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Race: Any

Ability Scores: WIS 16+

Feats: Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level spells. Must be able to cast two compulsion spells and two charm spells, and Dispel Magic.

Skills: Diplomacy (6 ranks), Sense Motive (6 ranks)


Kindness is free. Mindmenders are a subset of enchanters that are disliked by others in their field. Not due to their poor morals and cruelty but just the opposite is true. They excel at breaking enchantments and are godsend to villages of the fantasy worlds. They excel in removing the trauma of others and healing their minds. It's almost a magical therapist able to heal the mental scars through magic and dreams. This is a rare sort of class like the healer and combat medic, and while not restricted to only good aligned characters it feels like a definitely lean towards good type class based on its abilities. This class is interesting because conceptually its cool but if something like this existed in our reality matters of consent would be so huge and important and leads to some important conversations. This class is super neat if not niche, especially for certain games.

Role: Spell Support

Characteristics: Enchanters focused on healing trauma and breaking enchantments

Source: Encyclopedia Arcane: Enchantment

Game Rule Information

The Mindmender has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Intelligence for abilities, Charisma for a majority of your saving DCs this stat is by far the most important.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d4

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Mindmender's class skills are Alchemy (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Mindmender.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Mindmender is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with.

Spells per Day: A mindmender continues training in magic while he practices the art of repairing emotions. This, when a mindmender gains a new level in the prestige class, he gains new spells per day as if a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before had also been gained.

If the character belongs to more than one spellcasting class, he must choose which one is improved upon by this ability.

Sense Charm Su: The basic detection power learned by a mindmender, Sense Charm allows him to concentrate on a subject with line of sight and determine if it is under the effects of a charm or compulsion designator spell.

When the mindmender wishes to use this ability, he uses a standard action doing so and makes an opposed caster level check with the source of the enchantment magic in question. He receives a bonus to his check equal to his mindmender level. Each additional round the mindmender wishes to study a given target, he must make this check again. Once the check fails, the mindmender cannot try to Sense Charm on that target again for 24 hours.

Success allows the mindmender to determine that a charm or compulsion exists on the subject. Each round he spends concentrating reveals more information. The second round he learns the name of the spell in question. The third round the caster level of the spell is determined. The fourth round of scrutiny lets him know the duration remaining on the spell. Finally in the fifth round, the mindmender learns the exact nature of the spell's effect (what suggestion has been made, the conditions of a geas, etc.)

Word of Comfort Su: A kind word can fix a broken heart but the mind mender's magical words of healing can do so much more. At first these words simply provide relief to those suffering from the effects of a charm or compulsion-designator spell.

Three times a day, the mindmender can instantly suspend the effect of an enchantment spell for a number of rounds equal to his caster level each time. For example during this period of time a charmed victim can act freely the target of an emotion spell returns to normal, or a being under the compulsions of a geas is not forced to follow its demands.

On a nonmagical note, a mindmender's Word of Comfort can let someone suffering from nightmares sleep peacefully, instantly comfort a crying person or calm someone in hysterics. These mundane uses of the Word have no limit to their use, but the mindmender must make a Charisma check DC 15 to succeed Relief of this kind is always temporary, lasting only a day at best each time.

Lifting the Weight Su: This power allows the mindmender to free the victim of certain kinds of enchantments. If an enchantment spell carries a negative effect for failure to cooperate with its compulsions (such as quest or geas), the mindmender can break it.

This can be done once a day and requires an opposed caster level check. As with Sense Charm, the mindmender enjoys a bonus equal to his prestige class level. Success breaks the spell and frees the target from his compulsion without any of the spells repercussions occurring.

The original caster of enchantment spell is not informed of its removal unless there were means of determining this other than the spell itself.

Denial Sp: There are times when the only way to help someone overcome the burdens he carries mentally is to help him forget. This power is a potent tool but can easily be used as a weapon in the wrong hands.

