Adventuring Scholar

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Skills: Knowledge (any)(5 ranks), Gather Information (4 ranks) Profession (teacher, curator, etc.)(5 ranks)

Feat: Skill Focus (any Knowledge skill)


Do you want to play as Indiana Jones in D&D? If the answer is yes then this is the class for you. Do you have a specialization in a field that most other adventurers don't really know about (Like a certain Doctor Jones and Archeology)? Do you have proficiency in some weird exotic weapon that not many can use effectively (like a whip)? Do you have a knack for making friends and gaining allies no matter where on the planet you find yourself? Then you might just be an adventuring scholar ready to plumb the depths of ancient ruins and outrun a few boulders on your way out.

Role: Utility

Characteristics: Travelling academics that use their wit and guile to survive the world

Source: Monsternomicon

Game Rule Information

The Adventuring Scholar has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Intelligence for skill points and your field of study, Charisma for your people skills, and a combination of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution as you see fit to keep yourself alive.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d6

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Adventuring Scholar's class skills are Alchemy (Int), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Adventuring Scholar.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Adventuring Scholar is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with.

Field of Study: Every adventuring scholar has a specific scholastic field that he or she specializes in (“general knowledge” cannot be selected). This field of study is always something that the scholar is very passionate about, and his research in the field is both personal and very rewarding. Usually, they will also have some sort of special focus within that field that is just kind of a pet subject (no additional bonuses for it, however).

Field Specialist: At 1st level the adventuring scholar is considered a specialist and gains a +2 competence bonus to all Knowledge skill checks related to his or her field of specialization. They also receive a +1 synergy bonus to checks of other skills when they are directly involved in some way with the field of study. Furthermore, the scholar can attempt an untrained skill check on any Knowledge skill check related to his or her field of study.

Base of Operations: The adventuring scholar also starts off with some form of base of operations. This place is almost invariably tied to the scholar’s profession and is usually a university, museum, or similar institution of culture or knowledge. The scholar can draw upon this place for resources (within reason), but he must also pay it the respect he would any other place of employment. Adventuring scholars who abuse their role may have it revoked (at the DM’s discretion). This starting point is usually the beneficiary of most of the scholar’s studies and trophies from the field. Although scholars may be sponsored by wealthy benefactors, they cannot sponsor themselves, even though they may bear the wealth to do so. Along with this base of operations comes a Scholarly Reputation score. This score is measured in ranks, just as a skill, and can be added as a circumstance bonus to Charisma based checks (such as Diplomacy skill checks or attempts to influence NPC attitudes; it does not influence extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like abilities) to influence fellow scholars, students, aristocrats, and other educated individuals who are aware of the scholar’s work and importance to the scholarly community. The base modifier for this ability is equal to the adventuring scholar’s competence bonus as a specialist, scholar, or master of his field (+2, +4, or +6 respectively), though it can be increased by penning scholarly tomes.

Against All Odds Ex: Adventuring scholars are known for many things, but their luck is legendary. An adventuring scholar gains a luck bonus that applies to all saving throws. It increases as the adventuring scholar gains levels, though the bonuses are not cumulative (at 3rd level it is +1, at 7th level it is +3, etc.).

Exotic Weapon: In their travels, adventuring scholars are known to pick up all sorts of unusual knowledge and abilities. At 2nd level they gain Exotic Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. Choice of weapons varies greatly, although versatile and clever weapons are the most favored.

Bonus Languages: In their immense amount of study, adventuring scholars pick up many languages. They gain a bonus language at levels 3, 6, and 9.

Adventurer's Zeal Ex: At 3rd level the adventuring scholar gains adventurer’s zeal, a thirst for adventure that pushes him beyond his normal limits through sheer bravery. He now adds his Charisma bonus to his AC. This bonus represents a preternatural level of courage and occasional wanton abandon. This bonus applies even when wearing armor, as well as when flatfooted. It does not apply if the scholar is immobilized.

