Tremulous Touch

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Source: Encyclopedia Arcane: Divination

Description: Your sense of touch has grown so acute that you can feel vibrations in the air and through the ground.

Prerequisites: Mystic Awareness

You notice the passage of any corporeal creature or object within 30 feet automatically, though you do not know precisely where that person or object is. If a surprise round occurs and you have an opponent within 30 feet when it begins, you may also roll initiative and act normally. Your miss chance due to invisibility is only 25%.

You may make a Concentration opposed by the Non-Player Character’s Move Silently check any time someone attempts to sneak attack you. If you succeed, the attack is conducted normally and is not considered a sneak attack. This also disqualifies an assassin’s Death Attack.


If you also possess the Heightened Sight and Wolfen Boon feats, you gain the Tremorsense special quality, in addition to the benefits provided by the feats.