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Revision as of 15:19, 10 May 2023

This wiki has logged 3,533 edits across 881 articles since September 28, 2022.

Welcome to the Compendium of Worldly Lore!

This Wiki is dedicated to documenting the collection of curated 3.5e content and associated homebrew, unofficially dubbed 3.6e, as well as the campaign settings built using that content.

3.6e System

3.6e Articles

D&D 3.6e Tutorial - New to the game or system? Start here!

Converting from 5e - Only played D&D 5e before? Read this.

Starting as a DM - Want to run a game as the DM? Start here!

3.6e Resources





Adjusted Size Chart - What does being size X get me again?

Critical Hits and Called Shots - What happens when you crit, fumble, or hit a called shot?

Campaign Settings


The world of Domum is vibrant and violent, merry and fractious, and full of immense kindness and caustic evil. Life here is synonymous with war and struggle; if not against enemy armies or oppressive governments then against the ravages of nature or extraplanar threats. Kings succumb to curses of madness, mothers starve with their children, and defenders of all creeds and kinds die in the name of their causes. However bleak it may seem, life's shadow cannot exist without light. As if possessed by some global spirit of charity and laughter, the people of Domum fight back against the constant flow of misfortune the world constantly attempts to smother them with. Long, painful winters become marked with warm hearths and laughter as visitors tell stories in taverns. Adventurers band together to fight against all odds in defense of their homeland. Towns band together to ensure no-one goes hungry. There will always times, people, and places of selfish evil where pain breeds like maggots in the skin of the world. But the one constant in all of Domum's history is that no matter the time, place, or circumstance, people will always band together and weather the storms.

Domum Game Content

Domum Setting Lore


When contributing to the wiki, please follow the guidelines in the pages linked below. Content not conforming to the guidelines is subject to removal without notice.