Twice a day the mindmender can make eye contact with a target and force himt o forget a single incident. This occurence can be as long as an entire combat or conversation provided it can be considered one incident (the Games Master has final approval over what constitutes an 'incident')

If the target fails a Will save against a DC of 10 + Wisdom modifier + Mindminder level he forgets the even ever took place and can only be reminded of it only through another direct exposure to the event or something similar. Thus if a mindmender used Denial to make aprison guard forget he had just been offered a bribe and refused it, the guard would not remember it until someone else tried to bribe him.

Use of this ability is considered a mind-affecting, enchantment, compulsion effect.

Dreams Voyager Su: Dreams often hold the key to a target's true problems. To better understand and treat hidden mental trauma, mindmenders learn to enter a target's dream state and observe what occurs there.

Entering a target's dream is automatic if the subject was willing when he went to sleep. Otherwise the target may make a Will save (DC 20) to prevent the intrusion. If the target is immune to mind affecting magic this ability cannot be used without somehow negating that immunity.

Once inside target's dream, the mindmender can only watch what unfolds. He has no power to change or interact with what occurs. That is not to say he cannot derive any benefit from his time in the subject's unconscious mind.

Once a mindmender has spent a full uninterrupted eight hours watching a target's dreams, he can add a +2 competence bonus to any checks he has to make for his mindmender class abilities concerning the target for a full month afterwards.

Surcease Su: A mindmender can bolster the will of a willing target and attempt to help him dispel the enchantments that bind him. This is draining for both the victim and the mindmender but it can destroy nearly any binding the target might be suffering.

To use this power, the mindmender must touch someone currently under the effects of a charm or compulsion spell. Then as full round action, he draws on all the willpower the target has to try to break the enchantment. This allows the target to make a Will saving throw at the beginning of the mindmenders next turn.

This save is against the full original DC of the spell in question. If the spell did not offer a sav, the DC is calculated as if one were allowed and 5 added to the result. If there are multiple spells on the same target, attempting to break each one is a separate full round action.

Each round spent using Surcease inflicts 2d6 subdual damage on the target. Half of the result is suffered by the mindmender. If the target is unwilling or becomes unwilling during the full round action, the attempt fails and the mindmender takes 1d6 subdual damage from the strain of the broken contact.

Only one attempt per spell may ever be made by the same mindmender. If a target fails to overcome a given enchantment through the use of this power, he will have to seek aid from a different mindmender or suffer until the spell is negated by other means.

Ease Resistance Ex: Mindmenders spend so much time learning to get around the resistance of a patient's mind, they develop excellent techniques for countering said barriers. These techniques xtend to spell resistance since a target's subconscious can fight a mindmender even when the target themselves want to be helped.

When a mindmender casts an enchantment spell or uses one of his prestige class abilities he can subtract the value listed for this power (10 at 4th level, 20 at 8th) from the target's SR rating. This ability is not subject to Spell Resistance itself.

Word of Kindness Su: A mindmender eventually learns that comfort can be a powerful tool but sometimes mental and emotional scars run too deeply for subtle treatment. This power allows him to enforce feelings of calm and contentment.

Usable once per day the Word of Kindness forces a living creature to make a Will saving throw against a DC equal to mindmenders Caster level plus Charisma bonus.

On a failed save the target immediately enters a becalmed emotional state and loses all feelings of agression or hostility. Rage powers end and any bonuses or penalties suffered from enchantment affects disappear. The target can fight to defend itself normally but cannot initiate or continue combat otherwise.

The Word's effects last one hour per prestige level of the mindmender. If he or his allies attack the target during this time the effect ends immediately and the target is rendered immune to any future attempts to use Word of Kindness against it.

During the word's duration the target is considered a willing subject for any other mindmender class ability and forfeits any saving throw or Spell Resistance to such powers.

Dream Guardian Su: Before this power is gained a mindmender could only observe and learn from the subject's dreams. As a Dream Guardian he can now interact with a patients dream state and try to help him from within. Unwanted enchantment magic can even be defeated by destroying it symbolically in a dream.

