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Spell | Spell School | Description | Source Book |
Acid Splash | Conjuration | 1d3 T Acid damage | Player's Handbook |
Adhere to Wood | Transmutation | Even rangers and druids sometimes need a little assistance climbing. This simple spell eases difficult climbs on wooden surfaces, such as trees, towers or vines, even those that normally grant no purchase. | Relics and Rituals |
Animated Tattoo | Illusion | Create a tattoo that can move. | Complete Book of Eldritch Might |
Arcane Mark | Universal | Inscribe a personal rune. | Player's Handbook |
Audible Whisper | Transmutation | All in 100ft can hear S | Book of Hallowed Might |
Bat Sight | Transmutation | T gains echolocation for 1 round | Book of Roguish Luck |
Befuddle | Enchantment | T forgets current thought | Book of Lost Spells |
Bouncing Fall | Transmutation | Minimize fall damage | Book of Roguish Luck |
Breeze | Evocation | Gentle air current | Encyclopedia Arcana: Elementalism |
Call Earth | Conjuration | Crates 2-3 small stones. | Rokugan Campaign Setting |
Chain Lightning | Evocation | 1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage. | Player's Handbook |
Chill/Warmth | Transmutation | Slowly raises or lowers temperature. | Relics and Rituals |
Clean | Transmutation | Clean O or T | Relics and Rituals |
Create Blood and Flesh | Conjuration | Create up to 1lb of flesh or 1gal of blood/CL | Homebrew |
Create Water | Conjuration | Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. | Players Handbook |
Cure Minor Wounds | Conjuration | Cures 1 point of damage. | Players Handbook |
Dancing Lights | Evocation | Moving lights | Player's Handbook |
Darkseed | Transmutation | Slow-kills plants | Masters of the WIld |
Dawn | Abjuration | Awakens sleeping creatures. | Masters of the WIld |
Daydream | Enchantment | T -2 on skill checks | Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide |
Daze | Enchantment | Remove T action | Player's Handbook |
Daze Animal | Enchantment | Animal looses one action | Masters of the WIld |
Detect Crossroads | Divination | Detect fey crossroads within 60 ft. | Magic of Faerun |
Detect Magic | Divination | Detect magical auras near you | Player's Handbook |
Detect Poison | Divination | Detects Poison in one creature or object. | Players Handbook |
Detect Snares and Pits | Divination | Reveals natural or primitive traps. | Players Handbook |
Disappear | Illusion | Caster becomes invisible for 2 rounds | Relics and Rituals |
Disrupt Undead | Necromancy | Deals 1d6 damage to one undead. | Players Handbook |
Distort Shadow | Transmutation | Change the shape of any ordinary shadow. | Relics and Rituals |
Electric Jolt | Evocation | Ranged touch attack deals 1d3 electricity damage. | Magic of Faerun |
Enumerate | Divination | Allows caster to quickly count a number of creatures or objects. | Relics and Rituals |
Eyes Open | Abjuration | +4 resistance to sleep. | Kalamar Players Guide |
Fire Eyes | Transmutation | You see through natural fire, smoke, and fog. | Masters of the WIld |
Fireball | Evocation | You create a roaring explosion of flame | Player's Handbook |
Flare | Evocation | Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls) | Players Handbook |
Gaseous Form | Transmutation | Turns corporeal creature into cloud of gas | Player's Handbook |
Ghost Sound | Illusion | Fingment sound. | Players Handbook |
Greater Bane | Enchantment | This spell functions like Bane, except that the penalty is equal to -1 per caster level, to a maximum of -5 | Dragon Magazine 342 |
Guidance | Divination | +1 on attack roll, saving throw, or skill check | Players Handbook |
Horizikaul's Cough | Evocation | Target takes 1 point of sonic damage and is deafened 1 round. | Magic of Faerun |
Identify Blood and Flesh | Divination | Learn Blood Type, Conditions of the Blood and Flesh | Homebrew |
Incise | Evocation | Create clean cut on willing or incapacitated target | Homebrew |
Induce Hemophilia | Necromancy | T fort save or all damage taken until next round also deals 1 bleed | Homebrew |
Jolt | Evocation | Create a brief electrical charge, may cause subject to drop items. | Kalamar Players Guide |
Know Direction | Divination | You discern north. | Players Handbook |
Launch Bolt | Transmutation | Launches a crossbow bolt up to medium range. | Magic of Faerun |
Liana | Transmutation | Causes a vine to grow so that it can be used as a rope | Kalamar Players Guide |
Light | Evocation | Object shines like a torch. | Players Handbook |
Mage Hand | Transmutation | 5-pound telekenisis. | Players Handbook |
Magic Missile | Evocation | You create unerring magical darts made of pure force | Player's Handbook |
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