Utility Feats

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Ability FocusThe special attack of a creature with this feat is more potent than normal.Special attack
Able LearnerCost for all skills is 1 skill pointHuman, Doppelganger
AcrobaticYou have excellent body awareness and coordination.
Additional Magic Item SpaceYou can wear more magic items.Epic Level
AgileYou are particularly flexible and poised.
Alertness+2 Listen and +2 Spot
Altitude AdaptationYour body adapts quickly to changes in altitude, preventing you from suffering as much from altitude sickness.Base Fort Save +2
Animal Affinity+2 Handle Animal and +2 Ride
Animal CompanionGives an animal companion.Handle Animal (8 ranks)
Armor Skin+1 ACEpic Level
ArtistYou claim descent from Doji, the founder of the Crane household, known as a creator of culture and civilization.
AthleticYou have a knack for athletic endeavors.
Augmented AlchemyYou can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.INT 21, Epic Level, Alchemy (24 ranks)
Blinding SpeedYou can trigger short bursts of great speed.DEX 25, Epic Level
BlindsightYour senses are as keen as the bat’s.Ability to use wild shape to become a dire bat
BrachiationYou can swing through trees like a monkey.Climb (4 ranks), Jump (4 ranks)
Carver's GiftYour magic allows you to cut through physical items easily.5 Levels of Arcane Spells
Clever WrestlingYou have a better than normal chance to escape from a big creature's grapple or pin.Improved Unarmed Strike, Size Medium or smaller
Cold EnduranceEither because of growing up in a frostfell or training your body and mind to ignore the biting effect of cold, you can exist with ease in low-temperature environments.Base Fort Save +2
Commanding PresenceYour stern gaze leaves people quaking in fearCHA 13, Eyes of Fury, Fearsome Appearance
Daisho TechniqueYou are skilled at using the katana and wakizashi simultaneously.Base Attack Bonus +1, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Katana + Wakizashi), WIS 13
Damage ReductionYou can shrug off some damage from attacksEpic Level, CON 21
Daunting PresenceShake an opponent's resolve using your mere presence.CHA 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
DeceitfulYou have a knack for disguising the truth.
Deft HandsYou have exceptional manual dexterity.
Depths of the VoidYour chi is more focused on the ebb and flow of the void.Void Use
Dexterous FortitudeYou are able to resist physical attacks with exceptional agilitySlippery Mind, DEX 25, Epic Level
Dexterous WillYou are able to resist compelling effects with exceptional agility.Slippery Mind, DEX 25, Epic Level
DiehardYou can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.Endurance
DiligentYour meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
Dividing the StarsWith a phrase or two you can alter the perceptions of others towards and individualBluff (8 ranks), Diplomacy (8 ranks), Sense Motive (8 ranks)
Draconic KnowledgeYour draconic blood lets you access ancient draconic knowledge.1st Level Caster, Dragon or draconic heritage
DragonfriendYou are a known and respected ally of dragons.Speaks Draconic, CHA 11
EnduranceYou are capable of amazing feats of stamina.
Endure BlowsYou gain DR 2/—Dragon, CON 19, Toughness
Energy ResistanceYou can resist the effects of a chosen type of energy.Epic Level
Epic DodgeYou are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility.Epic Level, DEX 25, Tumble (30 Ranks), Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion, Dodge
Epic EnduranceYou are capable of legendary feats of stamina.Epic Level, Endurance, CON 25
Epic FortitudeYou have tremendously high fortitude.Epic Level
Epic LeadershipYou attract more powerful cohorts and followers than normally possible.Leadership, Leadership Score of 25, Epic Level, CHA 25
Epic ReflexesYou have tremendously fast reflexes.Epic Level
Epic ReputationYour reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others.Epic Level
Epic Skill FocusYou have a legendary knack with a chosen skill.Epic Level, Chosen Skill (20 ranks)
Epic SpeedYou can move much more quickly than a normal personEpic Level, Run, DEX 21
Epic ToughnessYou are preternaturally tough.Epic Level
Epic WillYou have tremendously strong willpower.Epic Level
Evil BrandYou are branded with a mark from a dark patron.Vorovia Setting
Exotic Armor ProficiencyChoose a type of exotic armor, such as mammoth leather or tumbler's breastplate. You understand how to wear that type of exotic armor properly.Armor Proficiency of the appropriate sort
