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 DescriptionFeat TypePrerequisites
Aberration BanemagicYou can cast spells that do additional damage to aberrations.Magic
Ability FocusThe special attack of a creature with this feat is more potent than normal.UtilitySpecial attack
Able LearnerCost for all skills is 1 skill pointUtilityHuman, Doppelganger
AcrobaticYou have excellent body awareness and coordination.Utility
Additional Magic Item SpaceYou can wear more magic items.UtilityEpic Level
Aerial Mounted CombatYou are proficient in fighting on top of a flying mount.CombatRide Class Skill, Mounted Combat
AgileYou are particularly flexible and poised.Utility
Air FistYou focus your unarmed strikes with the speed of the wind.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, DEX 13
Akodo's TechniqueYou learned to turn even your slighest success to your advantageCombatWay of the Lion, STR 13, Base Attack Bonus +8
Alertness+2 Listen and +2 SpotUtility
Altitude AdaptationYour body adapts quickly to changes in altitude, preventing you from suffering as much from altitude sickness.UtilityBase Fort Save +2
Animal Affinity+2 Handle Animal and +2 RideUtility
Animal CompanionGives an animal companion.UtilityHandle Animal (8 ranks)
Aquatic ShotYou have developed the technique of firing a ranged weapon into or through the water with better accuracy than normal.CombatPoint Blank Shot
Arcane BufferYou are not as affected by damage to a war golem as other operators might beMagicMortis Harness
Arcane Consumption+4 Spell DC, Take 4 CON Damage and fatigue yourselfMagicToughness, Arcane Toughness, 6th level Caster
Arcane MasteryYou are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the arcane defenses and spells of others.MagicAbility to cast spells or use spell like abilities
Arcane ToughnessSpend spell slot to gain hit points equal to level spent.MagicToughness, 3rd Level Caster (arcane)
Archer's GiftYour powers guide your arrow sure and trueCombatTrue Strike, Longbow Proficiency, 5 Levels of Arcane Spells, Words of Surety
ArmbarYou learn how to break your opponents limbs while grapplingCombatBase Attack Bonus +5, Improved Grapple
Armor FocusYou are adept at fighting in particular type of armorCombatProficiency in chosen armor
Armor Skin+1 ACUtilityEpic Level
ArtistYou claim descent from Doji, the founder of the Crane household, known as a creator of culture and civilization.Utility
AthleticYou have a knack for athletic endeavors.Utility
Attune GemYou can magically imbue gems to hold a spell until triggered.Item Creation3rd Level Arcane Caster, Craft (Gemcutting) class skill, INT 13
Augment IllusionYou have the ability to add sensual qualities to spells that don't usually have themMetamagicSpell Focus (Illusion)
Augment SummoningYour summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.MagicSpell Focus (conjuration)
Augmented AlchemyYou can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.UtilityINT 21, Epic Level, Alchemy (24 ranks)
Automatic Quicken SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.MetamagicEpic Level, Spellcraft (30 ranks), Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells, Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells silently.MetamagicSilent Spell, Spellcraft (24 ranks), Epic Level, Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
Automatic Still SpellYou can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.MetamagicStill Spell, Epic Level, Spellcraft (27 ranks), Ability to cast 9th-level arcane or divine spells
AwarenessYou are perceptive in combatCombatDEX 13, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes
Awesome BlowYou can choose to deliver blows that send its smaller opponents flying like bowling pins.CombatImproved Bull Rush, Power Attack, STR 25, Size Large or Larger
Awesome SmiteThrough a combination of sheer muscle and mystical acumen, you can deliver devastating smite attacks.CombatSmite, Base Attack Bonus +6, Power Attack
Battle BlessingYou can cast spells more quickly than usual in the heat of battle.MagicAbility to cast Paladin spells
Battle TouchYour touch attack spells last longer, giving them more use in combat.MagicDEX 15
Beckon the FrozenCreatures you summon are infused with cold energy and have the cold subtype.MagicAugment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Binder's BlessingYour spells remain even after you stop concentrating on them.MetamagicWords of Binding, 10 levels of arcane spells
Blackened CaressThe fabled death touch of the Ninja, of the most depraved.Kata14th level Ninja, Chaotic, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Kiss of the Lotus
Blackened SightYou create shadowy reflections of yourself.KataDodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Mobility, The Pincers Hold, The Tail Strikes, Strike at the Tail
Blazing BerserkerWhen you enter your rage, your body becomes infused with fire.CombatRage
Blind ShotYou can shoot at things you cannot see.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, DEX 13
Blind-FightYou know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.Combat
Blinding SpeedYou can trigger short bursts of great speed.UtilityDEX 25, Epic Level
BlindsightYour senses are as keen as the bat’s.UtilityAbility to use wild shape to become a dire bat
BloodcastingYou are able to exceed your daily allotment of spells by sacrificing your ConstitutionMetamagic3rd Level Spells (Arcane or Battle Magic)
Bonded Armor, Shield, or WeaponYou have formed a bond with a particular suit of armor or with a weapon.MagicIron Will
Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or WandYou have formed a bond with a particular ring, rod, staff or wand.MagicIron Will
Bonus DomainYou have access to one additional domain of spells.MagicAble to cast 9th level divine spells, WIS 21
Born of the Three ThundersYou have learned to marry the power of lightning and thunder in your electricity and sonic spells.MetamagicEnergy Substitution, Knowledge (Nature) (4 ranks)
Borrow StrengthYou can leech the life force and experience of others to power the creation of magic items, allowing you to preserve your own energies.Item CreationINT or WIS 17, Any Item Creation Feat
Bounce SpellYou can use other creatures’ bodies as the source of any spell you cast.MetamagicEnlarge Spell
Bounding AssaultYou can move and attack with superior speed and power.CombatDodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, DEX 13, Base Attack Bonus +12
BrachiationYou can swing through trees like a monkey.UtilityClimb (4 ranks), Jump (4 ranks)
Breaking BlowYou are capable of inflicting powerful unarmed attacksCombatBase Attack Bonus +5, Fists of Iron, Improved Unarmed Strike
Breaking WavesAny tide can be stemmed, and any force used against itself.KataCombat Expertise, Improved Trip
Brew PotionYou can create potions, which carry spells within themselves.Item Creation3rd Level Caster
Bulwark of DefenseYour defensive stance is near impenetrableCombatEpic Level, CON 25, Defensive Stance 3/day
Carver's GiftYour magic allows you to cut through physical items easily.Utility5 Levels of Arcane Spells
Child of WaterThe fluid, graceful essence of the Water Dragon permeates your actionsCombatBase Attack Bonus +10, Depths of the Void, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Void Use
Choke HoldYou have learned the correct way to apply pressure to render an opponent unconscious.CombatImproved Grapple, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike
City MagicYou can use the city itself to enhance your spellcasting.Metamagic3rd Level Caster
CleaveYou can follow through with powerful blows.CombatSTR 13, Power Attack
Clever WrestlingYou have a better than normal chance to escape from a big creature's grapple or pin.UtilityImproved Unarmed Strike, Size Medium or smaller
