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RunethaneSpell UtilityLimited arcane caster with unique rune abilities
SamuraiTankWarrior wielding katanas that uses fearsome war cries to control the battlefield
ScoutDPSDPS focused on scouting and moving around the battlefield
SentinelSpell DPSA nature focused invocation caster, like a druid warlock
ShadowcasterSpell UtilityArcane casters witha mysteries to cast their spells
ShugenjaSpell SupportDivine spellcaster that channels one of the four elements (like in ATLA)
Sidhe ScholarSpell SupportA fey focused druid variant
SniperDPSScout without Skirmish! They get long ranged bonus damage instead.
SoheiTank DPSWarrior monks with frenzied attacks and limited casting
SorcererSpellSpontaneous arcane caster with loads of spell slots
SoulknifeDPSInvocation focused melee warrior that can conjure magic blades
Spell-less PaladinTank SupportAs paladin, without spells! They gain other divine features instead!
Spell-less RangerDPSAs ranger, but no spells! They get a bunch of boons from nature.
SpellthiefSpell Utility DPSRoguelike that sneak attacks and drains spells from foes.
Spirit ShamanSpell SupportDivine caster, uses druid spell list, spellcasting like sorcerer
SumoDPSA bulky grappler and combatant with a variety of combat manuevers
SwashbucklerDPSA graceful battlefield warrior who can dodge in and out of combat
TelekineticistDPS UtilityMid-to-long range characters that can use large melee weapons and grapple from far away
TelepathSpell DPS UtilityBrainbusting rogue-likes with a suite of mental powers
ThugDPS UtilityWorse rogue with a backstab
Totem WarriorDPS TankWarriors who use a variety of animal powers to assist in combat
Urban DruidSpell SupportDivine spellcaster that controls vermin and can polymorph into objects
Vox MortisDPSSonic yell wielding warriors that can cause significant amounts of damage
WarlockSpell DPSArcane caster that gains powers from otherworldly beings
WarmageSpell DPSArmored casters who excel at dealing damage
WarriorTankTank NPC class, has some combat potential
WeeperDPSMask wearing ghost slaying casters with masks with powerful abilities.
WitchSpellCaster with limited casting and witcheries
WizardSpellPrepared arcane caster, widest versatility in spell lists for class
Wu JenSpellArcane casters with taboos they cannnot break