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 DescriptionFeat TypePrerequisites
Swift TumblerYou can flip, twist, and roll with great speed.UtilityTumble (7 ranks)
Swim-by AttackYou can attack in the middle of a fast pass by your opponent.CombatSwim speed
Swordsman's GiftYour magic helps you to guide your bladeCombatWords of Surety, 10 Levels of Arcane Spells
Tactile IllusionYour illusions have tactile sensationsMetamagicAugment Illusion
Tail of the SunYou are an advocate for the naginata.KataWeapon Focus
Tasaii-do IntermediateThe intermediate student learns to disrupt the tempo of his own opponent's attacks by interrupting them with attacks of his own.CombatBase Attack Bonus +2, Tasaii-do Novice, Improved Unarmed Strike
Tasaii-do NoviceA novice in Tasaii-do learns to zone out all distractions during combat, to focus solely upon himself and his opponentsCombatImproved Unarmed Strike
Tempest BreathYour breath weapon can now develop wild windsMetamagicBreath Weapon, STR 13, Power Attack, Size Large or Larger
Tenacious MagicChoose one of your spells or spell-like abilities. That magic cannot be dispelled, only suppressed.MagicSpellcraft (15 ranks), Epic Level
The Empire Rests on its EdgeYou realize everything must be treated as if it rests upon the edge of a swordKataVoid Use
The Final LessonOnce you have progressed to this level, failure no longer exists.CombatPower Attack, Base Attack Bonus +10
The Mountain Does Not FallYour fortitude allows you to keep fighting in spite of adversity.CombatGreat Fortitude, The Mountain Does Not Move, Void Use, CON 13, Base Attack Bonus +12
The Mountain Does Not MoveYou can shrug off the deadliest attacks and remain standing.CombatVoid Use, Base Attack Bonus +6, CON 13
The Mountain's SongYou may focus your inner energy with great clarity.UtilityDepths of the Void, Void Use
The Pincers Hold, The Tail StrikesYou have learned the ultimate distraction techniqueCombatBluff (Class skill), Base Attack Bonus +10, INT 13, Strike at the Tail, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
The Shadow DragonThe essence of corruption taints everything you touch.CombatTaint Modifier of +8
The Soul's RoarYou hold your blade aloft and bellow a primal roarKataPower Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Way of the Lion
The Victory of the RiverThis kata helps you adapt to the changing tides of combatKataCleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack
The World is EmptyYou draw out the inner power of the void to reach perfection with your katana strikes.KataVoid Use, Depths of the Void
Throat PunchBy making a precise punch to the throat, you can render a target unable to speak effectively.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, Sneak Attack +3d6
Throw AnythingIn your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon.CombatDEX 15, Base Attack Bonus +2, Proficiency with Weapon
Thundering the SkyYou dizzy foes with distracting maneuvers and multiple feintsKataDodge, Combat Expertise, Mobility, One Spirit
Time Between BreathsYou throw off the opponent's rhythm to give yourself an advantageKataCombat Reflexes, Let Him Go By
Toothed BlowYou are able to hammer your foes more effectively underwater.CombatSTR 13, Improved Unarmed Strike
Tormtor SchoolYou have learned House Tormtor's fighting technique from its weapon mastersCombatPoint Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Javelin), Base Attack Bonus +6
Toughness+3 HPUtility
Tower Shield ProficiencyYou are proficient with tower shields.UtilityShield Proficiency
TrackYou can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain.Utility
TrampleYou are trained in using your mount to knock down opponents.CombatRide (1 rank)
Transcend the MountainYou prize strength above all else.UtilitySTR 14, Base Attack Bonus +4
Transfer Spell SlotYou are able to transfer your own spell slots to another battle mage within 300 ft.MagicBoth the sender and receiver of the spell slots must be wearing an operational mortis harness
Trap EngineerYou have spent a great deal of time studying trap construction and recognize the work of famous builders, which gives you an edge against their devices.UtilityKnowledge (Dungeoneering) (4 ranks), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (1 rank)
Trap SensitivityYour senses are so attuned that you can detect mechanical traps that are close by.UtilityTrap Sense +2, Elf or Trapfinding feature
Tremulous TouchYour sense of touch has grown so acute that you can feel vibrations in the air and through the ground.MagicMystic Awareness
Tsuko's StormYou sharpen your senses to the possibility of attack from any directionKataMatsu's Roar, Void Use
Tunnel FightingYou are adept at maneuvering and fighting in tight spaces and underground passages.CombatBase Attack Bonus +1
Tunnel RidingYou are particularly adept at maneuvering mounts through tight spaces and underground passages.UtilityMounted Combat, Tunnel Fighting
Twisting BladeYou can inflict deadly blows to a target's vital organs using a knifeCombatSneak Attack +1d6, Weapon Focus
Two-Weapon DefenseYour two-weapon fighting style bolsters your defense as well as your offense.CombatTwo-Weapon Fighting, DEX 15
Two-Weapon FightingYou can fight with a weapon in each hand with greater ease.CombatDEX 15
Unbalancing StrikeYou can strike a humanoid opponent's joints to knock your target off balance.CombatWIS 15, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike
Unbinder's BlessingYou are particularly adept at unweaving another's magicMetamagicImproved Counterspell, Words of Unbinding, 10 levels of arcane spells
Uncanny AccuracyYou can ignore anything less than total cover or total concealment when using ranged weapons.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Precise Shot, Spot (20 ranks), DEX 21, Base Attack Bonus +11, Epic Level*
