Henshin Master

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Base Attack Bonus: +4

Alignment: Any Lawful

Skills: Knowledge (religion) (6 ranks), Heal (6 ranks), Diplomacy (4 ranks)

Feats: Void Use, Depths of the Void

Special: Must possess at least 3 different kiho feats.


Though most Asako henshin contemplate the Path in secluded monasteries, a number of Asako travel the empire and secretly guide others along the Path of Man. These monks are known as the henshin masters, though they carry such monastic titles such as Brother of the Path and Guide Along the Way. The henshin masters represent most henshin that do not confine themselves within the Asako lands, and tend to be outgoing and gregarious monks who are always eager to lend a hand or a sage word of advice.

Role: Tank DPS

Characteristics: Guides along the Path of Man that use Riddles and Mysteries to augment their capabilities

Source: Secrets of the Phoenix

Game Rule Information

The Henshin Master has the following game statistics.

Abilities: Wisdom is important because you're a monk, however the rest of your stats are flexible as this class offers options for all stats

Alignment: Any Lawful

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: N/A

Class Skills

The Henshin Master's class skills are Balance (Dex) Bluff (Cha) Concentration (Con), Craft (Int) Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) × 4

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Henshin Master.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Henshin Master is proficient with whatever they were already proficient with prior to taking levels in this class.

Monk/Inkyo Abilities: If the henshin master has any levels in the monk class, he may add his henshin master class levels to his monks levels when determining his unarmed damage. If the henshin master has any levels in the inkyo class, he may add his henshin master class levels to his inkyo levels when determining his unarmed damage. If the henshin master has levels in both the monk and inkyo classes, he must determine, when he chooses to enter this prestige class, to which class he will apply his henshin master levels when determining these abilities.

Riddle: The henshin study the nature of the kami as they progress upon the Path of Man in an effort to find their own unique brand of enlightenment. Where the henshin once attempted to trick the kami into acting in a way of their and do not need to decieve them. However, the kami still enjoy the wit of their mortal companions, so henshin masters are taught how to spin a riddle to impress and amuse that kami.

At 1st level, the henshin master chooses one element that he has learned to appease in the manner. At 3rd 5th and 7th levels, the henshin master chooses another element he has gained understanding of and may use each Riddle a number of times per day equal to half his henshin master level (rounded up) without cost. If the henshin master wishes to use the Riddle more times than this allows he must spend a Void point each time he activates it. For example, a 4th level henshin master has taken Riddle of Earth and the Riddle of Water, he has used the Riddle of Water twice already today and the Riddle of Earth only once. He may choose to spend a void point and use the Riddle of Water again or may use the Riddle of Earth without spending any Void Points. If he uses the Riddle of Earth, he will have to spend a void point to use the Riddle of Earth later that same day. All Riddles are considered supernatural abilities with a descriptor of their appropriate elemental type. Use of a Riddle is a standard action that draws an attack of opportunity by making a Concentration check (DC 15). Riddles may not be used if the henshin master is magically silenced or unable to speak.

The Riddle of Air:

The henshin master has learned how to amuse the whimsical air kami. He may choose to use this RIddle to gain a +4 bonus to his next Charisma based check or impose a -10 penalty on another creature's Charisma based skill check within 30 feet. The target of this effect is allowed a Will save to avoid its effects (DC 10 + the henshin master's Charisma modifier + his level in this prestige class)

The Riddle of Earth:

The kami of earth grant the blessings of wholeness and purity upon those they favor. The henshin master may use this riddle to gain DR of X where X is the character's henshin master level. The DR lasts for a number of rounds equal to half the henshin master's level in this prestige class (rounded up). The riddle of earth may be used to create a magical effect identical to a cure spell of a strength depending on the character's henshin master level.

The spell is considered to be cast by a cleric of the henshin master's character level and the henshin master may choose to cast a less powerful spell than indicated by his level (for example, a 9th level henshin master may cast Cure Serious Wounds instead of Healing Circle when using this Riddle if he chooses). The henshin master may not use the cure spell abilities on himself.

