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===== Reverse Strike =====
This ability allows the eldritch warrior to make a second attack immediately after the first attack. This attack must be made agains the target of the first attack ( as it represents a quick attempt to injure the original target as the eldritch warrior draws back to a defensive posture) and is made at one half the eldritch warrior's Base Attack Bonus. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every three rounds while active.
===== Heightened Defense =====
If the eldritch warrior makes no attacks and casts no spells this round, he receives a deflection bonus to his AC equal to double his base attack bonus. This bonus applies to all attacks including touch attacks. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every five rounds while active.
===== '''Grappling Avoidance''' =====
The eldritch warrior gains an enhancement bonus to his armor class equal to his intelligence modifier. Any creature that does make a grappling attempt and fails to hit also suffers one hp of damage as the eldritch warrior uses his weapon to fend off the attack. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every four rounds while active.
===== Parry Defense =====
While wielding the spellblade the eldritch warrior gains 1 point of Damage Reduction against all melee attacks made by attacks while he is not flat-footed. This Damage Reduction does not apply in anyway to spells or spell like abilities. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every three rounds while active.
===== Ray Deflection =====
The eldritch warrior uses this ability to deflect any touch attack spells with his spellblade. To successfully deflect such a spell the eldritch warrior is allowed a Reflex save against the spell (even if the spell normally requires another type of save.) If this save is successful, the spell targets one random creature within five feet of the eldritch warrior. If the eldritch warrior fails his reflex save, he does not receive another save (even if the spell would allow for a different type of save) and the spell affects him as normal. If there are no targets within five feet of the eldritch warrior when he successfully deflects a touch attack spell, it dissipates harmlessly. This ability requires a standard action to activate and expends one spell level each round (including the round in which it is activated) while active.
===== Weaving Dodge =====
By adjusting his position slightly, the eldritch warrior is able to use his opponents as cover against attacks. For every attacker engaging the eldritch warrior in melee after the first, the warrior gains a +2 cover bonus to his AC though this bonus may never exceed +6. This ability requires a standard action to activate and expends one spell level each round (including the round in which it is activated) while active.
===== Second Strike =====
You may make an additional attack (at a +0 base attack bonus) against any one target you've already attacked this round.  This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every round while active.
===== Fluid Casting =====
Casting spells no longer causes an attack of opportunity for you. By weaving your spellblade in the spellcasting procedure, you are able to maintain your defenses even while preparing a spell. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every round while active.
===== Defeat Shield =====
Shields only provide one-half their normal cover bonus to AC against your attacks. When this enhancement is gained, the spellblade becomes flexible and is able to actually bend slightly around the edges of shields to strike at covered opponents. his ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level per attack while active.

Revision as of 15:19, 4 September 2023


Skills: Balance (6 ranks), Spellcraft (13 ranks), Concentration (10 ranks), Craft (weaponsmithing) (8 ranks)

Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor

Spells: Must be able to cast 5th level arcane spells

Money: Must have 45,000 gp to pay for spellblade construction costs

Special: Must successfully join a battle guild and craft a spellblade


These mages inverted the standard battle magic principle of delivering death from afar. In the process they created a new tradition of spellcaster combining the deadly power of magic with the surprise and precision of close combat. When you need a legion of enemy legion of enemy soldiers eliminated, you call on the services of a battle mage, but when you require specific targets removed from the battlefield with precision, an eldritch warrior is the man for the job.

Eldritch Warriors are often called to deal with the threat a battle mage poses to an army. No general wants to see his troops chewed up by a braided fireball or obliterated by linked lightning bolts. While the standard battle mage has a definite advantage in raw killing power, the eldritch warrior is the ultimate in carefully targeted destruction.

Role: Spell DPS

Characteristics: Spellblade wielding casters that use it to deliver their spells, and can sacrifice spell slots for combat abilities

Source: Encyclopedia Arcane: Battle Magic

Game Rule Information

The Eldritch Warrior has the following game statistics.

Abilities: This is gonna be a weird mage build, as you need Strength to deal damage in combat and actually hit people, Dexterity to get benefit out of combat reflexes, Constitution because you only have a d4 hit die and if you're on the battlefield up close you'll need it, and on top of all that you need your casting stat.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Eldritch Warrior's class skills are Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Eldritch Warrior.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Eldritch Warrior is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with prior to taking levels in this class in addition to one exotic or martial weapon proficiency of their choice..