This power essentially allows the mindmender to help a subject confront and defeat problems by guiding him and protecting him from what his dreams create as 'symbols' of trouble. This could be a monster, a seemingly impassable obstacle, or some other meaningful occurrence.

As a general rule, the mindmender must succeed at a series of checks to succeed in using this power. First an Intelligence check needs to be made to understand the dreams must be made at DC 20.

Then a diplomacy roll must be made at DC 25 to determine what actions must be taken to defeat the psychological problem in question. A spellcraft roll with a DC equal to 20 plus the level of the enchantment spell to be broken is made instead if that is the purpose of this power's use.

Lastly the mindmender's level must confront the trauma in whatever guise the dream has given it in an attempt to defeat it. This is made at an opposed caster level check against the subject's will save (or caster level check of the enchantment being broken). The mindmender gains a bonus to this roll equal to his WIsdom bonus +2 from the Iron Will feat.

If the mindmender's roll is higher the trauma is eased and will not trouble the subject for a period of time (the mindmender's prestige class level in days.) An enchantment spell defeated this way is suspended for 24 hours and cannot affect the subject in any way during that time.

If the trauma is nonmagical in nature the subject may make a will save (DC 20) at the end of each suspension period to overcome the trouble entirely.

Breaking the Chains Su: Once this power is learned breaking enchantment spells becomes much easier. Whenever a mindmender suspends the effects of an enchantment spell, he can automatically attempt to dispel it as casting greater dispel magic.

Only enchantment spells subject to the effects of a greater dispel magic can be broken in this way. If the spell in question cannot be dispelled or if Breaking the Chains does not work the attempt fails and suspension ends immediately.

Breaking the Chains has one other limitation. It cannot be used on an a spell or effect with a caster level greater than the mindmender himseld. Such attempts automatically fail.

Dream Warrior Su: This power is one of the most feared abilities a mindmender can possess, as it allows him to strike directly at the caster of an enchantment spell.

When acting as a Dream Guardian for a subject under the effect of an enchantment spell that establishes a telepathic link (dominate person for example) the mindmender can use Dream Warrior if he successfully suspends that spell.

Through the link the mindmender can then do one of two things. Only one option can be chosen and this choice can be tried only once per spell. If the mindmender chooses he can attempt to turn the enchantment spells back on its caster with him in control (as if the mindmender were the original caster).

The caster of the enchantment must immediately make a Will Save against his own spell or be affected. If the caster is asleep he suffers a -4 penalty to the save.

Alternatively the mindmender can simply send overwhelming magical energy down the link as a form of telepathic assault. If the caster is awake this inflicts 10d4 subdual damage, Will save for half. If the caster is asleep, the effect is much more severe. It assails the caster as if the mindmender had cast phantasmal killer. The will save against this effect is at -2 and it cannot be defended against with a helm of telepathy.

Word of Redemption Su: The most powerful ability a mindmender develops, this power is a form of incredibly potent mental surgery. The Word of Redemption allows a subject to overcome enchantment effects that are otherwise unbreakable or immune to dispelling.

Although any use of this power is rare, it is most often used to undo the effects of permanent alignment change or enchantment spells with an instantaneous duration. Regardless of intended use a Word of Redemption can be spoken only once per day.

When used, the Word returns the subject to whatever mental and or emotional state he was at before outside influences caused a change (be that a helm of opposite alignment, the 10th level power of an empath or some other such effect). A Will save (DC 25) must be made by the subject, with success negating the word entirely.

A GM will have to determine what effect this power has against alignment changes or permanent unrecoverable mental trauma stemming from nonmagical sources.

Table 1-1: Mindmender Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Sense charm, word of comfort +1 to existing caster level
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Lifting the weight, denial +1 to existing caster level
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Dream voyager, surcease +1 to existing caster level
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Ease resistance 10 +1 to existing caster level
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Word of kindness +1 to existing caster level
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Dream guardian +1 to existing caster level
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Breaking the chains +1 to existing caster level
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Ease resistance 20 +1 to existing caster level
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Dream warrior +1 to existing caster level
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Word of redemption +1 to existing caster level