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(Created page with "{{Class |Name=Gutter Mage |Source=Book of Roguish Lucks |Role=Spell Utility DPS |Summary=Gutter Mages are rogues who really badly want to be a wizard but do so in the most rogue way possible, by stealing spell books learning how to master magic items, improvising spells, and stealing them when none of the prior strategies don't exactly pan out. |Alignment=Any |Description=Arcane roguelike, who steals spellbooks and masters using magi items |Abilities=Dexterity is crucial...")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Name=Gutter Mage
|Name=Gutter Mage
|Source=Book of Roguish Lucks
|Source=Book of Roguish Luck
|Role=Spell Utility DPS
|Role=Spell Utility DPS
|Summary=Gutter Mages are rogues who really badly want to be a wizard but do so in the most rogue way possible, by stealing spell books learning how to master magic items, improvising spells, and stealing them when none of the prior strategies don't exactly pan out.
|Summary=Gutter Mages are rogues who really badly want to be a wizard but do so in the most rogue way possible, by stealing spell books learning how to master magic items, improvising spells, and stealing them when none of the prior strategies don't exactly pan out.
|Description=Arcane roguelike, who steals spellbooks and masters using magi items
|Description=Arcane roguelike, who steals spellbooks and masters using magic items
|Abilities=Dexterity is crucial for moving stealthily, Charisma helps gather information, bribe officials, and talk their way out of trouble, Intelligence for skill points and casting
|Abilities=Dexterity is crucial for moving stealthily, Charisma helps gather information, bribe officials, and talk their way out of trouble, Intelligence for skill points and casting
|Hit Die=d4
|Hit Die=d4
Line 37: Line 37:
A gutter mage can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The gutter mage must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A gutter mage cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
A gutter mage can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The gutter mage must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A gutter mage cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
{{Class Feature
{{Class Feature|Name=Wand Mastery|Type=Ex|Content=Beginning at 2nd level a gutter mage knows how to handle magic wands. As a result he gains a +4 competence bonus on his Use Magic Device check when using any wand that holds a spell not on the gutter mage spell list. When he uses a wand that holds a gutter mage spell no use magic device check is required.}}{{Class Feature
|Name=Ward Sight
|Name=Ward Sight
Line 55: Line 55:

