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Aberration BanemagicYou can cast spells that do additional damage to aberrations.
Arcane BufferYou are not as affected by damage to a war golem as other operators might beMortis Harness
Arcane Consumption+4 Spell DC, Take 4 CON Damage and fatigue yourselfToughness, Arcane Toughness, 6th level Caster
Arcane MasteryYou are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the arcane defenses and spells of others.Ability to cast spells or use spell like abilities
Arcane ToughnessSpend spell slot to gain hit points equal to level spent.Toughness, 3rd Level Caster (arcane)
Augment SummoningYour summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.Spell Focus (conjuration)
Battle BlessingYou can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.Ability to cast Paladin spells
Battle TouchYour touch attack spells last longer, giving them more use in combat.DEX 15
Beckon the FrozenCreatures you summon are infused with cold energy and have the cold subtype.Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Bonded Armor, Shield, or WeaponYou have formed a bond with a particular suit of armor or with a weapon.Iron Will
Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or WandYou have formed a bond with a particular ring, rod, staff or wand.Iron Will
Bonus DomainYou have access to one additional domain of spells.Able to cast 9th level divine spells, WIS 21
Cold FocusYour cold spells are more potent than normal.
Cold Spell SpecializationYou do additional damage with cold spells.CON 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic
Combat CastingYou are adept at casting spells in combat.
Consume SpellYou counter a spell and absorb the energy unleashed to power another spell.3rd Level Caster
Crystal AttunementYou can focus your ability to scry through a crystal ball with unparalleled acuityScry (1 rank), CHA 10
Dampen SpellYou have learned to channel energy into a foe's spell to weaken its effects.Improved Counterspell
Defensive DivinationThrough the subtle, constant use of divination abilities, you are made aware of danger a few moments before it actually occurs.Mystic Awareness
Deflection to AttractionThrough subtle manipulation of arcane energies, your attacks strike certain magically protected targets with greater accuracy than they normally would.DEX 15, CHA 19, Magical Aptitude
Enhance SpellYou can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.Maximize Spell, Epic Level
Enhanced LinkageYour linked spells series are faster than normal.The ability to cast linked spells
Epic Spell FocusChoose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are far more potent than normal.Epic Level, Greater Spell Focus, Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell of the selected school
Epic Spell PenetrationYour spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Epic Level
Epic SpellcastingYou can create and cast spells that transcend the most powerful existing spells.Spellcraft (24 ranks), Ability to cast 9th Level Spells, Knowledge (Arcana)(24 ranks) or Knowledge (Nature)(24 ranks) or Knowledge (Religion)(24 ranks), Epic Level
Epic Spellfire WielderYour can store more spellfire energy levels than normal.Epic Level, Endurance, Spellfire Wielder, Concentration (20 ranks)
Eschew MaterialsYou can cast spells without relying on material components.
Extra TurningYou can turn or rebuke creatures more often than normal.Ability to Turn or Rebuke creatures
Faith in the FrostYou channel frozen energies from your deity when you turn or rebuke creatures.Ability to turn or rebuke creatures, Cold of Winter Domain
Familiar SpellYour familiar can use one of your spells as a spell-like ability.INT 25 or CHA 25, Epic Level
Fast Wild ShapeYou assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise couldDEX 13, Ability to Change Form
Fiendish FocusYou have forsaken the ability to call on entities from the upper planes, concentrating instead on creatures from the infernal and abyssal realms.Any non-good alignment
Frozen MagicYour cold spells are more powerful when you cast them in a cold region.Snowcasting, CON 13
Frozen Wild ShapeYou can assume the form of magical beasts with the cold subtype.Base Fort Save +6, Wild Shape
Great ResistanceYou have a natural resistance to spell and spell-like effects generated by magical items.Iron Will, WIS 15
Greater Cold FocusYour cold spells are now even more potent than before.Cold Focus
Greater ConjuringYou have a natural talent with your chosen school. When casting conjuration spells, you achieve a better effect than others.Spell Focus (conjuration)
Greater Spell FocusYour spells of your chosen school are now even more potent than before.Spell Focus
Greater Spell PenetrationYour spells are remarkably potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.Spell Penetration
Heightened SightYour vision has been enhanced through divination magic to greater accuracy and distance, allowing you to see things others could never bring into focus.Mystic Awareness
Icy CallingYour summon spells work better in the frostfell if you summon native creatures.CON 13, Snowcasting
Ignore Material ComponentsYou need not use any material components in casting your spells.Able to cast 9th level arcane or divine spells, Epic Level, Eschew Materials
Illusion FocusYou have gained mastery over the use of one form of IllusionismSpell Focus (Illusion)
Illusory InsightYou have gained the ability to see through illusions with greater easeSpell Focus (Illusion)
Improved Alignment-Based CastingYour spells of a particular alignment are more powerful than normal.Ability to cast 9th-level divine spells, Epic Level, Access to an alignment based domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, Law) - alignment must match domain chosen
Improved Aura of CourageYour aura of courage is stronger than normal.CHA 25, Aura of Courage, Epic Level
Improved Combat CastingYou can cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.Combat Casting, Concentration (25 ranks), Epic Level
Improved CounterspellYou understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spells with great efficiency.
