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SpellSchoolDescriptionSource Book
Acid Splash1d3 T Acid damagePlayer's Handbook
Animated TattooCreate a tattoo that can move.Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Arcane MarkInscribe a personal rune.Player's Handbook
Audible WhisperAll in 100ft can hear SBook of Hallowed Might
Bat SightT gains echolocation for 1 roundBook of Roguish Luck
BefuddleT forgets current thoughtBook of Lost Spells
Bouncing FallMinimize fall damageBook of Roguish Luck
BreezeGentle air currentEncyclopedia Arcana: Elementalism
Chain Lightning1d6/level damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage.Player's Handbook
CleanClean O or TRelics and Rituals
Create Blood and FleshCreate up to 1lb of flesh or 1gal of blood/CLHomebrew
Dancing LightsMoving lightsPlayer's Handbook
DaydreamT -2 on skill checksKingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide
DazeRemove T actionPlayer's Handbook
Detect MagicDetect magical auras near youPlayer's Handbook
DisappearCaster becomes invisible for 2 roundsRelics and Rituals
FireballYou create a roaring explosion of flamePlayer's Handbook
Gaseous FormTurns corporeal creature into cloud of gasPlayer's Handbook
Greater BaneThis spell functions like Bane, except that the penalty is equal to -1 per caster level, to a maximum of -5Dragon Magazine 342
Identify Blood and FleshLearn Blood Type, Conditions of the Blood and FleshHomebrew
InciseCreate clean cut on willing or incapacitated targetHomebrew
Induce HemophiliaT fort save or all damage taken until next round also deals 1 bleedHomebrew
Magic MissileYou create unerring magical darts made of pure forcePlayer's Handbook
Open WoundT fort save of take 1 bleed/round for 1d4 roundsHomebrew
Preserve Organsevered organ does not rotBook of Vile Darkness
Reduce BloodExtract humours, toxins, other non-blood elements from blood.Homebrew
Reduce EssenceExtract humours, toxins, other non-blood elements from flesh.Homebrew
SunspearSpear of light that does 2d4 damage OR heals 2d4Relics and Rituals
Thorn ThrowAoE 1d6 dmg/lv -T ACRelics and Rituals