Spells Per Day: When a new level in the eldritch warrior prestige class is gained, the number of spells the character has available each day must be recalculated. To determine how many spells an eldritch warrior may cast in a day add the number of his eldritch warrior levels to his highest level achieved in a previous arcane casting class to determine the eldritch warrior's effective spellcasting level.

The eldritch warrior has a number of spells available each day as a wizard of the same level, see Wizard. The eldritch warrior gains bonus spells each day based on the ability score used to determine bonus spells for his highest level previous arcane spellcasting class. An eldritch warrior works equally well through intense study or powerful personality.

Some eldritch warriors choose to attempt to retain a few of the spells they once knew as an arcane caster, rather than giving themselves over completely to battle magic. This can be done, at least to a limited extent, although most battle guilds consider any eldritch warrior or eldritch warrior who does so to be essentially weak and impure - such a one will almost never be selected for the role of proctor or lictor. Those who do choose to keep some of their old spells retain one spell from each spell level that they were able to cast when they attained their highest level in their previous arcane casting class. This one spell per level must be selected as soon as the character has been accepted into a battle guild. Due to the extreme differences between battle magic and other arcane magic, any time the character casts such a non-battle-magic spell, he must use two slots of an appropriate level to do so, and may not apply any metamagic feats to the casting.

Once a level of the eldritch warrior prestige class is taken, the character can only casts arcane spells as a eldritch warrior regardless of any level of the arcane spellcasting classes the character may possess. This is the case even for any spells the eldritch warrior might be able to retain from an arcane spellcasting class gained previously.

Like sorcerers, eldritch warriors do not prepare their spells each day. However, all spells cast by an eldritch warrior are delivered through successful melee attack with the eldritch warrior’s spellblade.

Once a level of the eldritch warrior prestige class is taken, a character can only cast arcane spells as an eldritch warrior, regardless of any levels of other arcane spellcasting classes the character may possess.

Battle Magic: Eldritch warriors gain access to the training necessary to perform battle magic and learn every spell in The Book of War. While other spellcasters might be able to master one or two battle magic spells, only an eldritch warrior gains the skill necessary to master all the spells in The Book of War. Note that once an eldritch warrior completes his 1st level of training, most non-battle spells are lost to him forever.

Casting Restrictions: Unlike a battle mage, whose magic is cast through the mortis harness, all of an eldritch warrior's spells are cast through his spellblade. For battle magic spells this means they they must be activated by attacking an enemy in melee, using the spellblade. For the spells the eldritch warrior has managed to retain from his former life as a sorcerer or wizard, the spellblade is necessary as a focus in addition to any material components required for the spell.

An eldritch warrior cannot cast battle magic spells at range he must deliver them all through a melee attack. This limitation has the beneficial side effect of protecting the eldritch warrior from suffering any ill effects from the spells that he casts. Thus, while a fireball cast by an eldritch warrior will detonate where the spellblade impacts its target, he will not suffer damage himself from the spell. Any allies of the eldritch warrior within the spell's area of effect will be affected normally, even if they are also eldritch warriors - this is the main reason eldritch warriors tend to work alone. All other aspects of the spell remain the same, it is only the range that is altered by the eldritch warrior's casting.

To deliver a spell in this fashion the eldritch warrior must first cast it (provoking attacks of opportunity as usual). This stores the spell in the warrior's spellblade and prepares it for delivery. The eldritch warrior then must successfully damage a target with a melee attack in order to release the energy of a spell. When the spell is released from the spellblade its area of effect if any is centered on the target upon whom it was released. If the eldritch warrior misses after storing the spell in the spellblade, he may continue to release the spell until he successfully strikes a target. At any time, the eldritch warrior may freely abandon a spell from his weapon to store a new spell. No more than one spell may reside within the spellblade at any one time. If an eldritch warrior casts a spell while one is already stored in his weapon the stored spell is simply replaced by the spell being cast. Note that there is no limit to the amount of time that a spell may be stored in a spellblade. Until the eldritch warrior releases the spell from his weapon, stores a new spell in the blade, or successfully hits a target with the weapon, the spell will remain within ready to be used. however only an eldritch warrior may release it.

Runeweave Robe Ex: The eldritch warrior gains and is able to control the power of a Runeweave Robe.