Cold EnduranceEither because of growing up in a frostfell or training your body and mind to ignore the biting effect of cold, you can exist with ease in low-temperature environments.UtilityBase Fort Save +2
Cold FocusYour cold spells are more potent than normal.Magic
Cold Spell SpecializationYou do additional damage with cold spells.MagicCON 13, Snowcasting, Frozen Magic
Combat AcrobatYour acrobatics and agility in combat allow you to maneuver across the battlefield with ease.CombatTumble (9 ranks), Balance (9 ranks)
Combat ArcheryYou do not provoke attacks of opportunity when firing a bow.CombatDodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Epic Level
Combat AwarenessYou learn to sense a foe's presence even with your eyes closed.CombatBase Attack Bonus +12, Combat Focus, Blind-Fight
Combat CastingYou are adept at casting spells in combat.Magic
Combat DefenseThe state of keen focus and mental discipline you attain in combat allows you to shift the focus of your defense from one opponent to another with careful, precise maneuvers.CombatDodge, WIS 13, Combat Focus, Base Attack Bonus +6
Combat ExpertiseTake a penalty to hit your foe to raise your own ACCombatINT 13
Combat FocusThrough intense mental exercise and training, you learn to enter a state of perfect martial clarity.CombatWIS 13
Combat ReflexesYou can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let their defenses down.Combat
Combat StabilityWhen you maintain your combat focus, you become diffi cult to dislodge. Your muscles lock into an unyielding position, granting you superior ability to resist trip attacks, bull rushes, disarms, and similar effects.CombatCombat Focus, WIS 13, Base Attack Bonus +3
Combat TinkeringYou can disarm traps or pick locks quickly and efficiently, even under the pressure of combat.Combat
Combat VigorWhen you maintain your combat focus, your clarity of purpose and relentless drive allow you to overcome your body's frailties.CombatCombat Focus, WIS 13, Base Attack Bonus +9
Commanding PresenceYour stern gaze leaves people quaking in fearUtilityCHA 13, Eyes of Fury, Fearsome Appearance
Compressed SpellYou are able to reduce the area of effect of a spell in order to increase its damageMetamagicBattle Magic
Consume SpellYou counter a spell and absorb the energy unleashed to power another spell.Magic3rd Level Caster
Craft Aboleth GlyphAn aboleth with this feat can create magic glyphs that store spells or have specialized effects of their own.Item CreationAboleth, 5th Level Caster
Craft ConstructYou learn how to create constructsItem CreationCraft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item
Craft Epic Magic Arms and ArmorYou can craft magic arms and armor of epic power.Item CreationCraft Magic Arms and Armor, Spellcraft (28 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) (28 ranks), Epic Level
Craft Epic RodYou can craft magic rods of epic powerItem CreationCraft Rod, Spellcraft (32 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) (32 ranks), Epic Level
Craft Epic StaffYou can craft staffs of epic powerItem CreationCraft Staff, Epic Level, Spellcraft (35 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) (35 ranks)
Craft Epic Wondrous ItemYou can craft wondrous items of epic powerItem CreationEpic Level, Craft Wondrous Item, Spellcraft (26 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) (26 ranks)
Craft Magic Arms and ArmorYou can create magic weapons, armor, and shields.Item Creation5th Level Caster
Craft RodYou can create magic rods, which have varied magical effects.Item Creation9th Level Caster
Craft Skull TalismanYou can create skull talismans, which carry spells within themselves.Item Creation6th Level Caster
Craft StaffYou can create magic staffs, each of which has multiple magical effects.Item Creation12th Level Caster
Craft WandYou can create wands, which hold spellsItem Creation5th Level Caster
Craft Wondrous ItemYou can create a wide variety of magic items, such as a crystal ball or a flying carpet.Item Creation3rd Level Caster
Create InfusionYou store a divine spell within a specially prepared herbItem Creation3rd Level Caster, Wilderness Lore (4 ranks)
Crystal AttunementYou can focus your ability to scry through a crystal ball with unparalleled acuityMagicScry (1 rank), CHA 10
Curling Wave StrikeMimicking the forceful power of the wave, you can trip multiple foes as part of the same strike.CombatDEX 13, Improved Trip
Daisho TechniqueYou are skilled at using the katana and wakizashi simultaneously.UtilityBase Attack Bonus +1, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Katana + Wakizashi), WIS 13
Damage ReductionYou can shrug off some damage from attacksUtilityEpic Level, CON 21
Dampen SpellYou have learned to channel energy into a foe's spell to weaken its effects.MagicImproved Counterspell
Daunting PresenceShake an opponent's resolve using your mere presence.UtilityCHA 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Deadeye ShotWhen your target is busy dealing with an ally's melee attack, you strike.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +4, Skirmish or Sneak Attack
DeceitfulYou have a knack for disguising the truth.Utility
Deceptive SpellYou can cast spells that seem to come from somewhere other than where they should.Metamagic
Deeper ReflectionYou know meditative techniques that let you draw from the well of potentialKataDepths of the Void, Void Use, Concentration (10 ranks)
Defensive DivinationThrough the subtle, constant use of divination abilities, you are made aware of danger a few moments before it actually occurs.MagicMystic Awareness
Defensive MoveYou are trained at avoiding ranged attacks by moving or ducking.CombatDEX 13
Defensive StanceYou are trained at avoiding and blocking blows.CombatDEX 13
Defensive StrikeYou can turn a strong defense into a powerful offense.CombatDEX 13, INT 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge
Defensive ThrowYou can use your opponent's weight, strength, and momentum against her, deflecting her attack and throwing her to the ground.CombatDodge, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, DEX 13
Deflect ArrowsYou can deflect incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, DEX 13
Deflection to AttractionThrough subtle manipulation of arcane energies, your attacks strike certain magically protected targets with greater accuracy than they normally would.MagicDEX 15, CHA 19, Magical Aptitude
Deft HandsYou have exceptional manual dexterity.Utility
Depths of the VoidYour chi is more focused on the ebb and flow of the void.UtilityVoid Use
Destructive RageYou can shatter barriers and objects when enraged.CombatRage or Frenzy Ability
Devastating CriticalChoose one type of melee weapon, such as a claw or bite. With that weapon, you are capable of killing any creature with a single strike.CombatEpic Level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Overwhelming Critical, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Dexterous FortitudeYou are able to resist physical attacks with exceptional agilityUtilitySlippery Mind, DEX 25, Epic Level
Dexterous WillYou are able to resist compelling effects with exceptional agility.UtilitySlippery Mind, DEX 25, Epic Level
DiehardYou can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.UtilityEndurance
DiligentYour meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.Utility
Dire ChargeYou can make a full attack as part of a charge.CombatEpic Level, Improved Initiative
Dividing the StarsWith a phrase or two you can alter the perceptions of others towards and individualUtilityBluff (8 ranks), Diplomacy (8 ranks), Sense Motive (8 ranks)
DodgeYou are adept at dodging blows.CombatDEX 13
Draconic KnowledgeYour draconic blood lets you access ancient draconic knowledge.Utility1st Level Caster, Dragon or draconic heritage
