Battle Touch

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Source: Complete Book of Eldritch Might

Description: Your touch attack spells last longer, giving them more use in combat.

Prerequisites: DEX 15

When you cast a touch spell (not ranged touch), it remains in effect for a full round after you discharge it, allowing you to try to touch more than one target in a round if you have multiple attacks. If you cast a touch attack spell and have multiple attacks due to high level, you can attempt all your touch attacks as though using a full attack action. For example, if a 12th level sorcerer under the effects of Haste casts Chill Touch, she can make two touch attacks because she gets two attacks per round, and another because she is hasted. Since it was developed by a battle focused mage, this feat works only with attack spells such as Shocking Grasp or Cause Fear, not beneficial spells like Cure Light Wounds (unless Cure Light Wounds is used to attack and damage undead). You still cannot target more than one creature with the multiple touches.