Eldritch warriors are well aware of their inherent frailty. As close-combat specialists they need an edge to help them stand up to the rigors of their profession. The runeweave robe is their solution, a lightweight covering that does not deflect attacks as a suit of armor would, but instead absorbs the damage of those attacks to protect the warrior from injury. Unfortunately, the runeweave robe is only able to absorb a finite amount of damage each day, directly tied to the spellcasting ability of the eldritch warrior. Combined with the spellblade the runeweave robe consumes most of an eldritch warrior's available spell slots for a day, forcing them to rely on melee attacks more often than not.

Any time the wearer of a runeweave robe is damaged by a melee or ranged attack he may choose to have the robe absorb the resulting damage. This requires one spell level for every 5 points or fraction thereof the attack causes. The robe does not protect the eldritch warrior from damage caused by magical attacks or damage from other sources, such as falling, poison, or exposure to hostile elements.

Spellblade Bond Ex: The eldritch warrior has built and bonded with a spellblade. The weapon of choice for all eldritch warriors the spellblade can be forged in the form of any bladed weapon. A spellblade can be wielded by anyone proficient with the weapon it is based on but only an eldritch warrior can use its special abilities. Once an eldritch warrior has bonded a spellblade it imposes a -1 penalty to attack rolls made with it by any other wielder. This penalty increases by one everytime the eldritch warrior enhances the weapon. The blade knows its owner and resists any attempts by another to use it.

Spellblades are forged as part of every eldritch warrior's initiation. The spellblade is part of the eldritch warrior, more an extension of his arcane essence than a simple weapon. Because of this bond between the weapon and its eldritch warrior, the spellblade grows in power as its master gains levels. From increased accuracy to improved damage, the spellblade becomes a powerful extension of the eldritch warrior's capabilities. Fueled by magic the spellblade can also be used to deliver spells as a touch attack inflicting additional damage on top of the injuries caused by the blade itself.

To increase the power of a spellblade the eldritch warrior must return to his battle guild and bring with him magical items which are used to increase the power of the spellblade. The type of item is unimportant and more than one item can be used for a single increase. To determine the value of the item needing to be sacrificed consult table 1-3: Spellblade enhancements. Table 1-3, illustrated the enhancements for the spellblade available at each level of eldritch warrior. If the eldritch warrior does not have the required value in magical items to sacrifice to enhance his blade at the time he gains a level, he may postpone adding enhancements until such time as he acquires the necessary supply of magical items. There are several enhancements available at each level and the eldritch warrior may take as many of them as he can afford magical items to fuel them, but a particular enhancement can only be taken once each level and the eldritch warrior may only purchase new enhancements available his current level.

Spellblade Enhancement: The eldritch warrior is entitled to one additional enhancement to his spellblade, above and beyond those normally available each level. This enhancement can come from either the current level of the spellblade or any enhancements that were made available at earlier levels but were not taken. This is a free enhancement that represents the strengthening of the bond between the eldritch warrior and his weapon, it does not require the sacrifice of any magical items..

Braided Spells: Where a linked spell series allows the eldritch warrior to unleash a series of spells in rapid succession, the braided spell enables him to prepare a number of spells and then unleash them all at once. While devastating, this technique is also dangerous because it rapidly depletes the eldritch warrior's spell reserves. Still, there are times when the ability to thoroughly demolish the opposition in as a short a time as possible is worth the risk. When braiding spells together the caster may only include spells that come from the same school. Trying to braid together disparate schools requires the Eldritch Knot feat, possessed by a few eldritch warriors.

To create the braided spell the eldritch warrior selects the spells that will go into the braid. Braids are not so much cast as created, and the creation of a braid takes a total of time equal to the total casting time of all spells to be braided together. It also expends as many spell level slots as would be required to cast all the spells separately. Once the braid is created, the caster may retain it, ready to be unleashed for as long as he is able to concentrate. For purposes of concentration checks, the spell counts as a spell of the highest level in the braid, plus one per additional spell braided in. Because the spell is ready to launch at this point, any failure in concentration will launch it, not cause it to fail; if the caster fails a concentration check at any time, the spell launches immediately. In this case, the caster may immediately choose a target. A roll of 1 on a concentration check means that the spells targets the caster, with consequences as professionally embarrassing as they are deadly. For this reason, eldritch warriors are taught to create the braid shortly before they plan to use it. So long as the caster does not fail any concentration checks, he may retain the spell, ready to cast, for as long as he continues to concentrate, then aim it and loose it as a standard action.

