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Source: Stormwrack

Description: You can use song or a wind instrument to compel the winds to obey you.

Prerequisites: Bardic Music, Perform (Sing or Wind Instruments)

By expending a daily bardic music use, you can lull the winds around a single ship into well-tamed gusts. They continue to blow into the sails of the ship as normal for their speed, but their effects on the crew are one stage in intensity less. Thus, a strong wind affected by this ability continues to propel the ship along as normal for a strong wind, but it only affects the crew as though it were a moderate wind. You can also alter the direction of the wind by one compass point (from north to north-west or north-east, from south-west to west or south, etc.).

These effects last as long as the bard continues to perform his bardic music, plus 10 rounds after the music has ended.