DragonfriendYou are a known and respected ally of dragons.UtilitySpeaks Draconic, CHA 11
Dwell in DarknessThis kata of creeping movements centers the self on moving silently at the expense of strengthKataNinja or Rogue, Hide (4 ranks), Move Silently (4 ranks)
Eagle Claw StrikeYour superior insight allows you to strike objects with impressive force.CombatWIS 13, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike
Eagle's FuryYou know how to wield the eagle's claw with deadly speed.CombatDEX 15, Eagle's Claw Proficiency
Earth's EmbraceYou can crush opponents when you grapple them.CombatSTR 15, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike
Efficient DefenderYou have learned to use new techniques and modifications to your armor to increase its protective ability.CombatHeavy Armor Proficiency
Efficient Item CreationSelect an item creation feat. You can create magic items using that feat much more quickly than normalItem CreationKnowledge (Arcana) (24 ranks), Spellcraft (24 ranks), Epic Level, Applicable Item Creation Feat
Eldritch KnotYou have learned to braid spells from different schools of magicMetamagicBraided Spells
Empower SpellYou can cast spells to greater effect.Metamagic
Empower Spell-Like AbilityThe creature can use a spell-like ability with greater effect.MetamagicSpell-like ability at caster level 6th or higher
EnduranceYou are capable of amazing feats of stamina.Utility
Endure BlowsYou gain DR 2/—UtilityDragon, CON 19, Toughness
Energy AdmixtureYou can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to add an equal amount of another energy type.MetamagicEnergy Substitution
Energy ResistanceYou can resist the effects of a chosen type of energy.UtilityEpic Level
Energy SubstitutionYou can modify an energy-based spell to use another type of energy instead.MetamagicAny Metamagic Feat, Knowledge (arcana) (5 ranks)
Enhance SpellYou can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.MagicMaximize Spell, Epic Level
Enhanced LinkageYour linked spells series are faster than normal.MagicThe ability to cast linked spells
Enlarge SpellYou can cast spells farther than normal.Metamagic
Epic DodgeYou are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility.UtilityEpic Level, DEX 25, Tumble (30 Ranks), Defensive Roll, Improved Evasion, Dodge
Epic EnduranceYou are capable of legendary feats of stamina.UtilityEpic Level, Endurance, CON 25
Epic FortitudeYou have tremendously high fortitude.UtilityEpic Level
Epic LeadershipYou attract more powerful cohorts and followers than normally possible.UtilityLeadership, Leadership Score of 25, Epic Level, CHA 25
Epic ProwessYou have great skill in combat.CombatEpic Level
Epic ReflexesYou have tremendously fast reflexes.UtilityEpic Level
Epic ReputationYour reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others.UtilityEpic Level
Epic Skill FocusYou have a legendary knack with a chosen skill.UtilityEpic Level, Chosen Skill (20 ranks)
Epic SpeedYou can move much more quickly than a normal personUtilityEpic Level, Run, DEX 21
Epic Spell FocusChoose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are far more potent than normal.MagicEpic Level, Greater Spell Focus, Ability to cast at least one 9th-level spell of the selected school
Epic Spell PenetrationYour spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.MagicSpell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Epic Level
Epic SpellcastingYou can create and cast spells that transcend the most powerful existing spells.MagicSpellcraft (24 ranks), Ability to cast 9th Level Spells, Knowledge (Arcana)(24 ranks) or Knowledge (Nature)(24 ranks) or Knowledge (Religion)(24 ranks), Epic Level
Epic Spellfire WielderYour can store more spellfire energy levels than normal.MagicEpic Level, Endurance, Spellfire Wielder, Concentration (20 ranks)
Epic ToughnessYou are preternaturally tough.UtilityEpic Level
Epic Weapon FocusYou are especially good at using one chosen type of weapon.CombatEpic Level, Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus
Epic Weapon SpecializationChoose one type of weapon, such as greataxe. You deal extraordinary damage wielding this weapon.CombatEpic Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Epic Level
Epic WillYou have tremendously strong willpower.UtilityEpic Level
Eschew MaterialsYou can cast spells without relying on material components.Magic
Etch Object RuneYou can etch magical runes onto the surfaces of inanimate objects.Item Creation5th Level Caster
Evil BrandYou are branded with a mark from a dark patron.UtilityVorovia Setting
Evil WeftYou may infuse your woven light items with negative energy.Item CreationAny Weave Feat, Ability to Rebuke Undead
Exceptional DeflectionYou can deflect any type of ranged attack.CombatEpic Level, DEX 21, Improved Unarmed Strike, WIS 19
Exotic Armor ProficiencyChoose a type of exotic armor, such as mammoth leather or tumbler's breastplate. You understand how to wear that type of exotic armor properly.UtilityArmor Proficiency of the appropriate sort
Exotic Weapon ProficiencyYou are skilled with an exotic weaponCombatBase Attack Bonus +1
Expert SwimmerYou swim like a fish. You can stay underwater far longer than others of your race, and you are at home in the water.UtilityEndurance, Swim (4 ranks)
Extend SpellYou can cast spells that last longer than normal.Metamagic
Extended Life SpanAccumulation of various experience in the world have led your body to last miraculously than most of your race.UtilityEpic Level
Extra TurningYou can turn or rebuke creatures more often than normal.MagicAbility to Turn or Rebuke creatures
Eyes of FuryYour great skill causes enemies to doubt themselves.UtilityCHA 13
Faith in the FrostYou channel frozen energies from your deity when you turn or rebuke creatures.MagicAbility to turn or rebuke creatures, Cold of Winter Domain
Falling Star StrikeYou have mastered the art of striking a nerve that blinds a humanoid opponent.CombatWIS 17, Base Attack Bonus +4, Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike
Familiar SpellYour familiar can use one of your spells as a spell-like ability.MagicINT 25 or CHA 25, Epic Level
Far ShotYou can get greater distance out of a ranged weapon.CombatPoint Blank Shot
FarcastingYou have mastered the art of casting spells at extreme rangesMetamagicEnlarge Spell
Fast HealingYou heal your wounds very quickly.UtilityEpic Level, CON 25
Fast Wild ShapeYou assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise couldMagicDEX 13, Ability to Change Form
FearlessYou never consider retreat or flight from battleUtility
Fearsome AppearanceYour presence in battle sows doubt amid your enemies and weakens their will to attack you.UtilityCHA 13, Eyes of Fury
Fey ArcherYour skill with the bow seems almost magical.Combat
Fey SwordsmanYour skill with a blade seems almost magical, lending you the grace of the ethereal fey.Combat
Fiendish FocusYou have forsaken the ability to call on entities from the upper planes, concentrating instead on creatures from the infernal and abyssal realms.MagicAny non-good alignment
Fiery SpellYour fire magic is bolstered, further scorching your enemies.Metamagic
Fists of IronYou have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, Base Attack Bonus +2, Stunning Fist
Flame FistYou mimic fire's energy manipulation and transfer stunning effects from yourself to others.CombatDEX 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use
Fling AllyYou can launch your comrades into the air as if they were thrown weapons.CombatRock Hurling, STR 19, Size Large or Larger
Fling EnemyWhen you're wrestling a foe, you can lift him into the air and hurl him.CombatSTR 19, Rock Hurling, Size Large or Larger
Flyby AttackYou attack while on the wing.CombatAbility to fly
