Weave Firelight

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Source: Quintessential Elf 2

Description: You can turn firelight into physical items

Prerequisites: 5th Level Caster

You can turn firelight into physical objects.


In order to weave a material, the character must have access to it. Weaver must have a fire within 30 ft. that is equal in size to the item the character wishes to create.

The process of weaving light may take place at any time that the character has access to the required materials. Once started, the character must continue the weaving process until it completes. Each round the character performs a weave, he must make a Spellcraft skill check with a DC specified by the strength of the spell used to continue the weave. If he is attacked during the process add the damage inflicted to the DC of the Spellcraft skill check. If the character fails this check, he suffers an amount of damage equal to 1d6 per level of the spell channeled to create the item. If the roll is a natural 20, the creation functions as a masterwork item.

Weaving is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Other characters that can work the material may aid the primary weaver by taking the aid another action using their Spellcraft skill.

When the character completes the weave, he finishes the item. Once created the weaver may take an additional full round action to ‘set’ the weave. This requires a Spellcraft skill check (DC 20). An unset weave vanishes one round after it loses contact with the character. A set weave can be passed from character to character, or left unattended if the elf so desires. If the weaver fails this skill check the weave unravels once he tries to pass it on and vanishes. Once the weaver sets the item he will not receive the spell slot back until the item is destroyed, dispelled or unwoven. The spell slot is effectively removed from his spells per day until the item vanishes.

When creating ammunition or other items that come in bundles (like nails), the elf may create up to four of the item per round that he works on the weave.

The weaver may dismiss any woven light item he created that is within 60 feet as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. He does not need to make a skill check to accomplish this action. Unless destroyed, dispelled or unwoven a set item remains in existence until the weaver dies.

Table 1-1: Woven Light Requirements
Spell Level Spellcraft DC Weaving Time Maximum Size Category of Object (Fabric/Solid) Number of Doses created (Liquid)
0th 10 1 round Fine 1
1st 13 2 rounds Diminutive 2
2nd 16 3 rounds Tiny 3
3rd 19 4 rounds Small 5
4th 21 5 rounds Medium 8
5th 24 6 rounds Large 14
6th 27 7 rounds Huge 20
7th 30 8 rounds Gargantuan 40
8th 33 9 rounds Colossal 60
9th 36 10 rounds Colossal 100

Materials, Taints, and Powers

Items made from woven light act as normal items except for the properties provided to them by their materials and the taint of magic that comes from the school of the spell channeled to create them. When the weaver uses a spell of higher level than the minimum required, he may choose to use the extra energy to grant the woven item additional powers. These powers allow the woven item to function more like a standard magic item, in addition to the abilities that it gains from its construction.


Items woven of firelight seem to dance with flames. Their colors shift though a spectrum of reds, oranges and yellows. Some also have bits of dark grey or black woven into them, as if the firelight somehow captured the smoke surrounding it. They feel warm to the touch but not uncomfortably so.

Liquid Firelight

0 hardness, 0 hit points.

When consumed liquid firelight warms the body and the blood. For 24 hours, or as long as the weave remains intact, the drinkers act as if they were under the influence of an endure elements spell. Additionally, the character is instantly healed of any nonlethal damage inflicted by exposure to cold.

Fabric Firelight

0 hardness, 2 hit points.

Firelight fabric almost glows with the rich colors of flame. It does not provide protection from physical attacks, but any being with the cold-subtype who touches a character covered in it immediately takes 1d6 fire damage.

Solid Firelight

2 hardness, 4 hit points per inch.

Solid firelight is rough to the touch, like unsanded wood. Prolonged contact gives the holder the distinct impression that the light within the blade still moves. Items made of solid firelight inflicts 1d6 fire damage on any cold-subtype creature that touches them. The item itself is immune to fire damage but automatically fails any saving throw to resist attacks or spells dealing cold damage.


Taints When the elf weaves an item from light, that item picks up part of the magic used to create it. Elves call these effects ‘taints’ and use them to create items with particular effects. Some also learn a Feat that allows them to infuse their weaves with positive or negative energy. This latter taint is particularly common among evil practitioners. Spells from the universal school do not leave a taint of magic in the items created from their weaves. The common taints have the following effects:


Abjuration taints provide the material with significant hardness and durability. Liquid affected by this taint retains its shape unless deliberately separated or molded. Fabric and solids increase their hardness by the level of abjuration spell channeled for the effect. Those wearing clothes or armor with an abjuration taint gain a deflection bonus to Armour Class equal to 1 plus 1 for every two levels of the spell above 1st (+2 for 3rd, +3 for 5th, +4 for 7th and +5 for 9th).


