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List of all Languages in Domum

Azuline (Language)

History of Language in Domum

All of the languages of the races of man trace their origins to one of three ancestor languages:

Linguistic Genealogy of Ancient Netherese
Linguistic Genealogy of Saiira

Tree of Saiira-derived languages

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Linguistic Genealogy of Vak

The language Vak has a fairly clear and short genealogy compared to other ancient languages.

Vak became Ancient Elvish as the gods taught magic to the Elves of Cormyr. Over the centuries this language split into modern-day Elvish on the surface and Mörktspråk in the Underdark, respectively. While the modern Elvish language hasn't evolved much since the olden days, its evolution from Old Elvish was so complicated that linguists are still tracing its progression to this day.