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 RoleDescriptionSource Book
Abjurant ChampionSpell DPSA caster martial hybrid with empowered abjuration magicComplete Mage
AbolisherSpell DPSAberration combating divine castersLords of Madness
AbominationTankFoul piles of rotten flesh that get more monstrousHomebrew
Adventuring ScholarUtilityTravelling academics that use their wit and guile to survive the worldMonsternomicon
Agent RetrieverUtilityExperts on tracking things down wherever they may be, even the astralEpic Level Handbook
Akodo ChampionDPS SupportBattlefield leaders who can bolster themselves and others with their force of willOriental Adventures
Alchemist SavantSpell UtilityMad scientists of the magic world, brewing and combining potions and alchemical mixtures to great effectMagic of Eberron
AlienistSpell UtilityInsane casters whose prolonged contact with the Far Realm enhances their power at a cost.Complete Arcane
Ambient TempestSpell UtilityA caster with unique secrets and shifting magicBestiary of Krynn
Ancient MasterUtilityThose yuan-ti who grow mightier of mind and gain additional magic powers as they ageSerpent Kingdoms
Animal LordDPSLeaders of certain groups of animals they preside overComplete Adventurer
Anointed KnightDPSBlessed knights, with ancestral relics that power up as you doBook of Exalted Deeds
ArachnomancerSpell UtilityArachnid focused casters, gaining poison touch and the ability to shape into spidersUnderdark
Arcane ArcherSpell DPSArchers who embue their shots with magicDungeon Master's Guide
Arcane DelverSpellExperts of placing their spells in objects and timing themQuintessential Elf
Arcane DevoteeSpell UtilityAn arcane caster with spells and boons enhanced by their god.Player's Guide to Faerun
Arcane HierophantSpell UtilityA Theurge class that channels their spells through animals and plantsRaces of the Wild
Arcane LichSpellSpellcasters that seek immortality through pure arcane magicQuintessential Wizard 2
Arcane TricksterSpell DPSAn arcane caster with ranged rogue abilitiesDungeon Master's Guide
ArcanopathSpell DPSRefined spellcasting minds with offenses and defenses coming from said mindsEncyclopedia Arcane: Divination
Arcanopath MonkDPSSure striking combatants that can disable the senses and faculties of foesDragon Compendium
ArchmageSpell UtilityPowerful casters that gain access to high arcanaDungeon Master's Guide
Ardent DilettanteSpell SupportIndividuals with a dedication to sensation and unravelling the mysteries of the world.Planar Handbook
Arena ChampionDPS TankAre you not entertained?! Become the king or queen of the arenas with devastating finisher manueversDark Sun 3
Argent SavantSpell UtilitySpellslingers who have mastered the application of force magic.Complete Arcane
ArthoparchSpell TankSpellcasters with protective armies of vermin shielding themHomebrew
ArtificerSpell UtilityCreators who imbue their inventions with powers that replicate spell effectsMagic of Faerun
ArtisanUtilityProfessionals in a variety of trades and performancesRokugan Campaign Setting
Ashworm DragoonDPSAshworm riding warriors that burrow through the earth before strikingSandstorm
AssassinDPSDPS proficient with poison, sneak attacks and a death attackDungeon Master's Guide
Astral DancerDPSAstral realm travelling warriors that are very proficient in zero gravity fightingPlanar Handbook
Athasian DragonSpell DPSA powerful arcane caster metamorphising into a powerful dragonDragon Magazine #339
Avenging ExecutionerDPSVengeance seeking characters that inflict fear and extra damage in several waysComplete Scoundrel
Bane of InfidelsSpell DPSCulty druids, that create pyres and conduct sacrifices for power.Masters of the Wild
Battle MageSpell DPSMages with immense control of damaging spells and metamagicEncyclopedia Arcane: Battle Magic
Bayushi DeceiverDPSFeinting specialists with even more sneak attack damage and poisonOriental Adventures
Beast Heart AdeptDPSA DPS with monstrous companions to fight next to.Dungeonscape
BeastmasterDPSWhile fighting people with swords may be nice, what if you had an animal friend to help you in this endeavor?Complete Adventurer
Beholder MageSpell DPSBeholders that gouge out their eyes for magic powersLords of Madness
BerserkDPSSavage warriors with battle fury and the ability to shift into an animal.Deities and Demigods
