Runethane Spells

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Level 0

  • Acid Splash (1d3 T Acid damage, Conjuration)
  • Animated Tattoo (Create a tattoo that can move., Illusion)
  • Arcane Mark (Inscribe a personal rune., Universal)
  • Audible Whisper (All in 100ft can hear S, Transmutation)
  • Bat Sight (T gains echolocation for 1 round, Transmutation)
  • Befuddle (T forgets current thought, Enchantment)
  • Bouncing Fall (Minimize fall damage, Transmutation)
  • Breeze (Gentle air current, Evocation)
  • Clean (Clean O or T, Transmutation)
  • Dancing Lights (Moving lights, Evocation)
  • Daydream (T -2 on skill checks, Enchantment)
  • Daze (Remove T action, Enchantment)
  • Detect Magic (Detect magical auras near you, Divination)
  • Incise (Create clean cut on willing or incapacitated target, Evocation)
  • Open Wound (T fort save of take 1 bleed/round for 1d4 rounds, Evocation)
  • Preserve Organ (severed organ does not rot, Necromancy)

Level 1

  • Create Blood and Flesh (Create up to 1lb of flesh or 1gal of blood/CL, Conjuration)
  • Disappear (Caster becomes invisible for 2 rounds, Illusion)
  • Identify Blood and Flesh (Learn Blood Type, Conditions of the Blood and Flesh, Divination)
  • Induce Hemophilia (T fort save or all damage taken until next round also deals 1 bleed, Necromancy)
  • Magic Missile (You create unerring magical darts made of pure force, Evocation)
  • Reduce Blood (Extract humours, toxins, other non-blood elements from blood., Necromancy)
  • Reduce Essence (Extract humours, toxins, other non-blood elements from flesh., Necromancy)

Level 2

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Level 3

  • Fireball (You create a roaring explosion of flame, Evocation)
  • Gaseous Form (Turns corporeal creature into cloud of gas, Transmutation)

Level 4

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Level 5

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Level 6

  • Chain Lightning (1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage., Evocation)

Level 7

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Level 8

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Level 9

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