Flying Fish LeapYou can hurl yourself out of the water with ease.UtilityJump (8 ranks), Swim (4 ranks)
Force of PersonalityUse CHA Mod instead of WIS Mod for mind affecting spells and effectsUtilityCHA 13
Forge Epic RingYou can forge rings of epic powerItem CreationEpic Level, Forge Ring, Spellcraft (35 ranks), Knowledge (arcana) (35 ranks)
Forge RingYou can create magic rings, which have varied magical effects.Item Creation12th Level Caster
Freezing the LifebloodYou can paralyze a humanoid opponent with an unarmed attack.CombatWIS 17, Base Attack Bonus +10, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Frozen BerserkerWhen you enter your barbarian rage, your body becomes infused with cold energy.CombatRage
Frozen MagicYour cold spells are more powerful when you cast them in a cold region.MagicSnowcasting, CON 13
Frozen Wild ShapeYou can assume the form of magical beasts with the cold subtype.MagicBase Fort Save +6, Wild Shape
Fury Without EndYou ignore pain and difficulty until your goal is achievedKataToughness, Way of the Lion, Weapon Proficiency
Gentle Blade of WinterYou disrupt the chi of your opponents using your blade.KataAkodo's Technique, The Final Lesson, Power Attack, Void Use, Way of the Lion, Weapon Focus
Giant's ToughnessYou are amazingly toughUtilityBase Fort Save +8
GoadYou are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you.CombatCHA 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Grappling BlockYou can catch and pin an opponent's weapon with your bare hands.CombatDeflect Arrows, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Disarm, INT 13
Great CaptainYou are a master pilot and battle leader; your crew anticipates your every command and leaps to do your bidding.UtilityKnowledge (Geography)(7 ranks), Profession (Sailor)(7 ranks), Leadership
Great CharismaYour powers of persuasion and leadership are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Great CleaveYou can wield a melee weapon with such power that you can strike multiple times when you fell your foes.CombatPower Attack, Cleave, STR 13, Base Attack Bonus +4
Great ConstitutionYour health and endurance are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Great DexterityYour agility and coordination are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Great DiplomatYou are descended from Asako, one of the companions of the first Phoenix, a great healer, diplomat, and warrior.Utility
Great Fortitude+2 on Fort SavesUtility
Great IntelligenceYour powers of reason and learning are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Great ResistanceYou have a natural resistance to spell and spell-like effects generated by magical items.MagicIron Will, WIS 15
Great SmitingYour smiting is incredibly potentCombatCHA 25, Smite, Epic Level
Great StrengthYour muscle and physical power are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Great WisdomYour willpower and insight are greater than normal.UtilityEpic Level
Greater CapacityWhen you create a magic item which carries charges, you are able to fill it with far more magical energy than is normal.Item CreationAt least one of Craft Staff, Craft Rod, or Craft Wand
Greater Cold FocusYour cold spells are now even more potent than before.MagicCold Focus
Greater ConjuringYou have a natural talent with your chosen school. When casting conjuration spells, you achieve a better effect than others.MagicSpell Focus (conjuration)
Greater Kiai ShoutYour kiai shout can panic your opponents.CombatKiai Shout, CHA 13, Base Attack Bonus +9
Greater Spell FocusYour spells of your chosen school are now even more potent than before.MagicSpell Focus
Greater Spell PenetrationYour spells are remarkably potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.MagicSpell Penetration
Greater Two-Weapon FightingYou are a master at fighting two-handed.CombatDEX 19, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +11
Greater Weapon FocusYou are especially good at using a weapon you have weapon focus with.CombatWeapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency, Base Attack Bonus +8
Greater Weapon SpecializationYou deal extra damage when using a weapon you are specialized withCombatBase Attack Bonus +12, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization
HagglerYou tend to get the best of any bargainUtility
Hammer and PitonYou can drive pitons into your foes, giving you a useful perch from which to strike.CombatClimb (3 Ranks), STR 15
Hand of Osano-WoYou are adept at wielding your strength to your best advantage while using two weaponsCombatTwo-Weapon Fighting, STR 15, Base Attack Bonus +3
Heart of the DragonThe unrighteous fall before your furious blades.CombatDaisho Technique, Base Attack Bonus +10, Cleave, Martial Weapon Proficiency (Katana + Wakizashi)
Heat EnduranceEither as a result of growing up in the waste, or by training your body and mind to ignore the effects of searing heat, you can exist with ease in high-temperature environments.UtilityBase Fort Save +2
Heaven's WingYou build focus and then release the energy in a flurry of motion.KataDepths of the Void, No-Mind, Void Use, Way of the Phoenix, Weapon Focus
Heavy Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with heavy armorUtilityLight Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency
Heighten SpellYou can cast a spell as if it were a higher-level spell than it actually is.Metamagic
Heightened SightYour vision has been enhanced through divination magic to greater accuracy and distance, allowing you to see things others could never bring into focus.MagicMystic Awareness
Hida's RageRage flows through your veins; you are ready to make the ultimate sacrificeCombatThe Mountain Does Not Move, Toughness
High MagicYou have learned the secrets of Elven high magicMetamagic9th Level Caster
Himitsuheiki AdvancedYou can quickly obtain a weapon even in desperate situations, and can discard weapons to confuse and disorient.CombatDEX 13, Combat Reflexes, Base Attack Bonus +6, Himitsuheiki Novice
Himitsuheiki MasterYou are never unarmed and never without an entire arsenal of weapons.CombatBase Attack Bonus +12, DEX 14, Combat Reflexes, Himitsuheiki Novice, Himitsuheiki Advanced
Himitsuheiki NoviceYou have learned to use your environment as weaponCombatBase Attack Bonus +1, DEX 13, Combat Reflexes
Holy SubdualYou can turn bonus damage into nonlethal damage.CombatSubduing Strike
Honest MerchantYou are descended from a merchant of only the most upstanding principles.Utility
HoverThe creature can come to a halt in midair.UtilityFly speed
Howl of the MotoYou have learned a frightening war howl.KataCleave, Depths of the Void, Intimidate (Class Skill), One Spirit, Power Attack, Void Use
Hunger of the MaggotsYou feast upon the souls of those you kill.CombatTaint Modifier of +2, Base Attack Bonus +5
Icy CallingYour summon spells work better in the frostfell if you summon native creatures.MagicCON 13, Snowcasting
Ignore Material ComponentsYou need not use any material components in casting your spells.MagicAble to cast 9th level arcane or divine spells, Epic Level, Eschew Materials
Illusion FocusYou have gained mastery over the use of one form of IllusionismMagicSpell Focus (Illusion)
Illusory InsightYou have gained the ability to see through illusions with greater easeMagicSpell Focus (Illusion)
Imbue IllusionYou grant illusions you create the ability to cast spellsMetamagicSpell Focus (Illusion)
Imbued HealingYou imbue your healing spells with additional benefits based on the power of your belief.MetamagicAbility to cast Conjuration (Healing) Spells, Domain Access
ImmovabilityYou are hard to trip or knockdown.Combat
Improved Alignment-Based CastingYour spells of a particular alignment are more powerful than normal.MagicAbility to cast 9th-level divine spells, Epic Level, Access to an alignment based domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, Law) - alignment must match domain chosen