BinderSpell UtilityDemonology practitioners who summon and bind demons into objectsEncyclopedia Arcane: Demonology
Black Blood CultistTank DPSBlack Blood cultists are savage fighters whose natural attacks become more fearsome as they increase in level.Champions of Ruin
Black Blood HunterDPSThose who supplement their bestial level of evil with truly vile acts.Player's Guide to Faerun
BlackguardTank DPSAnti-Paladin prestige classDungeon Master's Guide
Blade BravoDPSFencing aficionados who use their small stature to their advantage.Races of Stone
Blade DancerDPSJump, duck, and dodge through enemies to stay alive and wreak havocOriental Adventures
BladesingerSpell DPSMartial wizards that gain bonuses to fighting in combat and abilities to cast in melee safelyComplete Warrior
BlighterSpell DPSLimited Casting. Anti-Druids that favor sickness and deforestationComplete Divine
BloodcarverSpell DPSChaos Mages who damage themselves to cast more effectivelyEncyclopedia Arcane: Chaos Magic
BloodhoundDPS UtilityKeen sensed hunters who bring their quarry back aliveComplete Adventurer
Bloodscaled FuryDPSA hellacious dragon barbarian. They make barbarians look like a toddler throwing a tantrum.Draconomicon
Bonded ChampionDPSChosen fighters that have weapons or armor that grow stronger with them.Encyclopedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation
Bonded MasterSpell UtilityMagical individuals who take a crafted or found item as a familiar that grows in power with themEncyclopedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation
Bonded SummonerSpell UtilityMage with elemental companion that gradually becomes an elemental as wellMiniatures Handbook
Bone KnightSpell Support DPSDivine Knight who uses Undead to enhance himselfHomebrew
Brotherhood WayfinderSupportMonks with a plethora of skills and the ability to help others succeed at them.Way of the Open Hand
ButeiDPS UtilityMasters of disguise with a slew of rogue-like abilities (sneak attacks, poison use, etc)Rokugan Campaign Setting
Cancer MageSpell DPSCaster that controls and spreads diseaseBook of Vile Darkness
Candle CasterSpellChandlers that can enhance their magic through their candlesTome and Blood
CavalierDPSYour prototypical knight in shining armorComplete Warrior
CavestalkerUtilityProwling folk of the Underdark adept at moving through it and striking their preyDrow of the Underdark
Celestial MysticSpell SupportHeaven bound casters who confer the blessings of Celestia on othersBook of Exalted Deeds
Celestial ParagonSupport TankSuperpaladins built to utterly destroy evil.Epic Insights
CerebrexUtilityIntelligent characters that manipulate others using their intelligenceDragon Compendium
ChaoticianDPSRevilers of law, embracing chaos to deal a bunch of damage.Planar Handbook
Child of NightSpell UtilityCloaked in shadow, these casters use the cover of shadow to keep themselves sustained and safe.Tome of Magic
Church InquisitorSpell UtilityUncoverers of corruption who seek to weed it out at its core.Complete Divine
Cloaked DancerUtility DPSMislead and disorient foes with dance before strikingComplete Scoundrel
Cloud AnchoriteDPSAltitude adapted survivalists and warriors that live in the high mountaintopsFrostburn
Combat MedicSpell SupportMobile healing casters that can boost their healing efficacyHeroes of Battle
ContemplativeSpell SupportThrough meditation and divine contact, this class gains aspects of divinityComplete Divine
Corrupt AvengerDPSLimited Casting. DPS that has a sworn enemy and uses corrupting evil to fight it.Heroes of Horror
Cosmic DescryerSpell UtilityIn tune with the planes these casters reject planes and establish connections with othersEpic Level Handbook
Cragtop ArcherDPSArchers that excel at distance shooting.Races of Stone
Crimson ScourgeDPSTrackers that skulk through their cities to find their targetsCityscape
Crystal WarriorDPS TankA warrior that augments their abilities by controlling crystalArcana Evolved
Daidoji BodyguardTank DPSDefense focused adventurers who can refocus their own defensesOriental Adventures
Dark TemptressSpell UtilityEnchantment focused casters that eventually pledge themselves to demons and become like one themselvesEncyclopedia Arcane: Enchantment