Easy Allies Ex: Adventuring scholars are also well known for their ability to find old or make new allies just about anywhere. In any populated location, the scholar can make a Gather Information check to see if he can locate an existing ally or create a new one. Use the Easy Allies table (1-2) to determine the DC of the check. First find where the NPC (either the individual being affected or the general level of the local populace) falls in the “Currently” column, then roll. The scholar adds his Gather Information bonus, as well as a +5 competence bonus, to the roll. Look across the line to find the highest DC beaten by the roll. The most positive attitude level achieved with the roll is the type of ally found, but at this level the “Ally” column is ignored (a Confidant is the highest that may be achieved). This relationship usually only lasts the duration of a particular scene or act of an adventure, although if roleplayed properly it could last longer. DMs are encouraged to mind the limits to which NPCs are willing to go to help people; a Friend, for example, wouldn’t be willing to take a fall for a PC, while an Ally most definitely would. This check can only be made once per location, per visit, and it cannot be used more than once on the same NPC (and can only be used on a particular NPC at the DM’s discretion; against many it won’t be applicable). The scholar cannot take 10 or 20 on this roll. It is up to the DM whether the ally found is an existing acquaintance who happened to be in the same area or if it is a new ally altogether. At 8th level the adventuring scholar’s ability to find allies increases. Use the same chart as before, but this time successes in the “Ally” column are not ignored. Success in this column indicates that the scholar has made a lasting ally that will continue to help the character well beyond the current adventure. Furthermore, the scholar’s competence bonus increases to +10. The same restrictions apply.

Field Scholar: At 5th level the adventuring scholar is considered as a true scholar in his or her field. The competence and synergy bonuses for the field of study rise to +4/+2 respectively. The scholar can now take 10 on any Knowledge skill check related to his field of study, even if circumstances would normally prohibit him from doing so.

Pen Scholarly Work: At 7th level the adventuring scholar can attempt to increase his Scholarly Reputation ranks (see “Base of Operations” above) by writing scholarly texts. To write a text the scholar must invest a great deal of time into research, study, writing, and revising. The length of time depends on the complexity and depth intended to be covered by the text; this also determines the DC to create the text. Consult the following chart and make a Knowledge skill check. The scholar absolutely must have the specific Knowledge skill relating to the subject of the intended text. If this text is within his field of study, then his field competence bonus applies to the roll as well. No synergy bonuses apply, and he cannot take 10 or 20. The roll is made at the end of the period of work, and failure indicates a waste of time (the work is incomplete, inconsistent, or just plain wrong in some way), although the scholar can attempt the work again with a +5 competence bonus due to the previous research (no shorter time, though). Additional adventuring and work may be done during this work period, but only very briefly; the scholarly work must be the main focus during this time.

Field Master: At 10th level the scholar is a master of his or her field. His bonuses rise to +6/+3 respectively, and he can take 20 on any Knowledge skill roll related to his field of study, regardless of circumstances.

Table 1-1: Adventuring Scholar Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus









1st +0 +0 +2 +2 +1 Field of study (field specialist +2/ +1), base of operations, against all odds
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 +1 Exotic Weapon Proficiency
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 +1 Bonus Language
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 +2 Adventurer's zeal
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 +2 Easy allies, field scholar (+4/+2; may take 10)
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 +2 Bonus language
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 +3 Pen scholarly work
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 +3 Easy allies (improved)
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 +3 Bonus language
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 +4 Field master (+6/+3; may take 20)
Table 1-2: Easy Allies
Currently Neutral Friend Confidant Ally
Antagonist 30 40 50 60
Neutral 20 30 40 50
Friend 30 40
Confidant 30
Table 1-3: Scholarly Works
Level of




DC Length of






Basic +2 20 2 months +1 12 works
Advanced +4 26 6 months +2 8 works
Master +6 31 1 year +3 5 works
Grand Master +8 37 3 years +5 3 works
Legendary +10 42 10 years +10 1 work

“Level of Tome” indicates the level of the knowledge put into the work.

“Tome Bonus” indicates the bonus that the tome will bear once the work is finished.

“DC” indicates the difficulty class of the die roll, and “Length of Time” indicates how much time must be spent in the creation attempt.

“Reputation Bonus” indicates the bonus to the adventuring scholar’s Scholarly Reputation once the work is completed, and “Maximum Number” indicates the maximum number of times this bonus may be applied to the scholar’s score. A scholar may create tomes beyond this maximum, but he no longer gains any bonus to his Scholarly Reputation score.