When spells are braided together, they are no longer considered to be separate and distinct spells - they become a single braided spell. Thus, if a braided spell is successfully countered, all of the spells that went into it are countered. On the other hand defending against a braided spell can be extraordinarily difficult due to their composition and sheer power. Counterspelling a braided spell works just like any other counterspell, with the following exceptions; The required Spellcraft check to determine what spells are in the braid has a DC equal to 20 + the level of the highest spell in the braid +1 for each spell in the braid after the first. The alternations made to the spells as they are braided together makes it much more difficult to determine which spells are being cast and the number of spells being tied together only makes the task more difficult.

A braided spells can be countered by any of the spells it contains. If a braid contains fireball, lava wyrm and magic missile spells, it may also be countered by any of those spells. Likewise, a spell with an effect diametrically opposed to the effect of any spell in the braid can be used as a counter to the entire braid (such as haste being used to counter a braid containing a slow spell)

If dispel magic is used to counter a braided spell, the dispel DC is equal to 20 + the level of the highest-level spell in the braid + 1 for each spell in the braid after the first. The complex structure of a braided spell makes it much more difficult for a generic dispel magic spell to successfully counter its effects. When naming the target for a braided spell, the caster must take into account the different types of targets required for each spell in the braid. If one spell requires an individual creature as its target, then the braid as whole must target that creature. If there is more than one spell in a braid that requires an individual target, they must all have the same target.

When a braid contains spells with both targets and areas of effect, all of the areas (Spreads, bursts, areas, cones, etc.) must be centered on the designated target. So, for example, if a braid contains both magic missile and a fireball, the center of the fireball's blast radius will be the target of the magic missile. Spells that affect a certain number or level of creatures or objects do not have to be capable of affecting the designated target of the spell. Any braid that contains a spell that requires a ranged touch attack also requires the ranged touch attack to succeed. However, if more than one ranged touch attack to succeed. However, if more than one ranged touch spell is included in the braid, the braid is still resolved with a single ranged touch attack. This gamble makes it unusual to see touch spells included in a braid as most eldritch warriors are reluctant to tie a whole slew of spells to a single attack. On the other hand, a braid containing only ray spells could be used quite effectively as a tool to deliver a large number of spells with a single attack roll if the eldritch warrior can tilt the odds far enough in his favor.

Saving throws permitted by individual spells within a braid are made by subjects separately so a braided spell may cause a target to make several saving throws if needed.

Linked Spells: This ability is one of the hallmarks of the eldritch warrior class allowing them to unleash a rapid-fire stream of spells. Eldritch warriors with this ability are able to intertwine the casting of their spells in such a way that the verbal and somatic components of one spell become part of the same components of the second and subsequent spells. So as long as the eldritch warrior has spell levels available, he can continue unleashing spells at an accelerated rate.

When he begins casting a series of linked spells, the eldritch warrior must declare which spells will be used in its construction. For every two spells in the chain, the eldritch warrior may unleash a third spell in the chain as a free action. Thus, if the eldritch warrior places six spells into a linked spell, it will require only four actions to release all six of the linked spells.

A series of linked spells requires precision in its execution and must start with a 1st level spell. The second spell can be of 2nd or 1st level, at the caster's discretion. Every spell after the second, however, can be of no level higher than the sum of the levels of all spells that precede it in the chain. While a linked spell series must start small, it can quickly build in power to encompass high-level spells.

All spells used in the creation of a linked series must have a casting time of a single action or less. Spells with longer casting times are simply too involved to work into a series but, see Braided Casting, above for a way to incorporate these spells into a combined casting.

Rank: At 5th level the eldritch warrior is recognized as a proven and powerful expert in the art of battle magic. Rank has its priveleges in all orginizations, and battle guilds are no exception. An eldritch warrior of 5th or highest level, now known in the most guilds as a Battle Adept, is entitled to use one of the guild's labs for his own private projects for up to two months per year, so long as he keeps the guild informed of any useful discoveries he may make. He recieves a one off payment of 1000 gp, for his services so far to the guild. In addition, he is eligible to apply for the post of Proctor. At 9th level, the character is recognized as a Battle Magister and is in fact a senior partner of the battle guild. As well as receiving payment for work done for the guild, he recieves a share of the guild's profits (usually amounting to around 1000 to 6000 gp per year in addition to wages for work done). By this time he will also have sufficient influence that he can avoid certain kinds of service if so desired (although no battle guild will permit a member of any rank to completely avoid field work) If he has a pet idea he wants to research, he can almost certainly have a lab and a number of assistants assigned to her indefinitely, so long as the idea is potentially useful to the guild (however vaguely). Although he is still under the absolute authority of the Preceptor he even has a certain amount of influence with him and will likely being consulted before any major decisions are taken (although this is very much dependent on the character of the individual Perceptor). He is also eligible to apply for the post of Lictor, if a position is available. Of course the benefits of rank only apply if the character is a battle guild member in good standing. Renegades receive nothing.