DarkmaskSpell DPSUnnoticed roguish types with a variety of sneaky abilitiesLords of Darkness
DarkrunnerDPSUnderground travelling warriors that are dedicating to fighting aberrationsLords of Madness
Dead-Eyes BerserkerDPSRaging behemoths that have extended rages and are harder to manipulateWay of the Samurai
Deadheart GangsterUtilityBurgeoning mob bosses that rule through intimidationBook of Roguish Luck
DeepwardenDPSAlways ready trackers that can use animals to help alert alliesRaces of Stone
Deepwood SniperDPSPatient, careful, quiet, and deadly accurate boyer.Masters of the Wild
DefiantDPSA warrior that reviles the gods and gains defenses against the divinePlanar Handbook
DemonbinderSpellPractitioners of summoning fiends with powerful controlling signs and spell substitution.Unapproachable East
DemonologistSpell UtilityThose who have devoted their lives to studying demonsBook of Vile Darkness
DervishDPSWhirlwinds of blades and vigor these fast-moving dps with a battle danceComplete Warrior
DiplomancerSpell UtilityDiplomatic individuals that use their enchantment focus to negotiate with others and gain knowledge of secretsBook of Eldritch Might 2
Disciple of AshardalonSpell DPSDragons that team up with fiends to gain spells and gradually become one themselves.Draconomicon
Disciple of ThrymDPSLimited Casting. Paragons of Thrym that can eventually channel their hate into burning coldFrostburn
Discreet CompanionUtilityBest for NPCs, touch power laden utilities that can seduce others.Traps and Treachery I
Dispassionate Watcher of ChronepsisUtilityDragon with enhanced senses. Imagine an old librarian as a dragon.Draconomicon
Divine EmissaryTank DPSEpic level paladin extension, has all the paladin powers like smiting, divine powers etc.Epic Level Handbook
Divine PranksterSpell UtilityComedy based controllers of the battlefield that can also augment their illusionsRaces of Stone
Divine SeekerDPSAgents of their chosen deity with sacred stealth and an ability to find lost things and peoplePlayer's Guide to Faerun
Doji Elite GuardDPSKatana duelists with unrivaled precision when swinging their blade.Way of the Samurai
DoomlordDPSEntropic swordsmen and women that harness this power to great effectPlanar Handbook
DoomringerSpell DPSChaos mages who transfer the backlash of chaos to a bonded corpseEncyclopedia Arcane: Chaos Magic
DracolyteSpell UtilityDivine caster that can foster dragons and summon themDraconomicon
Dragon AscendantTank SupportA dragon that gains several immunities and eventually becomes immortalDraconomicon
Dragon MasterSpell UtilityDragon masters are spellcasters who dedicate mind and soul to the study of dragons.Encyclopedia Arcane: Dragon Magic
Dragon RavagerDPSA dragon with rage abilities and gouts of wild breathBestiary of Krynn
Dragon SwordmasterDPSSwordsmen who can prevent others from using the void, and quick sword workRokugan Campaign Setting
DragonriderDPSA mounted warrior riding on the back of a dragonDraconomicon
DragonslayerDPSWarriors adept at combating dragons.Draconomicon
DragonstalkerDPSA class specializing in hunting dragons stealthily.Draconomicon
Dread PirateDPSSkullduggery bound warriors of the high seas with grace and deftness.Complete Adventurer
Dread WitchSpell UtilityCaster that revolves around powerful fear effectsHeroes of Horror
Dream DancerSupport UtilityDancing debuffers that hypnotize others.Quintessential Bard
Drunken MasterDPSA monk that gets plastered to enhance their abilitiesComplete Warrior
DuelistDPSA skillful DPS who can parry, and fight enemies with graceDungeon Master's Guide
Dune TraderUtilityWell connected merchants who can call in favors and gain benefits from a variety of merchant housesDark Sun 3
Dungeon DelverUtilityIncredibly skilled dungeon probing adventurers who thrive in these trap laden environmentsComplete Adventurer
Dwarven DefenderTankA defensive tank with DR and trapfinding.Dungeon Master's Guide
DweomerkeeperSpell UtilityFusions of arcane and divine spellcasting that gain mantles of magicComplete Divine
Ebonmar InfiltratorDPS UtilityLimited Casting. Hypernaturally aware class that can slip into the shadows after dealing damageCityscape
ElderSpell UtilityOld and wizened through experience, that can use their words to assault othersQuintessential Bard