Improvising a spell is a form of spontaneous casting that uses up existing spell slots similar to a cleric's or druid's ability. An improvised spell normally takes up a spell slot equal to the level of spell being cast, but if the gutter mage has no slots available (if he has already expended all spell slots of the appropriate level for the day), he can expend two spell slots of the next lower level instead. The spells in those slots are lost. If those slots are already expended as well, the character cannot use this ability.
Improvising a spell is a form of spontaneous casting that uses up existing spell slots similar to a cleric's or druid's ability. An improvised spell normally takes up a spell slot equal to the level of spell being cast, but if the gutter mage has no slots available (if he has already expended all spell slots of the appropriate level for the day), he can expend two spell slots of the next lower level instead. The spells in those slots are lost. If those slots are already expended as well, the character cannot use this ability.
The chance of success when attempting to cast an improvised spell varies according to the situation. If the gutter mage has seen the spell performed and studied the formula in a spellbook or on a scroll, casting a spell requires a spellcraft check (DC 20+ the spells level. If he has only seen the spell written in a book or scroll, the DC is 25 + spell level. If he has seen the spell in action but never in a spell book the DC is 30 + Spell level. If he is trying to improvise a spell he has never it either written or in action the DC is 35+ the Spell's level. If he is trying to improvise a spell he has previously stolren the DC is 27 + the spell level.
If the attempt fails the slot are lost as normal and no spell effect results.
An improvovisation attempt backfires when the skill check is a natural 1, or when the result is at least 10 lower than the target difficulty class. In the case of a backfire, the results should follow the scroll mishap rules under "Scrolls" in Chapter 7: Magic Items of the DMG. Typically, a damaging spell or a charm effect hits the caster instead of the intended target, while an illusion or motion spell likely spins out of control. Helpful spells intended for a friendly character are either reversed or target an enemy instead.
Improvised spells can be improved with metamagic feats as long as the gutter mage can increase their spell level as normal.
}}{{Class Feature|Name=Staff Mastery|Type=Ex|Content=At 10th level or higher, a gutter mage can use any arcane staff with an additional +4 competence bonus on Use Magic Device check.}}{{Class Feature|Name=Steal Spell|Type=Su|Content=At 10th level or higher, a gutter mage can literally steal a spell from an adjacent arcane caster's mind a number of times per day equal to 6 + the gutter mage's Intelligence modifier. The gutter mage does not know ahead of time which particular spell he will succeed in stealing, but he must specify what level of spell level he wants to target. Outside combat, stealing a spell requires a successful Pickpocket check against a Difficulty Class that varies according to the level of spell being targeted. In combat, an attempt to steal a spell is made as part of a successful melee attack, including a sneak attack.
If the initial attempt succeeds the target is entitled to a Will saving throw (DC 15+ Caster level) to resist the theft. Should the save succeed, the attempt to steal the spell fails and the target becomes alerted to the attempt.
If the attack roll or skill check succeeds and the Will save fails, choose the stolen spell randomly from among those at the spell level the gutter mage targeted. Either a prepared spell or an available spell slot can be stolen, depending on whether the target uses prepared or spontaneous casting. If the target has no prepared spells or available spell slots remaining at that level, randomly choose a spell of the next lower level. The spell is removed from the targets inventory and added to the gutter mage's list of castable of spells for the day. No material components are required to cast a stolen spell.
The spell remains in the gutter mage's inventory of available spells for 2d12 hours; after that it fades away and it is lost. If a stolen spell is of a higher level than the gutter mage can normally cast, use a caster level check to determine whether the casting succeeds, as is usual for scrolls. Having a stolen a spell does not enable the gutter mage to use it on future occasions. The spell cannot be written in a scroll or spellbook.
Stealing a spell is disorienting to both the target and the gutter mage; the target may attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Stolen Spell Level) to avoid being dazed for a single round by the pain of having arcane energy ripped from his mind. The gutter mage is not dazed, but needs time to restore his arcane equilibrium; he cannot attempt to steal another spell for 1d10 rounds.
Arcane spells cannot be stolen from traps, scrolls, constructs, or inanimate sources. Stealing spells from undead targets increases the Difficulty Class by 4, as the undead's negative energy makes the process much more difficult.}}{{Class Feature|Name=Reflect Spell|Type=Su|Content=Once he reaches 14th level, a gutter mage can counter and reflect a spell back against its caster three times per day. Doing so requires the gutter mage to ready an action, then make a successful saving throw against the spell (or a Spellcraft Check against DC 25+ Spell level if the spell does not normally allow a saving throw). The reflected spell targets its caster as the center point of its effect and otherwise performs normally using the original caster's level and original saving throw DC.
A spell can be reflected only if it targets the gutter mage, and this ability cannot be used against touch spells.}}{{Class Feature|Name=Capture Spell|Type=Su|Content=At 16th level or higher, a gutter mage can capture a spell that targets him or the area around him three times per day. To do so he must ready an action and make a successful saving throw against a spell (or a Spellcraft check against DC 30 + Spell level, if the spell level does not normally allow a saving throw).
Should he capture the spell successfully the gutter mage stores it within an item of his own choosing (typically a wand or weapon) until he decides to release it or until the spell fades away within 2d12 hours if it is of a level that the gutter mage could cast normally, or within 1d4 hours if it is of a higher level than a gutter mage could normally use.}}{{Class Feature|Name=Spell Resistance|Type=Ex|Content=At 19th level, a gutter mage gains spell resistance equal to 10+ his class level. As with other creatures that have spell resistance, he can choose to drop his resistance to allow the application of healing magic or other harmless spells.}}{{Class Feature|Name=Alter Spell|Type=Su|Content=Upon reaching 20th level a gutter mage gains the ability to interfere with another arcane caster, altering the opponent's spell as it is cast. The other arcane caster must be within line of sight and the gutter mage must ready an action prior to the enemy's casting of a spell in order to alter it.
To succeed at the attempt the gutter mage must make a melee touch attack or ranged touch attack against the target caster, using his intelligence modifier as a bonus on the roll instead of his Dexterity or Strength modifier. If the attack hits the victim may attempt a Will save to negate the effect (DC 10 + Caster Level). Even on a successful save, however, the target must make a Concentration check (DC 30) to complete the spell.
If the attack hits and the victim's save fails, the gutter mage determines where the spell is targeted, how long as it lasts and any other variable conditions associated with the spell, up to the limit of the original caster's level or the gutter mage's caster level, whichever is lower.}}
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1-1: Gutter Mage Progression
! rowspan="2" |Level
! rowspan="2" |Base
Attack Bonus
! rowspan="2" |Fort
! rowspan="2" |Ref
! rowspan="2" |Will
! rowspan="2" |Special
! colspan="5" |Spells per Day
| +0
| +0
| +2
| +0
|Scribe Scroll
| +1
| +0
| +3
| +0
|Wand Mastery
| +2
| +1
| +3
| +1
|Sneak Attack +1d6
| +3
| +1
| +4
| +1
|Ward sight
| +3
| +1
| +4
| +1
| +4
| +2
| +5
| +2
|Sneak Attack +2d6
| +5
| +2
| +5
| +2
| +6/+1
| +2
| +6
| +2
|Improvise Spell
| +6/+1
| +3
| +6
| +3
|Sneak attack +3d6
| +7/+2
| +3
| +7
| +3
|Staff Mastery, Steal Spell
| +8/+3
| +3
| +7
| +3
| +9/+4
| +4
| +8
| +4
|Sneak attack +4d6
| +9/+4
| +4
| +8
| +4
| +10/+5
| +4
| +9
| +4
|Reflect Spell
| +11/+6/+1
| +5
| +9
| +5
|Sneak attack +5d6
| +12/+7/+2
| +5
| +10
| +5
|Capture Spell
| +12/+7/+2
| +5
| +10
| +5
| +13/+8/+3
| +6
| +11
| +6
|Sneak Attack +6d6
| +14/+9/+4
| +6
| +11
| +6
|Spell resistance
| +15/+10/+5
| +6
| +12
| +6
|Alter Spell
| colspan="11" |*Intelligence bonus spells only. If no bonus, no spells are gained at this level.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1-2: Steal Spell DC
!Spell Level
!Pickpocket DC
=== Bonus Spells ===
In 3.6e, spellcasters who have a limited number of spells per day are granted additional spell slots based on their casting stat modifier according to the table below. In order to receive the bonus spell slots, they must already be able to cast spells of that level.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Table 1-3: Bonus Spells
!Skill Bonus
!Level 0
!Level 1
!Level 2
!Level 3
!Level 4
!Level 5
!Level 6
!Level 7
!Level 8
!Level 9

