Knight of the Pale

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Alignment: Any Nonchaotic and Nonevil

Base Attack Bonus: +7

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks


While there are many great heroes of good in the world today, many lived in earlier times as well. Some people called these holy champions saints. Many characters alive today draw upon the goodness and purity of these historical figures to fight the forces of evil. The Knight of the Pale specializes in revering and honoring the saints of the past.

The Knights of the Pale are an order dedicated to ridding the world of evil magic and the creatures created or summoned by that magic. In particular, they despise demons. They are also fairly adept at fighting undead and ally with lawful good churches, though they are not a part of any formal church hierarchy.

Most Knights of the Pale are fighters, paladins, rangers, or clerics, although barbarians, druids, and even rogues occasionally join their ranks. Sorcerer, wizard, and monk knights are rare.

Knights of the Pale work in groups, fighting alongside their brethren or likeminded individuals

Role: DPS

Characteristics: Holy knights that gains multiple suites of divine power

Source: Book of Hallowed Might

Game Rule Information

The Knight of the Pale has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Most of your abilities get augmented throughout leveling in this class, you probably want to augment physical stats as a frontline fighter would want to be.

Alignment: Any Nonchaotic and Nonevil

Hit Die: d10

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Knight of the Pale's class skills are Craft (any) (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Knight of the Pale.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Knight of the Pale is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields except tower shields

Ability Suites Ex: A Knight of the Pale gains a group of special abilities called a suite; specifically, at 1st level, he gains the first suite. Higher-level knights gain multiple suites. Each day at sunrise, a Knight of the Pale with more than one suite chooses which group of powers to activate for that day. DMs should feel free to rename the suites for saints or gods appropriate to their campaigns. Suite descriptions appear below.

Suite of St. Chausle (Guardian of the Temple)

• Bless weapon (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• +2 enhancement bonus to Strength

• +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution

• +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all outsiders

Suite of St. Gustav (Protector of the Just)

• Cure moderate wounds (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity

• +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class

• +2 resistance bonus on all saves

• +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all undead

Suite of St. Daris (Swift Avenger)

• Haste (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all undead

• +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all evil-aligned spellcasters or evil-aligned creatures with spell-like abilities (stacks with bonus against undead)

• +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity

• +2 resistance bonus on all saves

• Spell resistance against all evil spells, equal to 11 plus knight’s class level

Suite of St. Feldin (Faultless Rock of Faith)

• True strike (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day per class level of knight

• Stoneskin (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• Dispel evil (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

• +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution

• +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against outsiders

• +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all evil aligned spellcasters or evil-aligned creatures with spell like abilities (stacks with bonus against outsiders)

Suite of St. Yessid (Judgment from Above)

• Fly (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• Dismissal (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once a day

• +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all outsiders

• Resistance 20 against fire, cold, acid, sonic, or electricity (must choose at beginning of day) • +2 resistance bonus on all saves.

Suite of Lothian (Provider of Truth)

• Heal (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once per day

• Holy word (as spell, cast at knight’s class level) once a day

• Continuous see invisible (as spell, cast at knight’s class level)

• Spell resistance equal to 11 plus knight’s class level

• +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

• +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution

• +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all outsiders

• +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against all evil aligned spellcasters or evil-aligned creatures with spelllike abilities (stacks with bonus against outsiders)

Holy Avenger: A Knight of the Pale gains the ability to forge a personal holy avenger sword that functions in his hands (and only in his hands) as if he were a paladin. This ability effectively eliminates the need for the Craft Magical Arms and Armor feat and all other prerequisites and allows the knight to make whatever sort of sword he wishes (long, short, great, bastard, etc.). Cost to create, in gold and experience, is normal. The sword may be any of the variant holy avenger swords presented on page 52 as well as that found in Chapter Eight: Magic Items in the Dungeon Master's Guide. Once it’s created, if the knight is separated from this weapon by more than 25 feet, he suffers the effects of a negative level until he touches the blade again. If the sword is destroyed, the negative level equates to true level loss (no save).

Table 1-1: Knight of the Pale Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Suite of St. Chausle
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Suite of St. Gustav
4th +4 +4 +1 +4
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Suite of St. Yessid
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Suite of St. Daris
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Holy avenger
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Suite of St. Feldin
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Suite of Lothain