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Defiants are anathema to the gods and the divine. Their whole thing is shutting down divine magic, so are very anti-cleric and anti-druid. They eventually gain immunity to divine damage, can dispel divine spells and gain SR against divine spells. They also can eventually rebound divine spells back to their creators and give other people spell resistance to divine spells.

Role: DPS

Characteristics: A warrior that reviles the gods and gains defenses against the divine

Source: Planar Handbook

Game Rule Information

The Defiant has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Charisma to power your extraordinary abilities, Constitution to survive the attacks coming your way, Strength for dealing damage in combat

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Defiant's class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Defiant.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Defiant is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with.

Spell Resistance Su: A defiant gains spell resistance equal to 15 + class level against all divine mind-affecting spells. He cannot voluntarily lower this spell resistance. This benefit does not stack with other sources of spell resistance. When a defiant is the target of a divine mind-affecting spell, he uses his highest spell resistance value.

Divine Resistance Su: At 2nd level and higher, a defiant adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to his saving throws against divine spells.

Divine Damage Immunity Su: At 3rd level, a defiant gains immunity to damage from divine power, such as that dealt by a flame strike spell.

Divine Cancellation Ex: At 4th level, a defiant learns how to counterspell divine spells without casting a spell. The defiant must ready an action to counterspell (as normal), but need not identify the spell with Spellcraft. Treat this ability as if the defiant were using dispel magic to counter the spell, at a caster level of 5 + the defiant's class level. A defiant can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + his Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

Aligned Strike Su: A defiant of 5th level or higher can, with a touch, align a weapon or natural weapon so that it is treated as of a specific alignment for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. The defiant can choose any alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful), even if that alignment opposes his own. He may not use this ability on any weapon that already has an alignment. He can use this ability once per day at 5th level and twice per day at 10th level. Each use lasts for a number of minutes equal to his class level.

Divine Prevention Su: Once per day, a defiant of 6th level or higher can use a standard action to bestow temporary spell resistance (15 + class level) upon a single target. The spell resistance affects only the next divine spell targeted at the subject, even a beneficial spell such as bless or cure light wounds. If the target has not used the spell resistance within 24 hours, it fades.

If the target is unwilling, the defiant must make a successful touch attack as a standard action. If the attack succeeds, the target must attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + defiant's class level + defiant's Cha modifier). If the saving throw fails, the spell resistance takes effect.

Nondetection Su: At 7th level, a defiant gains the continuous benefit of a nondetection spell as though cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the defiant's class level. The DC of any attempt to break through the effect is equal to 15 + the defiant's class level.

A defiant can choose to suppress this ability. Suppressing or reestablishing it is a free action.

Divine Retribution Su: At 8th level, a defiant expands the versatility of his divine cancellation ability. If he successfully counters a divine spell, the defiant may cause the spell to rebound at the original caster instead of causing it to fail. This ability can be used only against divine spells that target the defiant, not spells that affect an area or those that target another creature.

Divine Interference Su: At 9th level, a defiant's connection to the Great Unknown becomes so strong that he generates a field that interferes with all divine spellcasting. Any spellcaster within 30 feet of the defiant must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + defiant's class level + spell level) in order to successfully cast a divine spell. If the check fails, the spell fails and is lost. A defiant cannot choose to suppress this ability.

Divine Disavowal Su: At 10th level, a defiant's spell resistance extends to cover all divine spells. He cannot voluntarily lower this spell resistance. This benefit does not stack with other sources of spell resistance. When a defiant is the target of a divine spell, he uses his highest spell resistance value.