Indirect Spell

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Source: Encyclopedia Arcane: Divination

Description: A spell you cast with this feat can travel through a scrying focus or divination spell and bypass the need for line of effect or range limitations.

Prerequisites: Any Other Metamagic Feat

If you have a valid target visible through the use of a scrying device or the effect of a divination spell immediately before you begin to cast it a spell prepared with this feat, you are considered to have line of sight and line of effect to the target. The target of the Indirect Spell gains a +2 bonus to their saves, if any, because of the slight weakening effects of channeling the magic through the divination effect. Range is not a concern for the original spell, but Indirect Spell cannot channel a touch attack.

Casting a spell with this feat uses up a slot two levels higher than the original spell. In addition to this limitation, only one spell of each spell level can be used with Indirect Spell each day.