Arcane Precision Ex: This ability enables the eldritch warrior to apply his Intelligence modifier to melee attack rolls. To activate this ability the eldritch warrior must sacrifice one of the spell slots he has available for the day. Once activated, the benefits of the ability last per one round of the sacrificed spell slot, beginning the round after the ability is activated. Activating this ability is a move equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Arcane Force Su: Activating this ability allows the eldritch warrior to exert tremendous force with his spellblade. Activating this ability requires the sacrifice of a spell slot and is a move equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Once activated the ability persists for one round per level of the spell slot sacrificed. On the round following the activation of the ability, the eldritch warrior gains a bonus to all damage equal to the level of the spell slot sacrificed. On subsequent rounds the damage bonus decreases by one, until it reaches zero and the ability expires. So if a 9th level spell slot was sacrificed to activate the ability, on the following round the eldritch warrior would have a +9 bonus to damage on the second round he would have a +8 bonus, then a +7 on the third round, +6 on the fourth, and so on until the bonus is completely depleted. Note that this bonus applies to all melee attacks made while the effect lasts but does not apply to any ranged or ranged touch attacks the eldritch warrior makes.

Responsive Defense Ex: When activated this ability allows the eldritch warrior to deflect melee attacks that target him. Activating the ability requires a move equivalent action (which does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and the sacrifice of one available spell slot. The ability persists for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell slot sacrificed. For the duration of the Responsive Defense ability the eldritch warrior may attempt to deflect any melee attack made against him. To successfully deflect an attack, the eldritch warrior must make a Reflex saving throw (DC equal to the attack roll made by the opponent); if the saving throw succeeds, the attack is parried and causes no damage.

Eldritch Flurry Ex: Activating this ability requires the expenditure of one available spell slot (a move-equivalent action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity); the ability will last a number of rounds equal to the level of the sacrificed spell. While the eldritch flurry ability is active the character is able to make a whirlwind of melee attacks as a full attack action. On the round after this ability is activated, the eldritch warrior makes a melee attack and if he causes damage to the target, the eldritch warrior may immediately make another attack against a different target. If this second attack damages the target, then the eldritch warrior may make another attack against yet another target. The eldritch warrior may continue making attacks in this manner until one of his attacks fails to cause damage or he runs out of different targets to attack. Note the eldritch flurry may not be used to attack the same target more than once in a given round and the attack series only continues as long as there are different targets to attack. Each attack in an Eldritch Flurry is made at the eldritch warrior's full attack bonus, including any attack bonuses from Arcane Precision and any spells.

Familiars: The eldritch warrior retains any familiars he had but the familiar will gain no further abilities.

Table 1-1: Eldritch Warrior Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Battle magic, casting restrictions, runeweave robe, spellblade bond
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Spellblade enhancement
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Braided spells
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Linked spells
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Rank
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Arcane preicision
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Arcane force
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Responsive defense
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Rank
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Eldritch Flurry

Ex-Eldritch Warriors

After taking a level of the eldritch warrior prestige class the character has set their path for the future. The character may never gain another level in any arcane spellcasting class

Bonus Spells

In 3.6e, spellcasters who have a limited number of spells per day are granted additional spell slots based on their casting stat modifier according to the table below. In order to receive the bonus spell slots, they must already be able to cast spells of that level.

Table 1-2: Bonus Spells
Skill Bonus Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
5 5 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 6 6 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
7 7 7 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
10 10 10 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
11 11 11 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1