Expert SwimmerYou swim like a fish. You can stay underwater far longer than others of your race, and you are at home in the water.Endurance, Swim (4 ranks)
Extended Life SpanAccumulation of various experience in the world have led your body to last miraculously than most of your race.Epic Level
Eyes of FuryYour great skill causes enemies to doubt themselves.CHA 13
Fast HealingYou heal your wounds very quickly.Epic Level, CON 25
FearlessYou never consider retreat or flight from battle
Fearsome AppearanceYour presence in battle sows doubt amid your enemies and weakens their will to attack you.CHA 13, Eyes of Fury
Flying Fish LeapYou can hurl yourself out of the water with ease.Jump (8 ranks), Swim (4 ranks)
Force of PersonalityUse CHA Mod instead of WIS Mod for mind affecting spells and effectsCHA 13
Giant's ToughnessYou are amazingly toughBase Fort Save +8
Great CaptainYou are a master pilot and battle leader; your crew anticipates your every command and leaps to do your bidding.Knowledge (Geography)(7 ranks), Profession (Sailor)(7 ranks), Leadership
Great CharismaYour powers of persuasion and leadership are greater than normal.Epic Level
Great ConstitutionYour health and endurance are greater than normal.Epic Level
Great DexterityYour agility and coordination are greater than normal.Epic Level
Great DiplomatYou are descended from Asako, one of the companions of the first Phoenix, a great healer, diplomat, and warrior.
Great Fortitude+2 on Fort Saves
Great IntelligenceYour powers of reason and learning are greater than normal.Epic Level
Great StrengthYour muscle and physical power are greater than normal.Epic Level
Great WisdomYour willpower and insight are greater than normal.Epic Level
HagglerYou tend to get the best of any bargain
Heat EnduranceEither as a result of growing up in the waste, or by training your body and mind to ignore the effects of searing heat, you can exist with ease in high-temperature environments.Base Fort Save +2
Heavy Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with heavy armorLight Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency
Honest MerchantYou are descended from a merchant of only the most upstanding principles.
HoverThe creature can come to a halt in midair.Fly speed
Improved Cold EnduranceYour training and natural hardiness have improved your natural resistance to cold temperatures.Base Fort Save +6, Cold Endurance
Improved Heat EnduranceYou can survive even in the most extreme natural heat conditions.Base Fort Save +6, Heat Endurance
Improved InitiativeYou can react more quickly than normal in a fight.
Improved SpeedYou are faster than others of your kind.STR 13, Dragon
Improved SwimmingYou can swim faster than you normally could.Swim (6 ranks)
Instant StandYou know how to leap to your feet quickly from a prone position
InvestigatorYou have a knack for finding information.
Iron Will+2 on Will Saves
Item AptitudeYou have a natural knack for discovering an item’s magical effects and triggering them.CHA 15
Jack of All TradesYou have picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.INT 13
LandwalkerYou can survive out of the water for a longer period of time than most of your kind.Needs to breathe water
LeadershipAttract loyal minions and cohortsCharacter Level 6th
Legendary ClimberYou can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.Epic Level, Balance (12 ranks), Climb (24 ranks), DEX 21
Legendary CommanderYou attract and lead great armies of followers through sheer force of personality.Must rule own kingdom and have a stronghold, Epic Level, CHA 25, Epic Leadership, Diplomacy (30 ranks), Leadership
Legendary RiderYou can ride a mount in combat with ease, even bareback.Epic Level, Ride (24 ranks)
Legendary TrackerYou can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air.Track, Epic Level, Knowledge (Nature) (30 ranks), WIS 25, Wilderness Lore (30 ranks)
Light Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with light armor
Lightning Reflexes+2 to Reflex saves
Lightning StealthYou are able to move with both speed and stealthHide (6 ranks), Move Silently (6 ranks), 3rd Level Ninja
Magical Aptitude+2 Spellcraft and +2 Use Magical Device
Martial Weapon ProficiencyYou are proficient with certain martial weapons in combat.
Medium Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with medium armorLight Armor Proficiency
MountaineerYou are a particularly gifted explorer and mountain climber.
NegotiatorYou are good at gauging and swaying attitudes.
Nimble FingersYou are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects.
