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Aberration BanemagicYou can cast spells that do additional damage to aberrations.
Ability FocusThe special attack of a creature with this feat is more potent than normal.Special attack
Able LearnerCost for all skills is 1 skill pointHuman
AcrobaticYou have excellent body awareness and coordination.
Additional Magic Item SpaceYou can wear more magic items.Epic Level
Aerial Mounted CombatYou are proficient in fighting on top of a flying mount.Ride Class Skill
Mounted Combat
AgileYou are particularly flexible and poised.
Air FistYou focus your unarmed strikes with the speed of the wind.Improved Unarmed Strike
Void Use
DEX 13
Akodo's TechniqueYou learned to turn even your slighest success to your advantageWay of the Lion
STR 13
Base Attack Bonus +8
Alertness+2 Listen and +2 Spot
Altitude AdaptationYour body adapts quickly to changes in altitude, preventing you from suffering as much from altitude sickness.Base Fort Save +2
Animal Affinity+2 Handle Animal and +2 Ride
Animal CompanionGives an animal companion.Handle Animal (8 ranks)
Aquatic ShotYou have developed the technique of firing a ranged weapon into or through the water with better accuracy than normal.Point Blank Shot
Arcane BufferYou are not as affected by damage to a war golem as other operators might beMortis Harness
Arcane Consumption+4 Spell DC, Take 4 CON Damage and fatigue yourselfToughness
Arcane Toughness
6th level Caster
Arcane MasteryYou are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the arcane defenses and spells of others.Ability to cast spells or use spell like abilities
Arcane ToughnessSpend spell slot to gain hit points equal to level spent.Toughness
3rd Level Caster (arcane)
Archer's GiftYour powers guide your arrow sure and trueTrue Strike
Longbow Proficiency
5 Levels of Arcane Spells
Words of Surety
ArmbarYou learn how to break your opponents limbs while grapplingBase Attack Bonus +5
Improved Grapple
Armor FocusYou are adept at fighting in particular type of armorProficiency in chosen armor
Armor Skin+1 ACEpic Level
ArtistYou claim descent from Doji, the founder of the Crane household, known as a creator of culture and civilization.
AthleticYou have a knack for athletic endeavors.
Attune GemYou can magically imbue gems to hold a spell until triggered.3rd Level Arcane Caster
Craft (Gemcutting) class skill
INT 13
Augment IllusionYou have the ability to add sensual qualities to spells that don't usually have themSpell Focus (Illusion)
Augment SummoningYour summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augmented AlchemyYou can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.INT 21
Epic Level
Alchemy (24 ranks)
Automatic Quicken SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.Epic Level
Spellcraft (30 ranks)
Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells silently.Silent Spell
Spellcraft (24 ranks)
Epic Level
Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Automatic Still SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.Still Spell
Epic Level
Spellcraft (27 ranks)
Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
AwarenessYou are perceptive in combatDEX 13
Lightning Reflexes
Awesome BlowYou can choose to deliver blows that send its smaller opponents flying like bowling pins.Improved Bull Rush
Power Attack
STR 25
Size Large or Larger
Awesome SmiteThrough a combination of sheer muscle and mystical acumen, you can deliver devastating smite attacks.Smite
Base Attack Bonus +6
Power Attack
Battle BlessingYou can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.Ability to cast Paladin spells
Battle TouchYour touch attack spells last longer, giving them more use in combat.DEX 15
Beckon the FrozenCreatures you summon are infused with cold energy and have the cold subtype.Augment Summoning
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Binder's BlessingYour spells remain even after you stop concentrating on them.Words of Binding
10 levels of arcane spells
Blackened CaressThe fabled death touch of the Ninja, of the most depraved.14th level Ninja
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Kiss of the Lotus
Blackened SightYou create shadowy reflections of yourself.Dodge
Combat Expertise
Improved Initiative
The Pincers Hold, The Tail Strikes
Strike at the Tail
Blazing BerserkerWhen you enter your rage, your body becomes infused with fire.Rage
Blind ShotYou can shoot at things you cannot see.Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
DEX 13
Blind-FightYou know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.
Blinding SpeedYou can trigger short bursts of great speed.DEX 25
Epic Level
BlindsightYour senses are as keen as the bat’s.Ability to use wild shape to become a dire bat
BloodcastingYou are able to exceed your daily allotment of spells by sacrificing your Constitution3rd Level Spells (Arcane or Battle Magic)
Bonded Armor, Shield, or WeaponYou have formed a bond with a particular suit of armor or with a weapon.Iron Will
Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or WandYou have formed a bond with a particular ring, rod, staff or wand.Iron Will
Bonus DomainYou have access to one additional domain of spells.Able to cast 9th level divine spells
WIS 21
Born of the Three ThundersYou have learned to marry the power of lightning and thunder in your electricity and sonic spells.Energy Substitution
Knowledge (Nature) (4 ranks)
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