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From Compendium of Worldly Lore
- 1st Level Caster
- 3rd Level Caster
- 5th Level Caster
- 6th level Caster
- Aberration Banemagic
- Ability Focus
- Ability to cast 9th Level Spells
- Ability to fly
- Abjurant Champion
- Able Learner
- Abolisher
- Abomination
- Acid Splash
- Acrobatic
- Additional Magic Item Space
- Adept
- Adjusted Size Chart
- Adventure Chef
- Adventuring Scholar
- Aerial Mounted Combat
- Agent Retriever
- Agile
- Air Fist
- Akodo's Technique
- Akodo Champion
- Alchemist Savant
- Alertness
- Alienist
- Altitude Adaptation
- Ambient Tempest
- Anagakok
- Anagakok Spells
- Ancient Master
- Animal Affinity
- Animal Companion
- Animal Lord
- Animated Tattoo
- Anointed Knight
- Any Item Creation feat
- Any non-good alignment
- Aquatic Shot
- Arachnomancer
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Buffer
- Arcane Consumption
- Arcane Delver
- Arcane Devotee
- Arcane Hierophant
- Arcane Lich
- Arcane Mark
- Arcane Mastery
- Arcane Toughness
- Arcane Trickster
- Arcanopath
- Arcanopath Monk
- Archer
- Archer's Gift
- Archivist
- Archivist Spells
- Archmage
- Ardent Dilettante
- Arena Champion
- Argent Savant
- Aristocrat
- Armbar
- Armor Focus
- Armor Skin
- Art of Demon Summoning
- Arthoparch
- Artificer
- Artisan
- Artist
- Ashworm Dragoon
- Assassin
- Astral Dancer
- Athasian Dragon
- Athletic
- Attune Gem
- Audible Whisper
- Augment Illusion
- Augment Summoning
- Augmented Alchemy
- Automatic Quicken Spell
- Automatic Silent Spell
- Automatic Still Spell
- Avenging Executioner
- Awareness
- Awesome Blow
- Awesome Smite
- Azexdrius
- Bandit
- Bane of Infidels
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Bard Spells
- Base Attack Bonus +1
- Base Attack Bonus +10
- Base Attack Bonus +11
- Base Attack Bonus +12
- Base Attack Bonus +18
- Base Attack Bonus +2
- Base Attack Bonus +3
- Base Attack Bonus +4
- Base Attack Bonus +5
- Base Attack Bonus +6
- Base Attack Bonus +8
- Base Attack Bonus +9
- Bat Sight
- Battle Blessing
- Battle Dancer
- Battle Mage
- Battle Mage Spells
- Battle Touch
- Bayushi Deceiver
- Beast Heart Adept
- Beastmaster
- Beckon the Frozen
- Befuddle
- Beguiler
- Beguiler Spells
- Beholder Mage
- Berserk
- Binder
- Binder's Blessing
- Black Blood Cultist
- Black Blood Hunter
- Blackened Caress
- Blackened Sight
- Blackguard
- Blackguard Spells
- Blade Bravo
- Blade Dancer
- Bladesinger
- Blazing Berserker
- Blighter
- Blighter Spells
- Blind-Fight
- Blind Shot
- Blinding Speed
- Blindsight
- Bloodcarver
- Bloodcasting
- Bloodhound
- Bloodscaled Fury
- Bonded Armor, Shield, or Weapon
- Bonded Champion
- Bonded Master
- Bonded Ring, Rod, Staff, or Wand
- Bonded Summoner
- Bone Knight
- Bone Knight Spells
- Bonus Domain
- Bonus Spells
- Born of the Three Thunders
- Borrow Strength
- Bounce Spell
- Bouncing Fall
- Bound Demons
- Bounding Assault
- Brachiation
- Brawler
- Breaking Blow
- Breaking Waves
- Breeze
- Brew Potion
- Brigand
- Brotherhood Wayfinder