Latest revision as of 22:58, 9 July 2023

Gutter Mages are rogues who really badly want to be a wizard but do so in the most rogue way possible, by stealing spell books learning how to master magic items, improvising spells, and stealing them when none of the prior strategies don't exactly pan out.

Role: Spell Utility DPS

Characteristics: Arcane roguelike, who steals spellbooks and masters using magic items

Source: Book of Roguish Luck

Game Rule Information

The Gutter Mage has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Dexterity is crucial for moving stealthily, Charisma helps gather information, bribe officials, and talk their way out of trouble, Intelligence for skill points and casting

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10

Class Skills

The Gutter Mage's class skills are Alchemy(Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Dex), Knowledge (any)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pickpocket (Dex), Profession (any)(Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Gutter Mage.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Gutter Mage is proficient with All simple and light martial weapons and all light armor

Spells: Beginning at first level, a gutter mage can cast a small number of arcane spells. To cast a spell a gutter mage must have an Intelligence of 10 + the spell's level, so a gutter mage with an Intelligence of 9 or lower cannot even cast cantrips. These spells are cast as if the gutter mage were a standard arcane caster, with a save DC of 10+ Caster Level.

Gutter mages do require spellbooks though these books rarely resemble those used by wizards. Instead, a gutter mage's spellbook is a collection of pages torn out of other books, scrawled notes, scroll pages that never seem to fade when read, and other bits of magical flotsam. If a gutter mage ever loses his spellbook, he can create another one from found objects and purchased scrolls and scraps. This task takes constant searching and focused effort for one week per class level and costs 500 gp per class level.

If a gutter mage steals a spellbook containing any spells of the highest level, he cast he need not create another one/ Instead he "adopts" the new spellbook as his own. In time he can add to it normally; he cannot use spells in the book that are not on the gutter mage spell list, except by scribing them onto scrolls.

A gutter mage can make a stolen spellbook his own through one week's study and a successful Spellcraft check (DC15+ the highest level of spell in the spellbook). If the check fails, the gutter mage must spend another week in study before trying again.

Scribe Scroll: A gutter mage can read arcane spell scrolls and gains scribe scroll as a bonus feat. This benefit includes the to read scrolls of arcane spells not on the gutter mage spell list.

Sneak Attack: If a gutter mage can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The gutter mage’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the gutter mage flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two gutter mage levels thereafter. Should the gutter mage score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a gutter mage can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. A gutter mage can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The gutter mage must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A gutter mage cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Wand Mastery Ex: Beginning at 2nd level a gutter mage knows how to handle magic wands. As a result he gains a +4 competence bonus on his Use Magic Device check when using any wand that holds a spell not on the gutter mage spell list. When he uses a wand that holds a gutter mage spell no use magic device check is required.

