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List of all Languages in Domum

Azuline (Language)

History of Language in Domum

All of the languages of the races of man trace their origins to one of three ancestor languages:

Linguistic Genealogy of Ancient Netherese
Linguistic Genealogy of Saiira
Linguistic Genealogy of Vak

Vak is the first language spoken by the oldest gods. It is the language once spoken by Pelor, as well as the unnamed forces that came before him.

Vak was first taught to the good and neutral gods as Celestial. Through various means of their own, the evil gods stole knowledge of the language to produce Dark Speech, which eventually became Infernal and Abyssal after the great divergence of the fiends.

The oldest and most powerful of the Fey Lords were taught Vak by Gaia. The lesser Archfey amongst them created their own language styled after the sounds they heard of Vak, thus creating Sylvan, although the language is constantly in flux due to competing dialects from each Fey Dominion.

Draconic was created after Dragon Queen Tiamat stole the harsher words of the language from Vak. Lesser Draconic came about as the lesser races that gathered around Dragons picked up and misunderstood fragments of the true language.

Finally, Vak became Ancient Elvish as the gods taught magic to the Elves of Cormyr. Over the centuries this language split into modern-day Elvish on the surface and Mörktspråk in the Underdark, respectively. While the modern Elvish language hasn't evolved much since the olden days, its evolution from Old Elvish was so complicated that linguists are still tracing its progression to this day.