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Spellfire is refined, controlled, raw magic. In beneficent manifestations, it appears as a font of silver light and healing energy. In battle, it is a searing blue-white jet of all-consuming radiance.

The supernatural ability known as spellfire is thought by many to be unique to a single person each generation, but recent information indicates that this is a fallacy, and that spellfire wielders are more common than originally thought. People born with the ability to use spellfire have the Spellfire Wielder feat. A person gifted with spellfire can perform amazing deeds, depending upon their skill, talent, and the amount of magical energy they have within them at the time. In general, spellfire can be used to heal, create blasts of destructive fire, or absorb magical effects it contacts, although the exact effects vary by circumstance and user. Talented wielders have developed the ability to release multiple blasts at once or even fly (see the Spellfire Channeler prestige class)

Absorbing Spell Energy

A spellfire wielder can ready an action to absorb spells targeted at her as if she were a rod of absorption. She gains one level of spellfire energy for every spell level absorbed and can store a number of spellfire energy levels equal to her Constitution. If she has reached her limit, she cannot absorb spells until she expends some of her stored spellfire energy levels.

If an incoming spell effect has a greater number of spell levels than she can currently store, she absorbs spell levels up to her limit, and the remaining spell levels are divided by the original number of spell levels to determine what fraction of the effect gets through (as with the spell turning spell, except that the caster of the spell is never at risk of being harmed).

If her Constitution decreases so that her number of stored spellfire levels is greater than her current Constitution, the excess levels discharge at a random creature in range as destructive spellfire (see below). Stored spellfire energy levels are unavailable in an antimagic field but are not lost. Once the wielder is out of the antimagic field, the spellfire energy levels are again available for use. Dispel magic and similar effects cannot negate stored spellfire energy levels. A character with stored levels radiates magic as if he were an item with a caster level equal to his number of stored levels.

Using Spellfire

As a standard action, a spellfire wielder may expend stored spellfire energy levels as a melee or ranged touch attack (maximum range 400 feet), dealing 1d6 points of spellfire damage per level expended (Reflex half, DC 20). Spellfire damage is half fire damage and half raw magical power. Creatures with immunity, resistance, or protection against fire effects apply these to half of the damage, but not the other half. A creature can choose “spellfire” as a weapon for the purpose of the Weapon Focus feat.

A spellfire wielder can heal a target by touch, restoring 2 hit points per spellfire energy level expended for this purpose. This is not considered positive energy, so it does not injure undead.

Unlike most supernatural abilities, spellfire is affected by spells and magic items that affect spell-like abilities, such as a rod of absorption or rod of negation (if pointed at the manifestation rather than the wielder). It can be thwarted or counterspelled by dispel magic, and theoretically a spellfire wielder could counterspell another’s spellfire. However, spellfire is a supernatural ability and does not provoke an attack of opportunity when used, nor is it subject to spell resistance.