Ward Sight Su: When a gutter mage reaches 4th level, he gains the supernatural ability to recognize warding spells, runes, and magic traps, icluding spells such as glyph of wardinf, sepia snake sigil, alarm and so forth. He may use this ability as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier. Ward sight acts as a rogues class' trap sense ability but requires a single successful Search check to see all the wards and magic traps on an object. A Disable Device check is needed to deactivate any magic traps found. When a gutter mage uses ward sight and finds active wards, he sees wards without further need for concentration until they are removed. As long as he can see such wards, a gutter mage can attempt to disarm them as if they were physical traps. For a gutter mage, a spell's default Disable Device DC is 15 + spell level.

Nondescript Ex: At 5th level or higher a gutter mage can pass without notice in a crowd or an area filled with other creatures and can effectively hide in a crowd as if hiding in the shadows. Indeed, a gutter mage is often entirely overlooked by guards and searchers when at least 10 other creatures are present. Using this ability in plain sight requires a successful Disguise check opposed by the watcher's Spot check.

Even if the Spot check succeeds, watchers see the gutter mage but don't regard him as worth noticing - they are not immediately suspicious. Normally, a failed Disguise check makes other suspicious of the disguised person's activities or appearance. With the nondescript ability, only particular offensive actions, such as combat, thievery, or spellcasting are likely to trigger suspicion in the watchers.

Improvise Spell Sp: At 8th level or higher, a gutter mage can attempt to cast a higher-level arcane spell that he doesn't really understand, albeit with a higher than usual risk of backfiring. He cannot improvise a spell of a level higher than the highest-level spell he can cast.

Improvising a spell is a form of spontaneous casting that uses up existing spell slots similar to a cleric's or druid's ability. An improvised spell normally takes up a spell slot equal to the level of spell being cast, but if the gutter mage has no slots available (if he has already expended all spell slots of the appropriate level for the day), he can expend two spell slots of the next lower level instead. The spells in those slots are lost. If those slots are already expended as well, the character cannot use this ability.

The chance of success when attempting to cast an improvised spell varies according to the situation. If the gutter mage has seen the spell performed and studied the formula in a spellbook or on a scroll, casting a spell requires a spellcraft check (DC 20+ the spells level. If he has only seen the spell written in a book or scroll, the DC is 25 + spell level. If he has seen the spell in action but never in a spell book the DC is 30 + Spell level. If he is trying to improvise a spell he has never it either written or in action the DC is 35+ the Spell's level. If he is trying to improvise a spell he has previously stolren the DC is 27 + the spell level.

If the attempt fails the slot are lost as normal and no spell effect results.

An improvovisation attempt backfires when the skill check is a natural 1, or when the result is at least 10 lower than the target difficulty class. In the case of a backfire, the results should follow the scroll mishap rules under "Scrolls" in Chapter 7: Magic Items of the DMG. Typically, a damaging spell or a charm effect hits the caster instead of the intended target, while an illusion or motion spell likely spins out of control. Helpful spells intended for a friendly character are either reversed or target an enemy instead.

Improvised spells can be improved with metamagic feats as long as the gutter mage can increase their spell level as normal.

Staff Mastery Ex: At 10th level or higher, a gutter mage can use any arcane staff with an additional +4 competence bonus on Use Magic Device check.

Steal Spell Su: At 10th level or higher, a gutter mage can literally steal a spell from an adjacent arcane caster's mind a number of times per day equal to 6 + the gutter mage's Intelligence modifier. The gutter mage does not know ahead of time which particular spell he will succeed in stealing, but he must specify what level of spell level he wants to target. Outside combat, stealing a spell requires a successful Pickpocket check against a Difficulty Class that varies according to the level of spell being targeted. In combat, an attempt to steal a spell is made as part of a successful melee attack, including a sneak attack.

If the initial attempt succeeds the target is entitled to a Will saving throw (DC 15+ Caster level) to resist the theft. Should the save succeed, the attempt to steal the spell fails and the target becomes alerted to the attempt.

If the attack roll or skill check succeeds and the Will save fails, choose the stolen spell randomly from among those at the spell level the gutter mage targeted. Either a prepared spell or an available spell slot can be stolen, depending on whether the target uses prepared or spontaneous casting. If the target has no prepared spells or available spell slots remaining at that level, randomly choose a spell of the next lower level. The spell is removed from the targets inventory and added to the gutter mage's list of castable of spells for the day. No material components are required to cast a stolen spell.

