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Alignment: Neutral.

Skills: Concentration 10 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Sense Motive 8 ranks.

Feats: Empower Spell-Like Ability

Special: Must have an innate spell-like divination ability


Steeped in ancient lore, or maddened by divine inspiration, the sybil is a reclusive prophet. Questers make the difficult journey to a sybil’s remote and hidden lair to ask for a glimpse of the future.

A sybil is exceptionally talented in divination, not through arcane study or devoted service to a deity, but through a mystical focus that borders on insanity. The traditional exemplar is the sphinx with its famous riddle, but any being with the innate talent for prognostication might follow this path. Some fey, celestials, and even devils become sybils; these last do so largely to torment and mislead mortals.

The sybil is by her very nature solitary. Such beings rarely if ever leave their lairs, although a mysterious purpose may send one in search of lost knowledge. In these rare instances, sybils might form temporary alliances to meet the immediate objective.

Role: Utility

Characteristics: Prophets or madmen with prophecies and riddles to guide the future.

Source: Savage Species

Game Rule Information

The Sybil has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Wisdom for all your prophecies and riddles, Constitution for remaining conscious

Alignment: Neutral

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Sybil's class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (any) (Wis), Scry (exclusive skill, Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Sybil.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Sybil is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with prior to taking levels in this class.

Divine Insight Su: A sybil is able to touch the essence of reality, albeit in a mind-bending way. She gains an“insight score” equal to her level in this prestige class that has three effects.

1. Add the insight score to Wisdom when determining bonus spells or save DCs when casting divine spells or using divine spell-like abilities.

2. Subtract this score from her Wisdom score when making any other checks or saving throws involving Wisdom alone.

3. Once per day, the sybil can add her insight score to Wisdom when making a check or save. She must choose to use this power before making the roll.

Reclusive Insight Su: At 2nd level, a sybil learns to focus inwardly and discern hidden truths. By spending 24 hours in complete solitude, she gains two additional effects of her insight score for the next 24 hours.

1. This score is added to her Intelligence score when making any checks that depend on Intelligence, such as Scry or bardic knowledge.

2. This score is subtracted from Intelligence to determine bonus spells or save DCs when casting arcane spells or using arcane spell-like abilities.

Riddle Sp: Beginning at 3rd level, a sybil gains the gift of prophecy and can see more clearly as she increases in experience. However, the truths she sees are couched in mystery. These revelations are always accurate and carry no cost inexperience points or material components, but demand a price be paid—answer the sybil’s riddle. A correct answer earns the questioner the benefit of the specified divination spell, with no chance of failure. An incorrect answer, however, carries a penalty, which is more severe the more difficult the riddle becomes.

Conundrum: At 3rd level, a sybil begins to express her gift of prophecy. The riddle is a simple one. A correct answer earns the benefit of an augury spell, with no chance of failure. An incorrect answer causes the questioner to take 1 point of temporary damage to an ability score of the sybil’s choice. The sybil can use this ability once per day per class level.

Mystery: At 5th level, a sybil’s prophecy becomes more precise. The riddle is moderately challenging. A correct answer earns the benefit of a divination spell, with no chance of failure. An incorrect answer causes the questioner to take 2 points of temporary damage to an ability score of the sybil’s choice. The sybil can use this ability once per day per class level.

Koan: At 7th level, a sybil’s prophecy is uncanny. The riddle is challenging. A correct answer earns the benefit of a commune spell as cast by a cleric of the sybil’s character level (the sybil contacts a powerful extraplanar being of like philosophical bent). An incorrect answer causes the questioner to take 2 points of temporary damage to each ability score. The sybil can use this ability once per day per two class levels (round down).

Enigma: At 8th level, a sybil can supplement prophecy with preternatural knowledge. The riddle is difficult. A correct answer earns the benefit of a legend lore spell, but it requires only 1d4×10 rounds to gain an answer about a person or item at hand. Detailed information about a person, place, or thing requires 1d4×10 minutes to retrieve, while rumors require 1d10 days to garner details. An incorrect answer causes the questioner to take 2 points of temporary damage to each ability score, to a maximum of –8. Ability scores are not reduced below 1. The sybil can use this ability no more than three times per week.

Apocrypha: At 10th level, a sybil’s preternatural clarity is near infallible. The riddle is nearly impossible. A correct answer earns the benefit of a discern location spell, but the sybil need not have come into contact with the person or thing sought. An incorrect answer bestows 2d6 negative levels on the questioner. The sybil can use this ability once per week.

Lesser Geas Sp: At 4th level, a sybil can use lesser geas once per day as a divine spell cast by a cleric of her class level (include any cleric levels).

Mysterious Lore Ex: At 4th level, a sybil gains access to a special lore check much like that of bards and loremasters, but she is restricted in how it can use this ability. She adds her insight score (see Divine Insight, above) to the die roll, which stacks with any levels in bard or loremaster, but on a failure she loses the benefit of her reclusive insight ability until she can spend another 24 hours in solitude.

Geas/Quest Sp: At 6th level, a sybil can use geas/quest once per day as a divine spell cast by a cleric of her class level (include any cleric levels).

Limited Wish Sp: At 9th level, a sybil can use Limited Wish once per year as a divine spell cast by a cleric of its class level (include any cleric levels).

Table 1-1: Sybil Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Divine insight
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Reclusive insight
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Riddle: Conundrum
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Lesser geas, mysterious lore
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Riddle: Mystery
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Geas/quest
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Riddle: Koan
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Riddle: Enigma
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Limited wish
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Riddle: Apocrypha