Prestige Classes

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Abjurant ChampionSpell DPSA caster martial hybrid with empowered abjuration magic
AbolisherSpell DPSAberration combating divine casters
AbominationTankFoul piles of rotten flesh that get more monstrous
Adventuring ScholarUtilityTravelling academics that use their wit and guile to survive the world
Agent RetrieverUtilityExperts on tracking things down wherever they may be, even the astral
Akodo ChampionDPS SupportBattlefield leaders who can bolster themselves and others with their force of will
Alchemist SavantSpell UtilityMad scientists of the magic world, brewing and combining potions and alchemical mixtures to great effect
AlienistSpell UtilityInsane casters whose prolonged contact with the Far Realm enhances their power at a cost.
Ambient TempestSpell UtilityA caster with unique secrets and shifting magic
Ancient MasterUtilityThose yuan-ti who grow mightier of mind and gain additional magic powers as they age
Animal LordDPSLeaders of certain groups of animals they preside over
Anointed KnightDPSBlessed knights, with ancestral relics that power up as you do
ArachnomancerSpell UtilityArachnid focused casters, gaining poison touch and the ability to shape into spiders
Arcane ArcherSpell DPSArchers who embue their shots with magic
Arcane DelverSpellExperts of placing their spells in objects and timing them
Arcane DevoteeSpell UtilityAn arcane caster with spells and boons enhanced by their god.
Arcane HierophantSpell UtilityA Theurge class that channels their spells through animals and plants
Arcane LichSpellSpellcasters that seek immortality through pure arcane magic
Arcane TricksterSpell DPSAn arcane caster with ranged rogue abilities
ArcanopathSpell DPSRefined spellcasting minds with offenses and defenses coming from said minds
Arcanopath MonkDPSSure striking combatants that can disable the senses and faculties of foes
ArchmageSpell UtilityPowerful casters that gain access to high arcana
Ardent DilettanteSpell SupportIndividuals with a dedication to sensation and unravelling the mysteries of the world.
Arena ChampionDPS TankAre you not entertained?! Become the king or queen of the arenas with devastating finisher manuevers
Argent SavantSpell UtilitySpellslingers who have mastered the application of force magic.
ArthoparchSpell TankSpellcasters with protective armies of vermin shielding them
ArtificerSpell UtilityCreators who imbue their inventions with powers that replicate spell effects
ArtisanUtilityProfessionals in a variety of trades and performances
Ashworm DragoonDPSAshworm riding warriors that burrow through the earth before striking
AssassinDPSDPS proficient with poison, sneak attacks and a death attack
Astral DancerDPSAstral realm travelling warriors that are very proficient in zero gravity fighting
Athasian DragonSpell DPSA powerful arcane caster metamorphising into a powerful dragon
Avenging ExecutionerDPSVengeance seeking characters that inflict fear and extra damage in several ways
Bane of InfidelsSpell DPSCulty druids, that create pyres and conduct sacrifices for power.
Battle MageSpell DPSMages with immense control of damaging spells and metamagic
Bayushi DeceiverDPSFeinting specialists with even more sneak attack damage and poison
Beast Heart AdeptDPSA DPS with monstrous companions to fight next to.
BeastmasterDPSWhile fighting people with swords may be nice, what if you had an animal friend to help you in this endeavor?
Beholder MageSpell DPSBeholders that gouge out their eyes for magic powers
BerserkDPSSavage warriors with battle fury and the ability to shift into an animal.
BinderSpell UtilityDemonology practitioners who summon and bind demons into objects
Black Blood CultistTank DPSBlack Blood cultists are savage fighters whose natural attacks become more fearsome as they increase in level.
Black Blood HunterDPSThose who supplement their bestial level of evil with truly vile acts.
BlackguardTank DPSAnti-Paladin prestige class
Blade BravoDPSFencing aficionados who use their small stature to their advantage.
Blade DancerDPSJump, duck, and dodge through enemies to stay alive and wreak havoc
BladesingerSpell DPSMartial wizards that gain bonuses to fighting in combat and abilities to cast in melee safely
BlighterSpell DPSLimited Casting. Anti-Druids that favor sickness and deforestation
BloodcarverSpell DPSChaos Mages who damage themselves to cast more effectively
BloodhoundDPS UtilityKeen sensed hunters who bring their quarry back alive
... further results