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SpellSpell SchoolDescriptionSource Book
Acid SplashConjuration1d3 T Acid damagePlayer's Handbook
Adhere to WoodTransmutationEven rangers and druids sometimes need a little assistance climbing. This simple spell eases difficult climbs on wooden surfaces, such as trees, towers or vines, even those that normally grant no purchase.Relics and Rituals
Animated TattooIllusionCreate a tattoo that can move.Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Arcane MarkUniversalInscribe a personal rune.Player's Handbook
Audible WhisperTransmutationAll in 100ft can hear SBook of Hallowed Might
Bat SightTransmutationT gains echolocation for 1 roundBook of Roguish Luck
BefuddleEnchantmentT forgets current thoughtBook of Lost Spells
Bouncing FallTransmutationMinimize fall damageBook of Roguish Luck
BreezeEvocationGentle air currentEncyclopedia Arcana: Elementalism
Call EarthConjurationCrates 2-3 small stones.Rokugan Campaign Setting
Chain LightningEvocation1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.Player's Handbook
Chill/WarmthTransmutationSlowly raises or lowers temperature.Relics and Rituals
CleanTransmutationClean O or TRelics and Rituals
Create Blood and FleshConjurationCreate up to 1lb of flesh or 1gal of blood/CLHomebrew
Create WaterConjurationCreates 2 gallons/level of pure water.Players Handbook
Cure Minor WoundsConjurationCures 1 point of damage.Players Handbook
Dancing LightsEvocationMoving lightsPlayer's Handbook
DarkseedTransmutationSlow-kills plantsMasters of the WIld
DawnAbjurationAwakens sleeping creatures.Masters of the WIld
DaydreamEnchantmentT -2 on skill checksKingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide
DazeEnchantmentRemove T actionPlayer's Handbook
Daze AnimalEnchantmentAnimal looses one actionMasters of the WIld
Detect CrossroadsDivinationDetect fey crossroads within 60 ft.Magic of Faerun
Detect MagicDivinationDetect magical auras near youPlayer's Handbook
Detect PoisonDivinationDetects Poison in one creature or object.Players Handbook
Detect Snares and PitsDivinationReveals natural or primitive traps.Players Handbook
DisappearIllusionCaster becomes invisible for 2 roundsRelics and Rituals
Disrupt UndeadNecromancyDeals 1d6 damage to one undead.Players Handbook
Distort ShadowTransmutationChange the shape of any ordinary shadow.Relics and Rituals
Electric JoltEvocationRanged touch attack deals 1d3 electricity damage.Magic of Faerun
EnumerateDivinationAllows caster to quickly count a number of creatures or objects.Relics and Rituals
Eyes OpenAbjuration+4 resistance to sleep.Kalamar Players Guide
Fire EyesTransmutationYou see through natural fire, smoke, and fog.Masters of the WIld
FireballEvocationYou create a roaring explosion of flamePlayer's Handbook
FlareEvocationDazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls)Players Handbook
Gaseous FormTransmutationTurns corporeal creature into cloud of gasPlayer's Handbook
Ghost SoundIllusionFingment sound.Players Handbook
Greater BaneEnchantmentThis spell functions like Bane, except that the penalty is equal to -1 per caster level, to a maximum of -5Dragon Magazine 342
GuidanceDivination+1 on attack roll, saving throw, or skill checkPlayers Handbook
Horizikaul's CoughEvocationTarget takes 1 point of sonic damage and is deafened 1 round.Magic of Faerun
Identify Blood and FleshDivinationLearn Blood Type, Conditions of the Blood and FleshHomebrew
InciseEvocationCreate clean cut on willing or incapacitated targetHomebrew
Induce HemophiliaNecromancyT fort save or all damage taken until next round also deals 1 bleedHomebrew
JoltEvocationCreate a brief electrical charge, may cause subject to drop items.Kalamar Players Guide
Know DirectionDivinationYou discern north.Players Handbook
Launch BoltTransmutationLaunches a crossbow bolt up to medium range.Magic of Faerun
LianaTransmutationCauses a vine to grow so that it can be used as a ropeKalamar Players Guide
LightEvocationObject shines like a torch.Players Handbook
Mage HandTransmutation5-pound telekenisis.Players Handbook
Magic MissileEvocationYou create unerring magical darts made of pure forcePlayer's Handbook
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