Category:Needs Review
From Compendium of Worldly Lore
Pages in category "Needs Review"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 664 total.
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- Aberration Banemagic
- Ability Focus
- Able Learner
- Acid Splash
- Acrobatic
- Additional Magic Item Space
- Adhere to Wood
- Aerial Mounted Combat
- Agile
- Air Fist
- Akodo's Technique
- Alertness
- Altitude Adaptation
- Animal Affinity
- Animal Companion
- Animated Tattoo
- Aquatic Shot
- Arcane Buffer
- Arcane Consumption
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Mastery
- Arcane Toughness
- Archer's Gift
- Armbar
- Armor Focus
- Armor Skin
- Artist
- Athletic
- Attune Gem
- Audible Whisper
- Augment Illusion
- Augment Summoning
- Augmented Alchemy
- Automatic Quicken Spell
- Automatic Silent Spell
- Automatic Still Spell
- Awareness
- Awesome Blow
- Awesome Smite
- Bat Sight
- Battle Blessing
- Battle Touch
- Beckon the Frozen
- Befuddle
- Binder's Blessing
- Blackened Caress
- Blackened Sight
- Blazing Berserker
- Blind Shot
- Blind-Fight
- Blinding Speed
- Blindsight
- Bloodcasting
- Bonded Armor, Shield, or Weapon
- Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or Wand
- Bonus Domain
- Born of the Three Thunders
- Borrow Strength
- Bounce Spell
- Bouncing Fall
- Bounding Assault
- Brachiation
- Breaking Blow
- Breaking Waves
- Breeze
- Brew Potion
- Bulwark of Defense
- Call Earth
- Carver's Gift
- Child of Water
- Chill/Warmth
- Choke Hold
- City Magic
- Clean
- Clever Wrestling
- Cold Endurance
- Cold Focus
- Cold Spell Specialization
- Combat Acrobat
- Combat Archery
- Combat Awareness
- Combat Casting
- Combat Defense
- Combat Expertise
- Combat Focus
- Combat Reflexes
- Combat Stability
- Combat Tinkering
- Combat Vigor
- Commanding Presence
- Compressed Spell
- Consume Spell
- Craft Aboleth Glyph
- Craft Construct
- Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor
- Craft Epic Rod
- Craft Epic Staff
- Craft Epic Wondrous Item
- Craft Magic Arms and Armor
- Craft Rod
- Craft Skull Talisman
- Craft Staff
- Craft Wand
- Craft Wondrous Item
- Create Blood and Flesh
- Create Infusion
- Create Water
- Crystal Attunement
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Curling Wave Strike
- Daisho Technique
- Damage Reduction
- Dampen Spell
- Dancing Lights
- Darkseed
- Daunting Presence
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Daze
- Daze Animal
- Deadeye Shot
- Deceitful
- Deceptive Spell
- Deeper Reflection
- Defensive Divination
- Defensive Move
- Defensive Stance
- Defensive Strike
- Defensive Throw
- Deflect Arrows
- Deflection to Attraction
- Deft Hands
- Depths of the Void
- Destructive Rage
- Detect Crossroads
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison
- Detect Snares and Pits
- Devastating Critical
- Dexterous Fortitude
- Dexterous Will
- Diehard
- Diligent
- Dire Charge
- Disappear
- Disrupt Undead
- Distort Shadow
- Dividing the Stars
- Dodge
- Draconic Knowledge
- Dragonfriend
- Dwell in Darkness
- Eagle Claw Strike
- Eagle's Fury
- Earth's Embrace
- Efficient Defender
- Efficient Item Creation
- Eldritch Knot
- Electric Jolt
- Empower Spell
- Empower Spell-Like Ability
- Endurance
- Endure Blows
- Energy Admixture
- Energy Resistance
- Energy Substitution
- Enhance Spell
- Enhanced Linkage
- Enlarge Spell
- Enumerate
- Epic Dodge
- Epic Endurance
- Epic Fortitude
- Epic Leadership
- Epic Prowess
- Epic Reflexes
- Epic Reputation
- Epic Skill Focus
- Epic Speed
- Epic Spell Focus
- Epic Spell Penetration
- Epic Spellcasting
- Epic Spellfire Wielder
- Epic Toughness
- Epic Weapon Focus
- Epic Weapon Specialization
- Epic Will
- Eschew Materials
- Etch Object Rune
- Evil Brand
- Evil Weft
- Exceptional Deflection
- Exotic Armor Proficiency
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency
- Expert Swimmer
- Extend Spell
- Extended Life Span
- Extra Turning
- Eyes of Fury
- Eyes Open