Eldritch DiscipleSpell DPSWarlocks and arcane casters don't get all the fun! This is a divine warlock theurge like class.Complete Mage
Eldritch TheurgeSpell DPSWhat happens when you combine the blasty shooty powers of a warlock, with that of an arcane caster? An Eldritch Theurge!Complete Mage
Eldritch WarriorSpell DPSSpellblade wielding casters that use it to deliver their spells, and can sacrifice spell slots for combat abilitiesEncyclopedia Arcane: Battle Magic
Elemental ArchonSpellElementally inclined divine spellcasters with a legion of mephit companionsFaiths and Pantheons
Elemental GuardsmanSpell DPSMaster Shugenjas that have achieved mastery over their chosen element.Rokugan Campaign Setting
Elemental MasterDPS UtilityA dragon that can summon elementals and gains mastery of their elementDraconomicon
EmbermageSpell DPSFirey individuals who manifest through blazing infernosComplete Book of Eldritch Might
EmpathSpell UtilityDon't worry guys I'm an Empath! These casters sense and control emotionsEncyclopedia Arcane: Enchantment
Enlightened FistSpell DPSHybrid combatants that can channel their raw arcane energy through their fists into their attacks.Complete Arcane
Enlightened SpiritSpell DPSThe rare Good-aligned Warlock! Blasting away evilComplete Mage
EntropistSpell DPSEntropy laden casters that can also resist said entropyLords of Darkness
EntropomancerSpell DPSControlling shards of nothingness and fields of entropy these casters can cause major damage very quicklyComplete Divine
Epic InfiltratorSpell UtilityThey are nameless and faceless, with several disguise and abilities to remain unseenEpic Level Handbook
EvangelistSpell SupportOrators who can inspire and confound people with their wordsComplete Divine
Eye of GruumshTank DPSThose who heed the call to serve Gruumsh in his image can become an eye of Gruumsh.Complete Warrior
Eye of Horus-ReSpell SupportClerics of the sun who combat undeadPlayer's Guide to Faerun
FatemakerSpell UtilitySavvy leaders with limited spells that shapes the world around them using their charisma.Planar Handbook
FatespinnerSpell UtilityAn arcane caster that can spin fate to help allies and hurt foes.Complete Arcane
FigmentistSpell UtilityIllusion focused casters, that misdirect the senses to confound foes.Encyclopedia Arcane: Illusionism
Fist of the ForestDPSAn animalistic warrior that can enter a feral tranceComplete Champion
Fleet Runner of EhlonnaUtilityFast running divine casters with augmented abilities around runningDragon Compendium
Foe HunterDPSSingle minded hunters, who simply wish to destroy their favored enemy.Masters of the Wild
Force MageSpell DPSForce magic specialists that can create armor, weapons, and mounts of force at the cost of other spellsEncyclopedia Arcane: Conjuration
Force Missile MageSpell DPSMagic Missile specialists who practice improving their missiles.Dragon Compendium
Forest MasterSpell TankVerdant guardians of the forest with powerful plant abilities and powerful mauls.Faiths and Pantheons
Forest ReeveDPSWoodland protectors, excellent at defending the lands around themComplete Champion
ForsakerDPSConstantly improving adventurers who reject all magicMasters of the Wild
Frenzied BerserkerTank DPSThe frenzied berserker is constantly seeking out more conflict to feed their craving for battle.Complete Warrior
Frost MageSpell DPSOne with the cold, these mages learn how to pierce through like the winds of an icy blizzard.Frostburn
FrostragerDPSIcy warriors believed by some to be gifted from (and others cursed by) the frost giant deity Thrym with an unstable, supernatural battle rage.Frostburn
GatecrasherUtilityTalented people who work with portals and dampen the denizens and features of the planesManual of the Planes
GatekeeperSpell UtilityPlanar knowledgeable casters with a variety of planar abilitiesQuintessential Elf 2
Ghost-Faced KillerDPSGhostlike assassins whose attack are so frightening theyComplete Adventurer
GhostwalkerDPSIt'll be over when you say. This is a unique class where gain bonuses if people beat you up and you come back for them later.Sword & Fist
Giant-KillerTankFighting folk that specialize in slaying the big folk and are incredibly difficult to killSilver Marches
GlamourerSpell UtilityGlamour focused counterpart to Figmentist. Spontaneous glamour focused illusion castersEncyclopedia Arcane: Illusionism