Improved Aura of CourageYour aura of courage is stronger than normal.MagicCHA 25, Aura of Courage, Epic Level
Improved Bull RushYour Bull Rush is more effective.CombatSTR 13, Power Attack
Improved Cold EnduranceYour training and natural hardiness have improved your natural resistance to cold temperatures.UtilityBase Fort Save +6, Cold Endurance
Improved Combat CastingYou can cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.MagicCombat Casting, Concentration (25 ranks), Epic Level
Improved Combat ExpertiseYou have mastered the art of defense in combat.CombatBase Attack Bonus +6, INT 13, Combat Expertise
Improved Combat ReflexesYou can respond to any number of opponents who let their defenses down.CombatEpic Level, DEX 21, Combat Reflexes
Improved CounterspellYou understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spells with great efficiency.Magic
Improved CriticalChoose one type of weapon, such as longsword or greataxe. With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.CombatBase Attack Bonus +8, Weapon Proficiency
Improved DisarmDisarm foes without provoking AoOsCombatCombat Expertise, INT 13
Improved FeintYou are skilled at misdirecting your opponent's attention in combat.CombatCombat Expertise, INT 13
Improved GrappleYou are skilled at grappling opponents.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, DEX 13
Improved Heat EnduranceYou can survive even in the most extreme natural heat conditions.UtilityBase Fort Save +6, Heat Endurance
Improved Heighten SpellYou can cast a spell at any level above its own.MetamagicEpic Level, Spellcraft (20 ranks), Heighten Spell
Improved InitiativeYou can react more quickly than normal in a fight.Utility
Improved Item CreationYou are a skilled crafter of magic items and are able to pull ambient magic energy from the natural world, allowing you to preserve your own strength and life force.Item CreationAny Two Item Creation feats
Improved MetamagicYou can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal.MetamagicSpellcraft (30 ranks), Four Metamagic Feats
Improved Mounted ArcheryYou can make ranged attacks from a mount almost as well as you can from the ground.CombatMounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Ride (1 rank)
Improved Natural AttackYour natural weapons are more potent than normalCombatNatural weapon, Base Attack Bonus +4
Improved OverrunYou are skilled at knocking down opponents.CombatSTR 13, Power Attack
Improved Precise ShotYour ranged attacks can ignore the effects of cover or concealment.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, DEX 19, Base Attack Bonus +11
Improved Rapid ShotYou are an expert at firing weapons with exceptional speed.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot
Improved Rock HurlingYour accuracy and effectiveness with thrown rocks improves.CombatRock Hurling, STR 23, Size Large or larger
Improved Shield BashYou can bash with a shield while retaining its shield bonus to your Armor Class.CombatShield Proficiency
Improved Sneak AttackYour sneak attacks are more deadly than normal.CombatSneak Attack +8d6, Epic Level
Improved SpeedYou are faster than others of your kind.UtilitySTR 13, Dragon
Improved Spell CapacityYou can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.MagicAbility to cast spells of the normal maximum spell level in at least one spellcasting class, Epic Level
Improved Spell ResistanceYour innate resistance to magical effects increases.MagicMust have spell resistance from a feat, or other permanent effect, Epic Level
Improved SunderYou are skilled at attacking your opponents' weapons and shields, as well as other objects.CombatPower Attack, STR 13
Improved SwimmingYou can swim faster than you normally could.UtilitySwim (6 ranks)
Improved TripYou are trained not only in tripping opponents safely but also in following through with an attack.CombatINT 13, Combat Expertise
Improved TurningYour turning or rebuking attempts are more powerful than normal.MagicTurn/Rebuke Undead
Improved Two-Weapon FightingYou are an expert in fighting two-handed.CombatDEX 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +9
Improved Unarmed StrikeYou are skilled at fighting while unarmed.Combat
Increased EffectivenessMagic items respond to your touch and gain strength from your spellcasting power.MagicSpellcraft (8 ranks), Any Item Creation feat, Ability to cast spells
Indirect SpellA spell you cast with this feat can travel through a scrying focus or divination spell and bypass the need for line of effect or range limitations.MetamagicAny Other Metamagic Feat
Infinite DeflectionYou can deflect an infinite number of projectiles.CombatCombat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, DEX 25, Epic Level
Inscribe RuneYou can create magic runes that hold spells until triggered.Item Creation3rd Level Divine Caster, INT 13, Craft (appropriate skill)
Instant StandYou know how to leap to your feet quickly from a prone positionUtility
Intensify SpellYou can cast spells with exceptionally great effect.MetamagicEpic Level, Ability to cast 9th level spells, Spellcraft (30 ranks), Maximize Spell, Empower Spell
Intimidating RageYour rage engenders fear in your opponents.CombatRage or Frenzy ability
InvestigatorYou have a knack for finding information.Utility
Involuntary RageTake massive damage, rage until the end of combatCombatToughness, CON 20
Iron Will+2 on Will SavesUtility
Ishiken-doThe power of the Void runs through your veins.MagicVoid Use, Shugenja
Item AptitudeYou have a natural knack for discovering an item’s magical effects and triggering them.UtilityCHA 15
Item ImageYou can bond yourself or someone else with a magic item by use of a tattoo.MagicINT 17, 7th Level Caster
Jack of All TradesYou have picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.UtilityINT 13
Kakita's TechniqueYou have learned to focus the void through your sword.CombatWay of the Crane, Void Use, DEX 13, Base Attack Bonus +3
Karmic StrikeYou have learned to strike when your opponent is most vulnerable - the same instant your opponent strikes you.CombatDodge, Combat Expertise, DEX 13
Ki ThrowYour physical control and mastery of momentum allows you to throw enemies.CombatImproved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple
Kiai ShoutYou can bellow forth a shout that strikes terror into your enemies.CombatCHA 13, Base Attack Bonus +1
Kiss of the LotusA kata that channels your negative energy outward to cripple a foe by disrupting their energy flow.Kata3rd Level Ninja, DEX 16, STR 14, Improved Unarmed Strike
Know Your EnemyYou can learn your opponents fighting style and take advantage of weaknesses.CombatWIS 13, Patience
LandwalkerYou can survive out of the water for a longer period of time than most of your kind.UtilityNeeds to breathe water
LeadershipAttract loyal minions and cohortsUtilityCharacter Level 6th
Legacy of the Four WindsYou lash out at anything that attacks youCombatBase Attack Bonus +8, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack
Legendary ClimberYou can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.UtilityEpic Level, Balance (12 ranks), Climb (24 ranks), DEX 21
Legendary CommanderYou attract and lead great armies of followers through sheer force of personality.UtilityMust rule own kingdom and have a stronghold, Epic Level, CHA 25, Epic Leadership, Diplomacy (30 ranks), Leadership
Legendary RiderYou can ride a mount in combat with ease, even bareback.UtilityEpic Level, Ride (24 ranks)
Legendary TrackerYou can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air.UtilityTrack, Epic Level, Knowledge (Nature) (30 ranks), WIS 25, Wilderness Lore (30 ranks)