Conjuration taints allow the item to embody a vast source of its substance. Liquids last for a number of days equal to the level of the spell used to create them (even if imbibed). Fabrics and solids gain a number of hit points equal to the Intelligence modifier (minimum +1) of the weaver, multiplied by the level of the spell used to create them.


Divination taints grant the item’s holder unique insights. Liquids made with this taint give the character a one-time insight bonus to any Knowledge skill check equal to the level of the spell used to create the liquid. Once the character invokes this bonus the bonus and the other effects of the liquid vanish. Fabrics and solids affected by this taint act as foci for the perceptions of the creator; he may make a Spellcraft skill check (DC 30 – 2 per level of the spell used to create the item) to sense around the item as if it were the target of a scry spell. The item’s creator may use this ability once per day per item.


Enchantment taints bind the essence of compulsion into the weft of the woven light. Creatures who consume liquid light, or hold items made of fabric or solid light made by the elf are susceptible to the creator’s commands. As a standard action the weaver may issue a one-word command (as the command spell) to any one target carrying an item of his creation within 30 feet. That target must make a Will save with a DC equal to 11 + the weaver’s Intelligence modifier. If he fails, he must obey the command. If he succeeds, the item’s coercive powers may not be used again for 24 hours on that target.


Evocation taints create a constant flow of the appropriate substance into the item. Liquids cause one point of fire damage (cold for shadow and darkness weaves) per round for 10 rounds when ingested. Fabrics and solids gain the ability to regenerate at a rate equal to 1 hit point per level of the spell used to create them per round.


Illusion taints cause the appearance of the material to subtly change over time. Those who consume liquids with it gain an enhancement bonus to Disguise skill checks equal to the weaver’s Intelligence modifier. Fabrics and solids change color constantly, providing the wearer with an enhancement bonus to their Hide skill equal to the weaver’s Intelligence modifier (minimum +1).


Necromantic taints channel the essence of death into the created item. Creatures who consume the liquid form of this taint gain a faint aura of evil and a negative level if they are good. Fabrics tainted with necromancy feel slimy to the touch and cause the wearer to appear as an undead for the purpose of the detect undead spell. Solid necromantic items inflict damage on the living; casual contact causes 1 point of damage ignoring Damage Reduction while a weapon inflicts +2 profane damage with every strike.


Transmutation taints destabilize the material they are used to create. Any item of woven light with a transmutation taint has a 5% chance per day (1 on a d20) of vanishing regardless of whether or not it was ‘set’ by the creator. Make this roll at the beginning of every day.


When the character begins the weaving he may choose to channel a spell that has a higher level than that which he would absolutely need for the creation. The difference between the minimum spell level needed to create the item and the level of the spell the character casts equals the number of power points that the weaver can spend to modify an object. The various powers listed below provide a reference list for Games Masters to create their own designs. Note that liquids do not transfer either hardness or hit points to the individuals who drink them.

1 Point Powers

At a cost of 1 power point the weaver may assign any one of the following abilities to the item:

+1 to hardness.

+5 hit points.

The unset item will remain in existence for a number of rounds equal to the weaver’s character level after he releases it.

The item grants a +1 competence bonus to one skill, selected when the item is created.

The item grants a +1 bonus to saving throws against effects that inflict a specific condition (such as dazzled, nauseated or stunned) selected when the item is created.

2 Point Powers

At the cost of 2 power points the weaver may assign any one of the following abilities to the item:

+2 hardness.

+10 hit points.

The unset item will remain in existence for a number of minutes equal to the weaver’s character level after he releases it.

The item grants a +2 competence bonus to one skill, selected when the item is created.

The item grants a +1 competence bonus to either attack or damage rolls, selected when the item is created.

The item grants a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex or Will saving throws.

4 Point Powers

At the cost of 4 power points the weaver may assign any one of the following abilities to the item:

+4 hardness.

+20 hit points.

The unset item will remain in existence for a number of hours equal to the weaver’s character level after he releases it.

The item grants a +4 competence bonus to one skill, selected when the item is created.

The item grants a +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls if the item is a weapon.

The item grants a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will saving throws.

8 Point Powers

At the cost of 8 power points the weaver may assign any one of the following abilities to the item:

+8 hardness.

+40 hit points.

The unset item will remain in existence for a number of days equal to the weaver’s character level after he releases it.

The item grants a +8 competence bonus to one skill, selected when the item is created.

The item grants a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls if the item is a weapon.

The item grants a +2 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will saving throws.