Vital Statistics

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Adjusted Size Chart

What does being a certain size mean for a character?

Tall , Long Attack Mod AC Hide Height/length Space Reach Grapple Defending Trip Special Attack Example
Microscopic 16 16 24 below .1 in 0 ft 0 -32 32 -32 Nematode
Fine 8 8 16 .1 to 4 in .5 ft 0 -16 16 -16 Fly
Diminutive 4 4 12 4 in-1 ft 1 ft 0 -8 8 -12 Mouse
Tiny 2 2 8 1-2 ft 2.5 ft 0 -4 4 -8 Cat
Small 1 1 4 2-4 ft 5 ft 5 ft -2 2 -4 Child
Medium 0 0 0 4-8 ft 5 ft 5 ft 0 0 0 Man
Large -1 -1 -4 8-16 ft 8 ft 10 ft 10 ft 5 ft 2 -2 2 4 Ogre Horse
Huge -2 -2 -8 16-32 ft 12 ft 15 ft 15 ft 10 ft 4 -4 4 8 Giant Elephant
Gargantuan -4 -4 -12 32-64 ft 18 ft 20 ft 20 ft 15 ft 8 -8 8 12 50 ft Statue Orca
Colossal -8 -8 -16 64-128 ft 30 ft or approp 30 ft 20 ft 16 -16 16 16 Colossus Blue Whale
Colossal+ -16 -16 -24 128+ ft appropriate appropriate 32 -32 32 32 Mechanus Defender Colossus Kaiju

Age and Aging

With age, a character’s physical ability scores decrease and his or her mental ability scores increase (see Table: Aging Effects). The effects of each aging step are cumulative. However, none of a character’s ability scores can be reduced below 1 in this way.

When a character reaches venerable age, secretly roll his or her maximum age, which is the number from the Venerable column on that Race's page, plus the result of the dice roll indicated on the Maximum Age column on that table, and records the result, which the player does not know. A character who reaches his or her maximum age dies of old age at some time during the following year.

The maximum ages are for player characters. Most people in the world at large die from pestilence, accidents, infections, or violence before getting to venerable age.

  • At middle age, -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  • At old age, -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  • At venerable age, -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.


The dice roll given in the Height Modifier column determines the character’s extra height beyond the base height. That same number multiplied by the dice roll or quantity given in the Weight Modifier column determines the character’s extra weight beyond the base weight.

These are just suggestions, and serve as examples that can be applied to other races. Please consult your DM when designating a custom weight and height for a race.

Race Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Human, male 4' 10" +2d10 120 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Human, female 4' 5" +2d10 85 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Dwarf, male 3' 9" +2d4 130 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Dwarf, female 3' 7" +2d4 100 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Elf, male 4' 5" +2d6 85 lb. x(1d6) lb.
Elf, female 4' 5" +2d6 80 lb. x(1d6) lb.
Gnome, male 3' 0" +2d4 40 lb. ×1 lb.
Gnome, female 2' 10" +2d4 35 lb. ×1 lb.
Half-elf, male 4' 7" +2d8 100 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Half-elf, female 4' 5" +2d8 80 lb. x(2d4) lb.
Half-orc, male 4' 10" +2d12 150 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Half-orc, female 4' 5" +2d12 110 lb. x(2d6) lb.
Halfling, male 2' 8" +2d4 30 lb. ×1 lb.
Halfling, female 2' 6" +2d4 25 lb. ×1 lb.