Old SaltYou are an old hand at shipboard life, having mastered the myriad skills that are required of the experienced sailor. Additionally, you have an eye for the weather.Profession (sailor) (5 ranks)
Overcome WeaknessYou can overcome an innate vulnerability through sheer willpower.Iron Will, Suppress Weakness, Vulnerability to Energy
Perceived AlignmentThrough self-control and discipline, you are able to cloak your true motivations, even to the eyes of magic..INT 13
Perfect HealthYou are immune to normal diseases and common poisons.Epic Level, Great Fortitude, CON 25
PersuasiveYou have a way with words and body language.
Planar Ascetic+2 Knowledge Planes and +2 Knowledge Religion
Poison ImmunityAfter prolonged exposure to a poison or toxin, you have rendered yourself immune to it.
PolyglotYou can speak, read, and write all languages.Epic Level, INT 25
Quick ReconnoiterYou can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object.Listen (5 ranks), Spot (5 ranks)
Quick RecoveryIt's hard to keep you down for long. You have a talent for shaking off effects that leave others unable to act.
QuickslimeThe slime attack of an aboleth with this feat is particularly fast and difficult to resist.Ability Focus, Aboleth
Rapid ReadyYou prepare for battle quickly.
Rapid SwimmingYou are one with the water.Natural Swim Speed, Base Fort Save +2
RunYou are fleet of foot
Sailor's BalanceYou are experienced with the rolling decks of the ship and maintain strong footing, even in a terrible storm.Profession (sailor) (4 ranks)
Sand CamouflageYou can hide yourself in sand with a moment's notice.Sandskimmer, Hide (5 ranks)
SandskimmerYou are particularly adept at moving over sand.
Scorpion's InstinctsYou are hard to find in the waste.Hide (5 ranks), DEX 13
Scorpion's ResolveLike the scorpion, you are not easily distracted.
Scorpion's SenseLike the scorpion, you sense other creatures simply by perceiving their contact with the sand.
Sea LegsYou are accustomed to the rolling motion on board a ship and can use this motion to your advantage.
Shield ProficiencyYou are proficient with bucklers, small shields, and large shields.
Shock ResistantYou are unlikely to die from a single attack.Undying, CON 13
Simple Weapon ProficiencyYou understand how to use all types of simple weapons in combat.
Skill Focus+3 bonus to a selected skill
SnowrunnerYou are particularly adept at moving through snow and over ice.Woodland Stride
Special DispensationYou have been given leave to carry even banned armor, weapons, and equipment in a given area.
Steady ConcentrationYou are an expert at avoiding distractions and focusing your mind, and you can concentrate clearly even in the most stressful conditions.Concentration (8 ranks)
StealthyYou are particularly good at avoiding notice.
Strength of the EarthYou are as resilient and enduring as the mountains.Toughness
Strong StomachYou have greater resilience to illness and foul odors than most people.Endurance, CON 13
Superior InitiativeYou can react even more quickly than normal in a fight.Epic Level, Improved Initiative
Suppress WeaknessYour vulnerability to an energy type is reduced.Vulnerability to Energy, Iron Will
Swift TumblerYou can flip, twist, and roll with great speed.Tumble (7 ranks)
The Mountain's SongYou may focus your inner energy with great clarity.Depths of the Void, Void Use
Toughness+3 HP
Tower Shield ProficiencyYou are proficient with tower shields.Shield Proficiency
TrackYou can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain.
Transcend the MountainYou prize strength above all else.STR 14, Base Attack Bonus +4
Trap EngineerYou have spent a great deal of time studying trap construction and recognize the work of famous builders, which gives you an edge against their devices.Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (4 ranks), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (1 rank)
Trap SensitivityYour senses are so attuned that you can detect mechanical traps that are close by.Trap Sense +2, Elf or Trapfinding feature
Tunnel RidingYou are particularly adept at maneuvering mounts through tight spaces and underground passages.Mounted Combat, Tunnel Fighting
UndyingYou ignore pain and damage at death's door.CON 13
Unnatural WillAdd CHA Mod to Will Save vs Fear effectsIron Will, CHA 12
Urban TrackingYou can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.
VerminfriendVermin regard the character better than they would normally.CHA 15
Void UseYou have learned to focus your concentration on the Void.
Willing DeformityThrough scarification, self-mutilation, and supplication to dark powers, the character intentionally mars her own body.
WingoverYou change direction quickly once per round while airborne.Ability to fly