Let Him Go ByWhen the enemy charges you with strength and urgency let him go byCombatVoid Use, Base Attack Bonus +6
Life to the InanimateYou imbue an inanimate magical item with intelligence.Item Creation10th Level Caster
Light Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with light armorUtility
Lightning Reflexes+2 to Reflex savesUtility
Lightning StealthYou are able to move with both speed and stealthUtilityHide (6 ranks), Move Silently (6 ranks), 3rd Level Ninja
Lingering DamageYour sneak attacks continue to deal damage even after you strike.CombatSneak Attack +8d6, Crippling Strike, Epic Level
Lord of the UttercoldThrough careful study of the Elemental Planes and their interactions with the Negative Energy Plane, you have learned to wield the uttercold.MetamagicEnergy Substitution, Ability to cast Cold spells, Knowledge (the planes) (9 ranks)
Mage SlayerYou have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly.CombatBase Attack Bonus +3, Spellcraft (2 ranks)
Magical Aptitude+2 Spellcraft and +2 Use Magical DeviceUtility
Magical ArtisanYou have mastered the method of creating a certain kind of magic item.Item CreationAny Item Creation feat
ManyshotYou can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, DEX 17, Base Attack Bonus +6
Martial Weapon ProficiencyYou are proficient with certain martial weapons in combat.Utility
Master StaffYou can activate a staff without using a charge.MagicCraft Staff, Epic Level, Spellcraft (15 ranks)
Master WandYou can activate a wand without using a charge.MagicSpellcraft (15 ranks), Epic Level
Matsu's RoarYour fury in battle is terrifying to beholdCombatBase Attack Bonus +6, Void Use
Maximize BreathYou take a full round action to maximize breath weapon effectivenessMetamagicCON 17, Breath Weapon
Maximize SpellYou can cast spells to maximum effect.Metamagic
Medium Armor ProficiencyYou are proficient with medium armorUtilityLight Armor Proficiency
Melodic CastingYou can weave your music and magic together into a single perfect voice.MagicBardic Music, Spellcraft (4 ranks), Perform (4 ranks)
Mobile DefenseYou can adjust your position while maintaining a defensive stance.CombatEpic Level, DEX 15, Spring Attack, Mobility, Defensive Stance 5/day
MobilityYou are skilled at dodging past opponents and avoiding blows.CombatDodge, DEX 13
MortalbaneThe creature can make a spell-like ability particularly deadly to mortals.Metamagic
Mountain WarriorYou are adept at fighting on the uneven ground of mountainous terrain.CombatWilderness Lore (5 ranks), Base Attack Bonus +3
MountaineerYou are a particularly gifted explorer and mountain climber.Utility
Mounted ArcheryYou are skilled in using ranged weapons while mounted.CombatRide (1 rank), Mounted Combat
Mounted CombatYou are skilled in mounted CombatCombatRide (1 rank)
MultiattackA creature with this feat is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.CombatThree or More Natural Attacks
MultispellYou can cast an additional quickened spell in a round.MetamagicQuicken Spell, Ability to cast 9th level spells, Epic Level
Multiweapon FightingYou can fight with multiple weaponsCombatDEX 13, Three or more hands
My Brother's SoulYou focus on striking between the elements.KataWay of the Dragon, Heart of the Dragon
Mystic AwarenessYou have a supernatural ability to use your senses even when prevailing conditions would otherwise prevent you from doing so.MagicAbility to cast Divination Spells, Alertness
Natural SpellYou cast spells while in a wild shape.MagicWIS 13, Ability to Wild Shape
Negative Energy Burst (Feat)You can use your rebuke/ command undead ability to unleash a burst of negative energyMagicCHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Inflict Critical Wounds, Evil Alignment
NegotiatorYou are good at gauging and swaying attitudes.Utility
Nimble FingersYou are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects.Utility
Nimbus of LightYou are cloaked in a radiant light that marks you as a servant of the purest ideals.Magic
No-MindYou are always prepared to deal with any situation.CombatWIS 13, Base Attack Bonus +9, Void Use, Way of the Phoenix
Old SaltYou are an old hand at shipboard life, having mastered the myriad skills that are required of the experienced sailor. Additionally, you have an eye for the weather.UtilityProfession (sailor) (5 ranks)
One Leg StanceYou ready yourself to strike many times in rapid succesion at the cost of your movementKataImproved Initiative, Void Use, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency
One SpiritYou learn from your mistakes and make the best of them.CombatBase Attack Bonus +6
One-Strike BladeYou make single attacks with incredible speed and accuracy with your katana.KataCombat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus
Overcome WeaknessYou can overcome an innate vulnerability through sheer willpower.UtilityIron Will, Suppress Weakness, Vulnerability to Energy
Overwhelming CriticalChoose one type of melee weapon, such as longsword or greataxe. With that weapon, you do more damage on a critical hit.CombatSTR 23, Epic Level, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Pain MasteryFor every 50 points of damage taken, +2 STR, exhausted after combat.CombatCON 20, Toughness
Pain TouchYou cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack.CombatBase Attack Bonus +2, Stunning Fist, WIS 15
PatienceYou are adept at taking the initiative without going firstCombatWIS 13
Penetrate Damage ReductionYou can bypass a creature's damage reduction.CombatEpic Level
Penetrating ShotYou send a powerful shot cleaving through your enemies.CombatPoint Blank Shot, STR 15, Base Attack Bonus +10
Perceived AlignmentThrough self-control and discipline, you are able to cloak your true motivations, even to the eyes of magic..UtilityINT 13
Perfect HealthYou are immune to normal diseases and common poisons.UtilityEpic Level, Great Fortitude, CON 25
Permanent EmanationOne of your personal emanation spells becomes permanent.MagicSpellcraft (25 ranks), Ability to cast the spell to be made permanent, Epic Level
PersuasiveYou have a way with words and body language.Utility
Pharaoh's FistYour unarmed strikes echo with thunder, stunning your foe and those nearby.CombatSTR 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
Piercing ColdYour cold spells are so cold that they can damage creatures normally resistant or immune to cold.Metamagic
Planar Ascetic+2 Knowledge Planes and +2 Knowledge ReligionUtility
Planar TurningYou can turn or rebuke outsiders.MagicWIS 25, CHA 25, Epic Level, Ability to turn and rebuke undead
Plant ControlYou can channel the power of nature to gain mastery over plant creatures.MagicCan Cast Speak With Plants, Plant Defiance
Plant DefianceYou channel the power of nature to drive off plant creatures.MagicCan Cast Speak With Plants and Animals
Point Blank ShotYou are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at close range.Combat
Poison ExpertYour skill at crafting and delivering toxins has made you a more deadly poisoner.CombatPoison use, Craft (poisonmaking) (4 ranks)
Poison ImmunityAfter prolonged exposure to a poison or toxin, you have rendered yourself immune to it.Utility
Poison MasterThe toxins you create and use are particularly virulent.CombatPoison Expert, Poison use, Craft (Poisonmaking) (8 ranks)
Poisoned WindYou move at incredible speeds, so focused on speed you fail to cover yourself as well as normal.KataDEX 16, Tumble (6 ranks)
Pole FighterYour monastic training included extensive work with polearms and other similar weapons.CombatFlurry of Blows, Weapon Proficiency (with chosen weapon), Weapon Focus
PolyglotYou can speak, read, and write all languages.UtilityEpic Level, INT 25
Positive Energy AuraYou automatically turn (or even destroy) lesser undead.MagicEpic Level, Dispel Evil, Turn Undead
