations of faith deal damage normally in addition to imparting the effects described in the invocation description. A chaplain can apply only one invocation of faith to a single lance of faith and may only apply one invocation of faith to his shield of faith at a time unless otherwise noted, choosing from any of the invocations of faith that he knows. When a chaplain applies an invocation of faith to his lance of faith, the spell level equivalent of the modified lance is equal to the spell-level of the lance of faith or of the invocation of faith, whichever is higher. If a chaplain targets a creature with a lance of faith that has immunity to the applied invocation's effect, it still takes damage from the blast normally (provided it isn't immune to the lance of faith or any form of energy it's converted into).

A chaplain can apply an invocation of faith and an invocation of wrath (see below) to the same lance. When a chaplain uses both kinds of invocations to alter a lance of faith, the spell level equivalent is equal to the highest spell level between the lance of faith, invocation of faith, or invocation of wrath.

Example: Marnius, a 1st level chaplain of Kord, decides to make his lance of faith attack into a staggering lance. Marnius's lance of faith is the equivalent of a of a 1st-level spell, while his staggering lance is an effect equivalent to a 2nd-level spell. Therefore, the higher spell level equivalent is used.

Least Invocations of Faith
Daunting Lance

Target must make a Will save or become shaken for 1 minute.

Staggering Lance

Target must make a Fortitude save or dazed for 1 round.

Divine Accuracy

Converts Shield of Faith AC bonus to attack bonus for the round.

Lesser Invocations of Faith
Penetrating Lance

Lance deals 1 extra point of damage for each d6 rolled.

Branding Lance

Successful hit allows allies a +2 sacred bonus to attacks on target for 1 round. Affects only one target.

Divine Power

Converts Shield of Faith AC bonus to damage bonus for the round.

Divine Strength

Converts Shield of Faith AC bonus to bonus on either Will, Fortitude, or Reflex save for 1 round.

Greater Invocations of Faith
Wounding Lance

Lance causes Wounding effect

Forceful Lance

Lance bull rushes target. Use your CHA modifier for bull rush attempt

Energized Lance

Lance is converted to the acid, cold electricity, fire, sonic, positive, or negative energy.

Divine Determination

Converts Shield of Faith bonus to Charisma bonus.

Divine Regeneration

Converts Shield of Faith bonus to fast healing

Divine Invocations of Faith
Empowered Lance

Lance damage is maximized, but target is entitled a save (Reflex halves).

Divine Empowerment

Doubles the effectiveness of Shield of Faith for 1 round/level per day.

Invocations of Wrath

Some of a chaplain's invocations, such as spear of faith, modify the range, target(s), or area of a chaplain's lance of faith. these are called invocations of wrath. Unless noted otherwise, lances of faith subject to invocations of wrath deal damage normally in addition to imparting the effects described in the invocation description. A chaplain can apply only one invocation of wrath at a time to a lance of faith, and he can choose from any of the invocations of wrath that he knows. A chaplain need not apply invocations of wrath to his lance of faith, the spell-level equivalent is equal to the spell-level of the lance of faith or of the invocation of wrath, whichever is higher.

Least Invocations of Wrath
Spear of Faith

Lance range increased to 250 feet.

Strike of Faith

Melee or ranged attack channels lance of faith.

Lesser Invocations of Wrath
Bolt of Faith

Lance pierces initial target, hitting enemies behind it for half damage.

Greater Invocations of Wrath
Blast of Faith

Lance takes the shape of a cone, reflex halves.

Divine Invocations of Wrath

Lance affects all enemies within 20 feet.

Other Invocations

In addition to the potent invocations of faith and wrath, chaplains learn a number of others than enable them to perform many tricks and attacks.

Least Invocations
Invocation of Anger

Target of your level in HD or less must make a Will save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds

Invocation of Vigilance

See normally in darkness and magical darkness. Lasts 24 hours.

Invocation of Brotherhood

Extends Shield of Faith bonus to all allies within 30 feet. Lasts 1 round/level. It takes half of the time it was active in order to recharge

Invocation of Favor

All allies gain a +1 bonus to attack, damage. Lasts 1 round/level

Invocation of Fervor

Aligns weapon as per the Align Weapon spell

Invocation of Solitude

Negates sound in a 15-ft radius. Lasts 1 min/level.

Invocation of Resistance

Subject gains energy resistance equal to your Shield of Faith bonus of a type of your choice for 1 min/level (One type).

Lesser Invocations
Invocation of Despair

-6 to an ability score, -4 on attacks and saves, or 50% miss chance. Will negates.

Invocation of Punishment

Makes subject blinded or deafened. Fortitude negates.

Invocation of Cleansing

Frees object or person of your choice of one curse, one disease, blindness, or deafness

Invocation of Alacrity

You and your allies act on the same initiative, whoever's is highest.

Invocation of Vision

Dispels invisibility within 5ft./level.

Greater Invocations
Invocation of Truesight

Gain true seeing for 1min./level

Invocation of Sending

As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. (See Plane Shift)

Invocation of Freedom

Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification (See Break Enchantment).

Divine Invocations
Invocation of Rebirth

Restore dead subject (As per Raise Dead spell, no diamonds required).

Invocation of Glory

As Bull's Strength, but affects one subject/level.