Improved Spell CapacityYou can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.Ability to cast spells of the normal maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class, Epic Level
Improved Spell ResistanceYour innate resistance to magical effects increases.Must have spell resistance from a feat, or other permanent effect, Epic Level
Improved TurningYour turning or rebuking attempts are more powerful than normal.Turn/Rebuke Undead
Increased EffectivenessMagic items respond to your touch and gain strength from your spellcasting power.Spellcraft (8 ranks), Any Item Creation feat, Ability to cast spells
Ishiken-doThe power of the Void runs through your veins.Void Use, Shugenja
Item ImageYou can bond yourself or someone else with a magic item by use of a tattoo.INT 17, 7th Level Caster
Master StaffYou can activate a staff without using a charge.Craft Staff, Epic Level, Spellcraft (15 ranks)
Master WandYou can activate a wand without using a charge.Spellcraft (15 ranks), Epic Level
Melodic CastingYou can weave your music and magic together into a single perfect voice.Bardic Music, Spellcraft (4 ranks), Perform (4 ranks)
Mystic AwarenessYou have a supernatural ability to use your senses even when prevailing conditions would otherwise prevent you from doing so.Ability to cast Divination Spells, Alertness
Natural SpellYou cast spells while in a wild shape.WIS 13, Ability to Wild Shape
Negative Energy Burst (Feat)You can use your rebuke/ command undead ability to unleash a burst of negative energyCHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Inflict Critical Wounds, Evil Alignment
Nimbus of LightYou are cloaked in a radiant light that marks you as a servant of the purest ideals.
Permanent EmanationOne of your personal emanation spells becomes permanent.Spellcraft (25 ranks), Ability to cast the spell to be made permanent, Epic Level
Planar TurningYou can turn or rebuke outsiders.WIS 25, CHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn and rebuke undead
Plant ControlYou can channel the power of nature to gain mastery over plant creatures.Can Cast Speak With Plants, Plant Defiance
Plant DefianceYou channel the power of nature to drive off plant creatures.Can Cast Speak With Plants and Animals
Positive Energy AuraYou automatically turn (or even destroy) lesser undead.Epic Level, Dispel Evil, Turn Undead
Primeval Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are stronger than normal.Wild Shape
Reactive CounterspellYou can react quickly to counter spells cast by opponents.Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative
Shadow ReflectionYour shadow flickers and moves in an aggressive, independent manner, enabling you to avoid some attacks of opportunity.3rd Level Shadowcaster, Dancing Shadows or Clinging Darkness
SnowcastingYou add ice or snow to your spell's components to make them more powerful.CON 13
Spell FocusChoose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are more potent than normal.
Spell Focus: AlignmentYour spells with an alignment descriptor are more potent than normal.Relevant Alignment
Spell GirdingYour spells are particularly hardy, resisting dispel checks more readily than normal.
Spell KnowledgeYou add two additional arcane spells to your repertoire.Ability to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class, Epic Level
Spell MasteryYou are so intimately familiar with certain spells that you don't need a spellbook to prepare them anymore.Prepared Arcane Caster Level 1
Spell MimicryYou have superior ability to mimic the effects of spells from a certain school with your illusionsSpell Focus
Spell OpportunityYou can cast a touch spell as an attack of opportunity.Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Spellcraft (25 ranks), Quicken Spell, Epic Level
Spell PenetrationYour spells are especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.
Spell StowawayChoose a spell-like ability you possess or a spell you can cast. You gain the benefits of this magic whenever it is used near you.Spellcraft (24 ranks), Epic Level, 12th level caster
Spell ThematicsYour spells have a distinct visual or auditory effect in their manifestation.Must be able to cast one Illusion spell
Spellfire WielderYou are one of the rare people who have the innate talent to control raw magic in the form of spellfire.
Split ConcentrationYou can maintain multiple independent spells at the same time.
Spontaneous DomainsYou need not prepare your domain spells in advance.Ability to cast 3rd level spells, Access to two or more cleric domains
Spontaneous HealerYou can spontaneously cast heal spells like a cleric a certain number of times per day.Knowledge(religion) 4 ranks, Ability to cast any cure wounds spell, Non-evil alignment
Storm MagicYou gain a boost in spellcasting power during storms.
Sunken SongYou can project your voice underwater.Perform (sing) (4 ranks), Bardic Music
Superior Element FocusThe spells of your elemental focus are particularly potent.Shugenja
Tenacious MagicChoose one of your spells or spell-like abilities. That magic cannot be dispelled, only suppressed.Spellcraft (15 ranks), Epic Level
Transfer Spell SlotYou are able to transfer your own spell slots to another battle mage within 300 ft.Both the sender and receiver of the spell slots must be wearing an operational mortis harness
Tremulous TouchYour sense of touch has grown so acute that you can feel vibrations in the air and through the ground.Mystic Awareness
Undead MasteryYou can command a greater number of undead than normal.Ability to turn and rebuke undead, CHA 21, Epic Level
Widen Aura of CourageYour aura of courage is wider than normal.CHA 25, Aura of Courage, Epic Level
WindsingerYou can use song or a wind instrument to compel the winds to obey you.Bardic Music, Perform (Sing or Wind Instruments)
Wolfen BoonYour hearing and sense of smell have become preternaturally keen.Mystic Awareness
Words of Creation (Exalted)You have learned a few of the words that were spoken to create the world.INT 15, CHA 15, Base Will Save Bonus +5
Words of SuretyYou know Charms that help to steady a warrior’s hands.INT 13
Zone of AnimationYou can channel negative energy to animate undead.Undead Mastery, CHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn and rebuke undead