Undead MasteryYou can command a greater number of undead than normal.MagicAbility to turn and rebuke undead, CHA 21, Epic Level
Undermountain TacticsDwarves have developed a variety of cunning tactics to defeat those foolish enough to enter their mountain redoubts.CombatBase Attack Bonus +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (2 ranks)
UndyingYou ignore pain and damage at death's door.UtilityCON 13
Unnatural WillAdd CHA Mod to Will Save vs Fear effectsUtilityIron Will, CHA 12
Unyielding FuryYou have learned to tap into the boundless rage to avoid being dfeatedKataGreat Fortitude, Hida's Rage, Strength of the Earth, The Mountain Does Not Fall, The Mountain Does Not Move, Toughness, Void Use, Way of the Crab
Urban TrackingYou can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.Utility
VerminfriendVermin regard the character better than they would normally.UtilityCHA 15
Victory of the WindYou focus on disabling the opponent with precisionKataCombat Expertise, Quick Draw, Improved Initiative
Vile Ki StrikeThe character can focus evil power into his unarmed strike.CombatCHA 15, Improved Unarmed Strike
Vile Martial StrikeThe character can focus evil power into her weapon blows.CombatWeapon Focus, CHA 15
Vile Natural AttackThe character can focus evil power into his natural attacks.CombatBase Attack Bonus +5, Natural Attack (at least 1d8)
Void UseYou have learned to focus your concentration on the Void.Utility
Watchful FalconA ritual used for sharpening the sensesKataBase Attack Bonus +2, Concentration (2 ranks)
Water FistYou summon the raw strength of the monk to overpower and topple your foes with a single blowCombatImproved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, STR 13
Way of the CrabYou are unaffected by the weight of Heavy ArmorCombatCON 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Way of the CraneCenturies of tradition and excellence have honed your swordsmanship to a razor's edge.CombatWeapon Focus, DEX 13, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Katana)
Way of the DragonYou are adept at using your blades to attack while defendingCombatDaisho Technique, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Katana + Wakizashi), Base Attack Bonus +1, WIS 15
Way of the LionYou are skilled at attacking opponents through the joints and seams in their armorCombatSTR 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Way of the MantisYou possess skill with a variety of crude and unpredictable weapons.CombatBase Attack Bonus +1, DEX 13
Way of the OxFew can match your fury while mounted.CombatBase Attack Bonus +3, Mounted Combat, DEX 13
Way of the PhoenixYou have learned to focus yourself to perfection.CombatVoid Use, WIS 13
Way of the UnicornYou are trained in superior cavalry techniques.CombatRide (Class Skill), DEX 13
Way of the WaspYou are skilled in the advanced bow techniques of the Wasp.CombatBase Attack Bonus +9, DEX 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Weapon FinesseYou are especially skilled at using light and dextrous weapons.CombatBase Attack Bonus +1
Weapon FocusYou are especially good at using a specific weaponCombatBase Attack Bonus +1, Weapon Proficiency
Weapon SpecializationYour knowledge of a specific weapon is unrivaled.CombatBase Attack Bonus +4, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency
Weapon and TorchYou have mastered a style of fighting that uses a melee weapon and a torch to devastating effect. You can dazzle and burn your opponent with the open flame.Combat
Weave DarknessYou can turn darkness into physical itemsItem Creation5th Level Caster
Weave FirelightYou can turn firelight into physical itemsItem Creation5th Level Caster
Weave MoonlightYou can turn moonlight into physical itemsItem Creation7th Level Caster
Weave ShadowYou can turn shadow into physical itemsItem Creation7th Level Caster
Weave StarlightYou can turn starlight into physical itemsItem Creation9th Level Caster
Weave SunlightYou can turn sunlight into physical itemsItem Creation9th Level Caster
Whirlwind AttackYou can strike nearby opponents in an amazing, spinning attack.CombatDodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, DEX 13, INT 13, Combat Expertise, Base Attack Bonus +4
Widen Aura of CourageYour aura of courage is wider than normal.MagicCHA 25, Aura of Courage, Epic Level
Widen SpellYou can increase the area of your spells.Metamagic
Willing DeformityThrough scarification, self-mutilation, and supplication to dark powers, the character intentionally mars her own body.Utility
WindsingerYou can use song or a wind instrument to compel the winds to obey you.MagicBardic Music, Perform (Sing or Wind Instruments)
WingoverYou change direction quickly once per round while airborne.UtilityAbility to fly
WingstormYou can flatten targets with blasts of air from your wings.CombatPower Attack, Fly speed 20, Hover, Dragon, Size Large or Larger, STR 13
Wolfen BoonYour hearing and sense of smell have become preternaturally keen.MagicMystic Awareness
Words of Creation (Exalted)You have learned a few of the words that were spoken to create the world.MagicINT 15, CHA 15, Base Will Save Bonus +5
Words of SuretyYou know Charms that help to steady a warrior’s hands.MagicINT 13
Words of TurningYou know Charms that allow you to turn aside blows.CombatINT 13
Words of UnbindingYou know the Charms to destroy magic.MetamagicAble to cast Dispel Magic
Words of UnmakingYou know the Charms that destroy the bonds that hold magical items togetherMetamagicAbility to cast Dispel Magic
Zen ArcheryYour intuition guides your hand when you use a ranged weapon.CombatWIS 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Zone of AnimationYou can channel negative energy to animate undead.MagicUndead Mastery, CHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn and rebuke undead