The spell remains in the gutter mage's inventory of available spells for 2d12 hours; after that it fades away and it is lost. If a stolen spell is of a higher level than the gutter mage can normally cast, use a caster level check to determine whether the casting succeeds, as is usual for scrolls. Having a stolen a spell does not enable the gutter mage to use it on future occasions. The spell cannot be written in a scroll or spellbook.

Stealing a spell is disorienting to both the target and the gutter mage; the target may attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Stolen Spell Level) to avoid being dazed for a single round by the pain of having arcane energy ripped from his mind. The gutter mage is not dazed, but needs time to restore his arcane equilibrium; he cannot attempt to steal another spell for 1d10 rounds.

Arcane spells cannot be stolen from traps, scrolls, constructs, or inanimate sources. Stealing spells from undead targets increases the Difficulty Class by 4, as the undead's negative energy makes the process much more difficult.

Reflect Spell Su: Once he reaches 14th level, a gutter mage can counter and reflect a spell back against its caster three times per day. Doing so requires the gutter mage to ready an action, then make a successful saving throw against the spell (or a Spellcraft Check against DC 25+ Spell level if the spell does not normally allow a saving throw). The reflected spell targets its caster as the center point of its effect and otherwise performs normally using the original caster's level and original saving throw DC.

A spell can be reflected only if it targets the gutter mage, and this ability cannot be used against touch spells.

Capture Spell Su: At 16th level or higher, a gutter mage can capture a spell that targets him or the area around him three times per day. To do so he must ready an action and make a successful saving throw against a spell (or a Spellcraft check against DC 30 + Spell level, if the spell level does not normally allow a saving throw).

Should he capture the spell successfully the gutter mage stores it within an item of his own choosing (typically a wand or weapon) until he decides to release it or until the spell fades away within 2d12 hours if it is of a level that the gutter mage could cast normally, or within 1d4 hours if it is of a higher level than a gutter mage could normally use.

Spell Resistance Ex: At 19th level, a gutter mage gains spell resistance equal to 10+ his class level. As with other creatures that have spell resistance, he can choose to drop his resistance to allow the application of healing magic or other harmless spells.

Alter Spell Su: Upon reaching 20th level a gutter mage gains the ability to interfere with another arcane caster, altering the opponent's spell as it is cast. The other arcane caster must be within line of sight and the gutter mage must ready an action prior to the enemy's casting of a spell in order to alter it.

To succeed at the attempt the gutter mage must make a melee touch attack or ranged touch attack against the target caster, using his intelligence modifier as a bonus on the roll instead of his Dexterity or Strength modifier. If the attack hits the victim may attempt a Will save to negate the effect (DC 10 + Caster Level). Even on a successful save, however, the target must make a Concentration check (DC 30) to complete the spell.

If the attack hits and the victim's save fails, the gutter mage determines where the spell is targeted, how long as it lasts and any other variable conditions associated with the spell, up to the limit of the original caster's level or the gutter mage's caster level, whichever is lower.

Table 1-1: Gutter Mage Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







Special Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Scribe Scroll 1 0*
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Wand Mastery 2 0*
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Sneak Attack +1d6 2 1
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Ward sight 2 2
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Nondescript 3 2
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Sneak Attack +2d6 3 3 0*
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 4 3 0*
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Improvise Spell 4 4 1
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Sneak attack +3d6 5 4 1
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Staff Mastery, Steal Spell 5 5 2 0*
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 6 5 2 0*
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Sneak attack +4d6 6 5 3 1
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 6 6 3 1
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Reflect Spell 7 7 4 2 0*
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Sneak attack +5d6 7 7 4 2 0*
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Capture Spell 7 7 5 3 1
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 7 7 5 3 2
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 Sneak Attack +6d6 7 7 6 4 3
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Spell resistance 7 7 6 4 4
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Alter Spell 7 7 6 5 5
*Intelligence bonus spells only. If no bonus, no spells are gained at this level.
Table 1-2: Steal Spell DC
Spell Level Pickpocket DC
0 15
1-2 20
3-4 25
5-6 30
7-8 35
9 40

Bonus Spells

In 3.6e, spellcasters who have a limited number of spells per day are granted additional spell slots based on their casting stat modifier according to the table below. In order to receive the bonus spell slots, they must already be able to cast spells of that level.

Table 1-3: Bonus Spells
Skill Bonus Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
5 5 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 6 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
7 7 7 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
10 10 10 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
11 11 11 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1