The Riddle of Fire:

The Kami of fire are creatures of passion, speed, and inspiration. By drawing on their blessing, the henshin master may use this Riddle to gaina +4 bonus to his next intelligence based skill check. He may also use this riddle to add his Wisdom modifier to all attack rolls for the next combat round if he is fighting unarmed or with a bo staff, jitte, sai, nunchaku, kama, or tonfa. This bonus stacks with all other attack modifiers.

The Riddle of Water:

The henshin master has gained the understanding og the water kami who grant the favors of inexhaustible strength and boundless wisdom. The henshin master may use this riddle to gain a +4 Wisdom bonus on his next skill check, or to double his strength modifier on all damage rolls for the next combat round if he is fighting unarmed or with a bo staff, jitte, sai, nunchaku, kama, or tonfa.

Mystery: Ins tudying the kami, the henshin wish to become like them. The Asako strive to become part of the perfect harmony of the Celestial Order like the Fortunes and Elemental Dragons. As the henshin master becomes closer to this harmony he can tip the balance of the elements in himself and those around him. At 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th levels, the henshin master may choose one element to manipulate in this manner. Each use of a mystery requires the henshin master to spend a Void Point. Mysteries are considered supernatural abilities with a descriptor of their appropriate elemental type. Using a Mystery is a standard action that draws an attack of opportunity normally and lasts a number of rounds equal to the character's level in this class. Mysteries may be used on the defensive without drawing an attack of opportunity by making a Concentration Check (Base DC, 15). Mysteries may not lower an ability score below 1 and can only affect targets within 30 feet and line of sight The target of this effect is allowed a Fortitude save to avoid its effects (DC 10 + the henshin master's Wisdom modifier, + his prestige class levels). Targets immune to ability score damage may not be affected by Mysteries.

Mystery of Air: The henshin master may raise or lower the Charisma or Dexterity of himself or another creature by one-half of his henshin master level (rounded down).

Mystery of Earth: The henshin master may raise or lower the Constitution or Wisdom of himself or another creature by one-half of his henshin master level (rounded down).

Mystery of Fire: The henshin master may raise or lower the Dexterity or Intelligence of himself or another creature by one-half of his henshin master level (rounded down).

Mystery of Water: The henshin master may raise or lower the Strength or Wisdom of himself or another creature by one-half of his henshin master level (rounded down).

Diamond Body Su: At 9th level the henshin master is so in harmony with the universe that gains immunity to poison and non-magical disease of all kinds.

Diamond Soul: At 9th level, the henshin master's soul is so aligned with the Elements that unwanted magic is turned away without effort. The henshin master gains SR equal to his character level + 10. To affect the henshin master with a spell, a spellcaster must roll the henshin master's spell resistance or higher on 1d20 + the spellcaster's level.

Riddle of Fate Su: At 10th level the henshin master has finally achieved the last step he will take on the Path of Man while he exists in the Realm of Mortals. He is forevermore treated as a native outsider rather than a humanoid (the henshin master may be banished but not dismissed) He also gains a permanent DR/— that stacks with the Riddle of Earth. As an outsider the henshin master may be affected by spells that repel enchanted creatures such as Protection From Law. Finally the henshin master has gained the power to alter the dictates of fate — he may spend a Void Point after a roll is made to force a re-roll. The henshin master then chooses which roll he wishes to be the "real" roll; that roll determines the outcome. The henshin master must pay 250 xp each time he wishes to use this ability and may not lose class levels by using this ability.

Table 1-1: Henshin Master Progression
Level Base

Attack Bonus







1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Monk/Inkyo abilities, riddle
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Mystery
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Riddle
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Mystery
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Riddle
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Mystery
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Riddle
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Mystery
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Diamond body, diamond soul
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Riddle of Fate
Table 1-2: Mystery of Earth Spells
Henshin Master Level Cure Spell
1-2 Cure Light Wounds
3-4 Cure Moderate Wounds
5-6 Cure Serious Wounds
7-8 Cure Critical Wounds
9-10 Healing Circle