Deflection to Attraction

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Source: Complete Book of Eldritch Might

Description: Through subtle manipulation of arcane energies, your attacks strike certain magically protected targets with greater accuracy than they normally would.

Prerequisites: Magical Aptitude, DEX 15, CHA 19

Using a standard action, you weave a subtle magical effect around a weapon (or your own fist, for an unarmed attack) that negates deflection bonuses and confers a possible bonus to your attack. On the following round, your first attack ignores your target's deflection bonuses to Armor Class and turns that same bonus into a bonus to your attack roll. If you attack a foe who wears a +3 ring of protection, giving him a +3 deflection bonus to armor class, you strike as if that item were suppressed and you had a +3 bonus to your attack roll to strike that foe. You can perform this feat once per character level per day. You do not need to know whether your opponent has deflection bonuses to use this feat. This is a supernatural ability.