Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or Wand

From Compendium of Worldly Lore

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Source: Encyclopedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation

Description: You have formed a bond with a particular ring, rod, staff or wand.

Prerequisites: Iron Will

Select a single magical ring, rod, staff or wand. You are now and forever bonded with that item. The bonuses gained for bonding depend on the type of bonded item, as outlined below.

If the bonded item is a ring, then it becomes so intrinsically bonded to your soul energy that it becomes merely an extension of your body. It no longer counts against the total number of magical rings which you can carry, meaning you can wear and successfully wield a total of three magical rings.

If the bonded item is a rod, staff or wand, then the item gains a +2 bonus to its Armour Class, its total hit points triple and its hardness and break DC increase by 3.

Regardless of type of item you are bonded to, you can active activate its command words by silent thought as a standard action. You can also sense its location to a range of 100 feet.

A character can be bonded to a maximum of one ring, rod, staff and wand. Should he lose his bonded item, should it be destroyed or should he simply wish to bond himself to a new item, he can do so but must wait until he advances a level and must pay a cost in experience equal to 100 x the caster level of the new ring, rod, staff, or wand.