Power AttackYou can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.CombatSTR 13
Power CriticalWith a chosen weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.CombatBase Attack Bonus +4, Weapon Focus
Prayer's EndYou gather your chi waiting for the perfect moment to strikeKataHand of Osano-Wo, Two-Weapon Fighting, Way of the Mantis
Precise ShotYou are skilled at timing and aiming ranged attacks.CombatPoint Blank Shot
Primeval Wild ShapeYour wild shape forms are stronger than normal.MagicWild Shape
Psychic SpellA curse to those who rely on physical might and agility, your spells target the mind as well as the body, making them much harder to resist.MetamagicAbility to cast Illusion and Divination magic
Pure WeaveYou may infuse your woven light items with positive energy.Item CreationAny "Weave" Feat, Turn Undead
PushYour forceful blows push opponents aside.CombatSTR 13, Power Attack
Quick DrawYou can draw weapons with startling speed.CombatBase Attack Bonus +1
Quick ReconnoiterYou can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object.UtilityListen (5 ranks), Spot (5 ranks)
Quick RecoveryIt's hard to keep you down for long. You have a talent for shaking off effects that leave others unable to act.Utility
Quicken SpellYou can cast a spell with a moment's thought.Metamagic
Quicken Spell-Like AbilityWith this feat you can employ a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.MetamagicSpell-like ability at caster level 10th or higher
QuickslimeThe slime attack of an aboleth with this feat is particularly fast and difficult to resist.UtilityAbility Focus, Aboleth
RamYou are adept at forcing your way through opponents.Combat
Ranged DisarmYou can disarm a foe from a distance.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +5
Ranged PinUse Ranged weapon to grapple foe within 30'.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, DEX 15, Base Attack Bonus +5
Ranged SunderYou can attack an opponent's weapon at a distance.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, STR 13, Base Attack Bonus +5
Ranged Weapon MasteryYou have mastered a wide range of ranged weapons.CombatWeapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Base Attack Bonus +8, Weapon Proficiency
Rapid BlitzYou charge across the battlefield, combining your speed and fighting ability to move and attack with unmatched skill.CombatBounding Assault, Spring Attack, Mobility, Dodge, DEX 13, Base Attack Bonus +18
Rapid ReadyYou prepare for battle quickly.Utility
Rapid ReloadYou reload a crossbow more quickly than normal.CombatBase Attack Bonus +2, Crossbow Proficiency
Rapid ShotYou can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed.CombatPoint Blank Shot, DEX 13
Rapid SwimmingYou are one with the water.UtilityNatural Swim Speed, Base Fort Save +2
Rattlesnake StrikeHaving observed the ways of a desert viper, you have learned to use ki in a fashion similar to poison.CombatImproved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, WIS 15
Reactive CounterspellYou can react quickly to counter spells cast by opponents.MagicImproved Counterspell, Improved Initiative
Recover Breath-1 round for Breath Weapon to RechargeMetamagicBreath Weapon, CON 17
Red Dawn's GiftYour powers warn you of danger.CombatDEX 17, 10 Levels of Arcane Spells, Words of Turning
Reflect ArrowsYou reflect ranged attacks back upon the attacker.CombatDeflect Arrows, Epic Level, Improved Unarmed Strike, DEX 25
Reforge ItemYou know the secret of repairing magic items, even ones which have been completely destroyed and can reforge an item so that it does not lose its magical abilities.Item CreationINT 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item or Forge Ring
Remain ConsciousYou have a tenacity of will that supports you even when things look bleakCombatEndurance, Toughness, Iron Will, Base Attack Bonus +2
RendYou can rend opponents you hit with your claws.CombatTwo Claw attacks, STR 13, Power Attack, Snatch, Size Huge or Larger
Ride-By AttackYou are skilled at making fast attacks for your mount.CombatRide (1 rank), Mounted Combat
Rock HurlingYou can throw rocks just like a giant canCombatSTR 19, Size Large or larger
Roof-JumperYou can make use of the features of the city as handholds and footholds, defying the pull of gravity.CombatDodge, Mobility, Balance (7 ranks), Jump (7 ranks), Roofwalker
RoofwalkerYou are adept at moving and fighting on rooftops and ledges.CombatDodge, Mobility, Balance (5 ranks), Jump (5 ranks)
RunYou are fleet of footUtility
Sahuagin FlipYou can safely attack and withdraw underwater.CombatSwim speed, DEX 13, Dodge
Sailor's BalanceYou are experienced with the rolling decks of the ship and maintain strong footing, even in a terrible storm.UtilityProfession (sailor) (4 ranks)
Sanctify Martial StrikeSacred power suffuses your attacks with a certain kind of weapon.CombatCHA 15, Weapon Focus
Sanctify WeaponYou can focus holy power into your weapon.CombatCan Cast Align Weapon
Sand CamouflageYou can hide yourself in sand with a moment's notice.UtilitySandskimmer, Hide (5 ranks)
Sand DancerWhile making another attack, you attempt to blind a foe with thrown sand.CombatTumble (4 ranks), WIS 13
Sand SnareWhen you knock your foes into the sand, they have a hard time regaining their feet.CombatCombat Expertise, Improved Trip
Sand SpinnerYou spray sand with your acrobatic maneuvers.CombatSand Dancer, Tumble (8 ranks), WIS 13
SandskimmerYou are particularly adept at moving over sand.Utility
Scorpion's GraspLike the scorpion, you can grab and hold your prey.CombatSTR 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple
Scorpion's InstinctsYou are hard to find in the waste.UtilityHide (5 ranks), DEX 13
Scorpion's ResolveLike the scorpion, you are not easily distracted.Utility
Scorpion's SenseLike the scorpion, you sense other creatures simply by perceiving their contact with the sand.Utility
Scribe Epic ScrollYou can scribe scrolls of epic power.Item CreationEpic Level, Scribe Scroll, Knowledge (arcana) (24 ranks), Spellcraft (24 ranks)
Scribe ScrollGain the ability to create scrolls for spells you know.Item Creation1st Level Caster
Sea LegsYou are accustomed to the rolling motion on board a ship and can use this motion to your advantage.Utility
Searing SpellYour fire spells are so hot that they can damage creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to fire.Metamagic
Self-ConcealmentWhen in combat, your form becomes blurry and indistinct, making it difficult to land a blow against you.CombatHide (30 ranks), Tumble (30 ranks), DEX 30, Epic Level
Self-SufficientYou can take care of yourself in harsh environments and situations.Combat
Serpent FangYou are able to project your ki to strike foes as though you had extended reach.CombatImproved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, WIS 15
Shadow LeapThis kata greatly increases your speed and agility while in areas of darknessKata1st level Ninja
Shadow ReflectionYour shadow flickers and moves in an aggressive, independent manner, enabling you to avoid some attacks of opportunity.Magic3rd Level Shadowcaster, Dancing Shadows or Clinging Darkness
Shadow WaveYou create a cloud of darkness hampering all visionKataTaint Score of 3, 8th level Ninja
Shards of Earth (Tetsubo)You focus your chi like the earth to become strong like the mountainsKataCleave, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, The Mountain Does Not Move, Void Use
Shards of Earth (Unarmed)You focus your chi like the earth to become strong like the mountainsKataBreaking Blow, Fists of Iron, Improved Unarmed Strike, The Mountain Does Not Move, Power Attack, Void Use
Sharp-ShootingYour skill with ranged weapons lets you score hits others would miss due to an opponent's cover.CombatPoint Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +3