Spellblade Enhancements

Table 1-3: Spellblade Enhancements
Level Effect Item Value
1 +1 competence bonus to attack rolls 5000
1 +1 bonus to damage rolls 5000
1 +1 deflection bonus to AC 5000
1 Drawing spellblade is a free action 5000
2 +1 competence bonus to attack rolls (Stacks with level 1 bonus) 5500
2 +1 bonus to damage rolls (Stacks with level 1 bonus) 5500
2 +1 deflection bonus to AC (Stacks with level 1 bonus) 5500
2 +1 to the spellblade's critical threat range 5500
3 Reverse Strike 6000
3 Spellblade can cause subdual damage at wielder's discretion 6000
3 +1 to the spellblade's critical threat range (Stacks with level 2 bonus) 6000
3 +1 bonus to initiative when spellblade is wielded 6000
4 +1 deflection bonus to AC (stacks with level 1 and 2 abilities) 7000
4 +1d4 damage on any successful attack 7000
4 +1 competence bonus to attack rolls (stacks with level 1 and 2 abilities) 7000
4 Heightened Defense 7000
5 Grappling Avoidance 8000
5 Parry Defense 8000
5 Ray Deflection 8000
5 Weaving Target 8000
6 +1 competence bonus to attack rolls (stacks with 1st, 2nd, and 4th level abilities) 9000
6 +1 deflection bonus to AC (stacks with 1st, 2nd, and 4th level abilities) 9000
6 +1 to spellblade's critical threat range (stacks with 2nd and 3rd level abilities) 9000
6 +1d4 damage on any successful attack (stacks with level 4 ability) 9000
7 Second Strike 10000
7 Fluid Casting 10000
7 Defeat Shield 10000
7 Fate Strike 10000
8 Dazzling Assault 12000
8 Concussive Attack 12000
8 +1 competence bonus to attack rolls (stacks with 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th level abilities) 12000
8 +1 deflection bonus to AC (stacks with 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th level abilities) 12000
9 +1 to spellblade's critical threat range (stacks with 2nd, 3rd, and 6th level abilities) 14000
9 +1d4 damage on any successful attack (stacks with 4th and 6th level abilities) 14000
9 Crippling Attack 14000
9 Blood Siphon 14000
10 Eldritch Venom 16000
10 Deathblow 16000
10 Grave Retribution 16000
10 Impenetrable Defense 16000
Reverse Strike

This ability allows the eldritch warrior to make a second attack immediately after the first attack. This attack must be made agains the target of the first attack ( as it represents a quick attempt to injure the original target as the eldritch warrior draws back to a defensive posture) and is made at one half the eldritch warrior's Base Attack Bonus. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every three rounds while active.

Heightened Defense

If the eldritch warrior makes no attacks and casts no spells this round, he receives a deflection bonus to his AC equal to double his base attack bonus. This bonus applies to all attacks including touch attacks. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every five rounds while active.

Grappling Avoidance

The eldritch warrior gains an enhancement bonus to his armor class equal to his intelligence modifier. Any creature that does make a grappling attempt and fails to hit also suffers one hp of damage as the eldritch warrior uses his weapon to fend off the attack. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every four rounds while active.

Parry Defense

While wielding the spellblade the eldritch warrior gains 1 point of Damage Reduction against all melee attacks made by attacks while he is not flat-footed. This Damage Reduction does not apply in anyway to spells or spell like abilities. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every three rounds while active.

Ray Deflection

The eldritch warrior uses this ability to deflect any touch attack spells with his spellblade. To successfully deflect such a spell the eldritch warrior is allowed a Reflex save against the spell (even if the spell normally requires another type of save.) If this save is successful, the spell targets one random creature within five feet of the eldritch warrior. If the eldritch warrior fails his reflex save, he does not receive another save (even if the spell would allow for a different type of save) and the spell affects him as normal. If there are no targets within five feet of the eldritch warrior when he successfully deflects a touch attack spell, it dissipates harmlessly. This ability requires a standard action to activate and expends one spell level each round (including the round in which it is activated) while active.

Weaving Dodge

By adjusting his position slightly, the eldritch warrior is able to use his opponents as cover against attacks. For every attacker engaging the eldritch warrior in melee after the first, the warrior gains a +2 cover bonus to his AC though this bonus may never exceed +6. This ability requires a standard action to activate and expends one spell level each round (including the round in which it is activated) while active.

Second Strike

You may make an additional attack (at a +0 base attack bonus) against any one target you've already attacked this round. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every round while active.

Fluid Casting

Casting spells no longer causes an attack of opportunity for you. By weaving your spellblade in the spellcasting procedure, you are able to maintain your defenses even while preparing a spell. This ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level every round while active.

Defeat Shield

Shields only provide one-half their normal cover bonus to AC against your attacks. When this enhancement is gained, the spellblade becomes flexible and is able to actually bend slightly around the edges of shields to strike at covered opponents. his ability may be activated as a free action and expends one spell level per attack while active.