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Alignment: Lawful evil.

Skills: Concentration 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks.

Feats: Great Fortitude.

Spellcasting: Able to cast 4th-level divine spells.

Patron: Entropy (Tiamat) or equivalent.

Special: Must have killed an elf, sorcerer, or wizard, either in combat or by burning in a witchweed execution.


As the Karanok family of Luthcheq, Chessenta, explore their new spellcasting abilities, some of the most advanced students gain an attunement to the body of Entropy or its daughters. These students develop strange powers and new uses for their divine link, and although doing so retards their progress as spellcasters, they see their new abilities as worth the cost.

An entropist is a cleric of the aspect of Tiamat known as Entropy, which is manifested as a large sphere of annihilation. Obsessed with destroying wizards, they harness the power of the sphere and learn how to protect themselves against its effects. Like all clerics of Entropy, they wear white robes, sometimes marked with a single black circle.

Most entropists have gained some levels as a cleric, and most are aristocrats from the Karanok family in Luthcheq. It is possible for others to join this prestige class if they prove their worth to the Karanoks and their loyalty to Entropy. Sorcerers, wizards, elves, and dwarves are never entropists.

Entropists work together and with clerics of Entropy. Most followers of Entropy hold them in awe for the powers they possess and their strange link to the Great Nothing.

Role: Spell DPS

Characteristics: Entropy laden casters that can also resist said entropy

Source: Lords of Darkness

Game Rule Information

The Entropist has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Wisdom for your divine casting, Constitution to stay alive and avoid the destructive magic.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Entropist's class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Entropist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Entropist is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with prior to taking levels in this class.

Spells per Day: An entropist continues training in divine magic while attuning himself to the powers of Entropy. Thus, when the character reaches 2nd level or 4th level in this class, he increases his spellcasting ability as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of rebuking or commanding undead, favored enemy, and so on). If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before she became an entropist, she must decide when she reaches 2nd level or 4th level to which class, she adds these spellcasting levels.

Control Sphere Su: An entropist has the ability to control a sphere of annihilation as if he were using a Talisman of the Sphere.

Sanctity of Body Su: An entropist is protected against spells or effects that would destroy or radically transform the shape of his body, such as Disintegrate, Implosion, Petrification, or Polymorph. These effects cannot affect the entropist unless he wishes them to. He is also unaffected by a sphere of annihilation, passing through it as if it were empty air. A hand of entropy or eye of entropy (see below) has no effect on him.

Arcane Resistance Su: An entropist of 2nd level or higher gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against arcane spells, whether they originate from the Weave or the Shadow Weave.

Hand of Entropy Sp: By expending an available spell slot, an entropist of 3rd level or higher channels the power of Entropy into a black haze around one hand. The hand of entropy can be used to make a melee touch attack as a standard action, and deals 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per level of the spell slot used to create it. The hand can be used on the round it is created and lasts up to a number of rounds equal to the entropist's divine caster level. For example, a Clr7/Entropist3 could expend a prepared cure moderate wounds spell (2nd level) to create a hand of entropy that deals 1d6+2 points of damage and lasts 10 rounds. The hand otherwise functions like a touch spell. The entropist can use this ability multiple times per day as long as a spell slot is expended each time.

Arcane Disruption Sp: Once per day, an entropist of 4th level or higher can create a magical field of energy, which manifests as a slight smoky haze that interferes with the casting of arcane spells. The field is a 30-foot emanation centered on the entropist. Anyone attempting to cast arcane spells within the field must succeed at a Concentration check as if casting on the defensive (DC 15 + spell level). If the check fails, the spell is lost. The field lasts for a number of rounds equal to the entropist's divine caster level.

Eye of Entropy Su: Once per day, for a maximum of 5 rounds, an entropist of 5th level can create a miniature sphere of entropy. The eye of entropy is absolutely black, 2 inches in diameter, and can be moved up to 30 feet by the entropist as a standard action. Against objects, the eye deals 3d6 points of damage, bypassing the object's hardness. Against creatures, the entropist must make a ranged touch attack to hit, and if successful the eye deals 3d6 points of damage to the target (Fortitude half, DC 12 + the entropist's Wis modifier); this bypasses damage reduction since it is a magical effect. The eye appears in the entropist's square when it is created, and can be moved and used to attack on the round it is formed. If the entropist stops concentrating on the eye, it vanishes.

Table 1-1: Entropist Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







Special Spellcasting
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Control sphere, sanctity of body
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Arcane resistance +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Hand of entropy
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Arcane disruption +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Eye of entropy