Shield ProficiencyYou are proficient with bucklers, small shields, and large shields.Utility
Shinjo's BreathYou can perform an acrobatic dismountKataRide (Class Skill), Way of the Unicorn
Shock ResistantYou are unlikely to die from a single attack.UtilityUndying, CON 13
Shock WaveYou can strike the ground with your tail so hard it knocks other creatures down.CombatSTR 13, Dragon, Size Large or Larger, Power Attack
Shot on the RunYou are highly trained in skirmish ranged weapon tactics.CombatDodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, DEX 13, Base Attack Bonus +4
Silent SpellYou can cast spells silentlyMetamagic
Simple Weapon ProficiencyYou understand how to use all types of simple weapons in combat.Utility
Skill Focus+3 bonus to a selected skillUtility
Smite Fiery FoeYou can smite creatures with the fire subtypeCombatSmite
SnatchYou can grapple more easily with your claws or bite.CombatAccess to a form with either claws or bite as natural weapons
Snatch ArrowsYou are adept at grabbing incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.CombatDeflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike, DEX 15
Sneak Attack of OpportunityWhenever your opponent lets his guard down, you can make a sneak attack.CombatOpportunist, Epic Level, Sneak Attack +8d6
SnowcastingYou add ice or snow to your spell's components to make them more powerful.MagicCON 13
Snowflake WardanceYou have mastered the snowflake wardance, a mystical style of fighting with slashing weapons that allows you to leap and almost seem to float haphazardly across the battlefield like a whirling, razor-edged snowflake.CombatPerform (6 ranks), Bardic Music
SnowrunnerYou are particularly adept at moving through snow and over ice.UtilityWoodland Stride
Song of the DeadYou can add such a powerful dose of necromantic energy to your mind-affecting spells that they function against undead creatures but are useless against all others.Metamagic
Soul of StoneYou draw your strength inward hardening your body from harmKataWay of the Crab
Soul of the StormYou have learned to channel the rage of Osano-Wo.CombatBase Attack Bonus +6, Void Use
Special DispensationYou have been given leave to carry even banned armor, weapons, and equipment in a given area.Utility
Spectral StrikeYou can strike incorporeal creatures as if they were solid.CombatWIS 19, Epic Level, Ability to turn or rebuke undead
Spell FocusChoose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are more potent than normal.Magic
Spell Focus: AlignmentYour spells with an alignment descriptor are more potent than normal.MagicRelevant Alignment
Spell GirdingYour spells are particularly hardy, resisting dispel checks more readily than normal.Magic
Spell KnowledgeYou add two additional arcane spells to your repertoire.MagicAbility to cast spells of the maximum normal spell level of an arcane spellcasting class, Epic Level
Spell MasteryYou are so intimately familiar with certain spells that you don't need a spellbook to prepare them anymore.MagicPrepared Arcane Caster Level 1
Spell MimicryYou have superior ability to mimic the effects of spells from a certain school with your illusionsMagicSpell Focus
Spell OpportunityYou can cast a touch spell as an attack of opportunity.MagicCombat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Spellcraft (25 ranks), Quicken Spell, Epic Level
Spell PenetrationYour spells are especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.Magic
Spell StowawayChoose a spell-like ability you possess or a spell you can cast. You gain the benefits of this magic whenever it is used near you.MagicSpellcraft (24 ranks), Epic Level, 12th level caster
Spell ThematicsYour spells have a distinct visual or auditory effect in their manifestation.MagicMust be able to cast one Illusion spell
Spellcasting HarrierSpellcasters you threaten find it difficult to cast defensively.CombatEpic Level, Combat Expertise
Spellfire WielderYou are one of the rare people who have the innate talent to control raw magic in the form of spellfire.Magic
Spirited ChargeYou are trained at making a devastating mounted charge.CombatRide (1 rank), Ride-By Attack
Split ConcentrationYou can maintain multiple independent spells at the same time.Magic
Spontaneous DomainsYou need not prepare your domain spells in advance.MagicAbility to cast 3rd level spells, Access to two or more cleric domains
Spontaneous HealerYou can spontaneously cast heal spells like a cleric a certain number of times per day.MagicKnowledge(religion) 4 ranks, Ability to cast any cure wounds spell, Non-evil alignment
Spontaneous SpellSelect a spell you can cast. You can spontaneously convert spells of that spell's level into that spell.MetamagicEpic Level, Spellcraft (25 ranks), Ability to cast the maximum normal spell level of at least one spellcasting class
Spring AttackYou are trained in fast melee attacks and fancy footwork.CombatDodge, Mobility, DEX 13, Base Attack Bonus +4
Standing on the HeavensYou prime your soul to assure the outcome of a fight - your victoryKataDepths of the Void, Void Use, Knowledge (Religion)(10 ranks)
Steady ConcentrationYou are an expert at avoiding distractions and focusing your mind, and you can concentrate clearly even in the most stressful conditions.UtilityConcentration (8 ranks)
StealthyYou are particularly good at avoiding notice.Utility
Still SpellYou can cast spells without gestures.Metamagic
StonebackYou have studied the techniques of fighting underground, and you can protect yourself from the dangers of multiple attackers whenever you can put your back to a solid wall.CombatTunnel Fighting, Shield Proficiency
Storm MagicYou gain a boost in spellcasting power during storms.Magic
Storm of ThrowsYou become a flurry of thrown weapons, targeting all nearby opponents.CombatEpic Level, DEX 23, Quick Draw, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Strength of the EarthYou are as resilient and enduring as the mountains.UtilityToughness
Strike at the TailYou have learned superior disarming techniquesCombatBase Attack Bonus +6, INT 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm
Strike of the Cliff's EdgeYou use a rolling style of fighting to strike an opponent at any point.KataWay of the Mantis
Striking as EarthYou draw on the vast inner reserves of Earth in the bodyKataCON 13
Striking as FireYou focus on speed over powerKataINT 13
Striking as VoidYou broaden your mind so that other kata can be used more easily.KataVoid Use, Depths of the Void, Strike as Earth, Striking as Fire, Striking as Water, Striking as Wind
Striking as WaterFocusing on pure strength you sacrifice precision for pure ability to inflict damageKataSTR 13
Striking as WindYou rely upon speed and maneuverability at the cost of all else.KataDEX 13
Strong StomachYou have greater resilience to illness and foul odors than most people.UtilityEndurance, CON 13
Stunning FistYou know how to strike opponents in vulnerable areas.CombatDEX 13, WIS 13, Base Attack Bonus +8, Improved Unarmed Strike
Subduing StrikeYou are adept at striking to deal nonlethal damage even with normal weapons.Combat
Sugliin MasteryYou are a master of fighting with the massive sugliinCombatBase Attack Bonus +5, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sugliin)
Sunken SongYou can project your voice underwater.MagicPerform (sing) (4 ranks), Bardic Music
Superior Element FocusThe spells of your elemental focus are particularly potent.MagicShugenja
Superior InitiativeYou can react even more quickly than normal in a fight.UtilityEpic Level, Improved Initiative
Suppress WeaknessYour vulnerability to an energy type is reduced.UtilityVulnerability to Energy, Iron Will
Swarm of ArrowsYou can fire a veritable storm of arrows at nearby opponents.CombatDEX 23, Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot, Epic Level
... further results