- Bulwark of Defense
- Butei
- CHA 11
- CHA 12
- CHA 13
- CON 13
- CON 17
- CON 19
- CON 20
- CON 21
- CON 25
- Cancer Mage
- Candle Caster
- Carver's Gift
- Cavalier
- Cavestalker
- Celestial Mystic
- Celestial Paragon
- Centisurros
- Cerebrex
- Chain Lightning
- Chaos Familiars
- Chaos Mage
- Chaos Magic
- Chaotician
- Chaplain
- Character Level 6th
- Child of Night
- Child of Water
- Choke Hold
- Chosen Skill (20 ranks)
- Church Inquisitor
- City Magic
- Classes
- Clean
- Cleave
- Cleric
- Cleric Spells
- Clever Wrestling
- Cloaked Dancer
- Cloud Anchorite
- Cold Endurance
- Cold Focus
- Cold Spell Specialization
- Combat Acrobat
- Combat Archery
- Combat Awareness
- Combat Casting
- Combat Defense
- Combat Expertise
- Combat Feats
- Combat Focus
- Combat Medic
- Combat Reflexes
- Combat Stability
- Combat Tinkering
- Combat Vigor
- Commanding Presence
- Commoner
- Compressed Spell
- Concentration (25 ranks)
- Consume Spell
- Contemplative
- Contribution Guidelines
- Converting from 5e
- Corrupt Avenger
- Corrupt Avenger Spells
- Corrupt spells
- Cosmic Descryer
- Cosmic Traveller
- Courtier
- Craft Aboleth Glyph
- Craft Construct
- Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor
- Craft Epic Rod
- Craft Epic Staff
- Craft Epic Wondrous Item
- Craft Magic Arms and Armor
- Craft Rod
- Craft Skull Talisman
- Craft Staff
- Craft Wand
- Craft Wondrous Item
- Cragtop Archer
- Create Blood and Flesh
- Create Infusion
- Crimson Scourge
- Critical Hits and Called Shots
- Crystal Attunement
- Crystal Warrior
- Curling Wave Strike
- D&D 3.6e Tutorial
- DEX 13
- DEX 15
- DEX 17
- DEX 19
- Daidoji Bodyguard
- Daisho Technique
- Damage Reduction
- Dampen Spell
- Dancing Lights
- Dark Temptress
- Darkmask
- Darkrunner
- Daunting Presence
- Daydream
- Daze
- Dead-Eyes Berserker
- Deadeye Shot
- Deadheart Gangster
- Deceitful
- Deceptive Spell
- Deeper Reflection
- Deepwarden
- Deepwood Sniper
- Defensive Divination
- Defensive Move
- Defensive Stance
- Defensive Strike
- Defensive Throw
- Defiant
- Deflect Arrows
- Deflection to Attraction
- Deft Hands
- Demonbinder
- Demonologist
- Demonologist Spells
- Depths of the Void
- Dervish
- Destructive Rage
- Detect Magic
- Devastating Critical
- Dexterous Fortitude
- Dexterous Will
- Diehard
- Diligent
- Diplomancer
- Dire Charge
- Disappear
- Disciple of Ashardalon
- Disciple of Thrym
- Disciple of Thrym Spells
- Discreet Companion
- Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis
- Dividing the Stars
- Divine Emissary
- Divine Prankster
- Divine Seeker
- Dodge
- Doji Elite Guard
- Doomlord
- Doomringer
- Dracolyte
- Draconic Knowledge
- Dragon Ascendant
- Dragon Classes
- Dragon Master
- Dragon Ravager
- Dragon Swordmaster
- Dragonfriend
- Dragonrider
- Dragonslayer
- Dragonstalker
- Dread Necromancer
- Dread Necromancer Spells
- Dread Pirate
- Dread Witch
- Dream Dancer
- Druid
- Druid Spells
- Drunken Master
- Duelist
- Dune Trader
- Dungeon Delver
- Dwarven Defender
- Dwell in Darkness
- Dweomerkeeper
- Eagle's Fury