Gnome Giant-SlayerDPSCrafty fighters that are apt at fighting folks bigger than them, and specifically giantsComplete Warrior
GoldeyeSpell UtilityMerchant casters that gain abilities to promote trade and protect their earningsFaiths and Pantheons
Golem MasterSpell UtilityCasters that have learned the intricacies of golem makingKalamar's Player Guide
Graven OneSpell UtilityEtched with powerful runes in their skin and tattoos, these casters runes have a wide variety of effectsBook of Eldritch Might 1
Gray GuardTank SupportUndercover D&D Cops, these guys are paladins who can goa bit more off the booksComplete Scoundrel
Green SentinelSupportAnti-supernatural fighters, with abilities to help fight them and shatter their magical defenses.Quintessential Elf
Green Star AdeptSpell UtilityStarmetal infused casters that gradually become constructs.Complete Arcane
GriffonriderDPSAerial warriors that have tamed a griffon as their mountUnapproachable East
Grove MasterSpell UtilityGuardian spellcasters that excel in defending and travelling through their sacred landsDark Sun 3
Guardian ParamountTank SupportPerfect defensive support classes with a variety of support abilities including ressurectionEpic Level Handbook
Guardian of the RiverDPSRiver protecting paladin-like classes that use the river to heal and protect it with divine powerSandstorm
Guild Wizard of WaterdeepSpell UtilityCounterspelling focused wizards that can use a spellpool to help cast spellsMagic of Faerun
Halfling OutriderDPSSmall, agile, mounted warriors that are incredible at movementComplete Warrior
Hammer of BlereddSpell UtilityFire forged individuals who can shape iron with their very handsBook of Hallowed Might 2
Hammer of MoradinDPSHammer flinging followers of Moradin or other deities with love of hammers that stop several foesPlayer's Guide to Faerun
Heart WeaverSpell UtilityChronomancy casters, with powers relating to past and presentQuintessential Elf 2
HellbreakerDPSRogue that can steal spell like abilities and negate magicFiendish Codex II
Hellfire WarlockSpell DPSWarlock who self-damages to empower their abilitiesFiendish Codex II
HellreaverDPSPaladin-like, explode fiends and heal the worthyFiendish Codex II
Henshin MasterTank DPSGuides along the Path of Man that use Riddles and Mysteries to augment their capabilitiesSecrets of the Phoenix
Henshin MysticDPSMonks that seek enlightenment through the use of powerful riddlesOriental Adventures
Herald of the AbyssSpell UtilityLimited Casting. Abyssal diplomats who have pledged their services to demon lords.Slayer's Guide to Demons
HexerSpell UtilityShamanistic casters with a variety of hexes to impede foesMasters of the Wild
Hida DefenderDPS TankEnduring combatants that can smite evil and fill themselves with rage.Oriental Adventures
Hida Elite GuardsmanTank DPSUnflinchingly tough warriors that bolster their skills with their own heartiness.Way of the Samurai
Hidecarved DragonTankA dragon that gains many defensive boons to help surviveDraconomicon
HierophantSpell SupportThe divine counterpoint to archmage, a powerful divine caster with special powers.Dungeon Master's Guide
High ProselytizerSpell UtilityConverters of nonbelievers with incredibly powerful oration and divine abilitiesEpic Level Handbook
Holy JusticiarDPSBanishers and fighters of chaos using the power of law to smite foesPlayer's Guide to Faerun
Holy LiberatorTank SupportLimited Casting. Paladin-like adventurers can break enchantmentsComplete Divine
Holy ScourgeSpell SupportScourges of evil that blend divine paladin traits with arcane casters.Complete Mage
Horizon WalkerDPSA DPS that can fight in a variety of different terrainsDungeon Master's Guide
Hunt MasterDPS UtilityHunting savants that can summon a hunting pack to help them bring down their prey.Quintessential Elf
HypnotistSpell UtilityEnthralling casters who use their eyes and voices to enthrall otherEncyclopedia Arcane: Illusionism
Iaijutsu MasterDPSLightning quick katana duelistsOriental Adventures
Illithid SavantUtilityAn illithid with lore and acquiring the skills and abilities of those it consumes.Savage Species
IncantatrixSpell UtilityYou want a caster that thwarts extraplanar creatures? This caster is for youMagic of Faerun
IncantifierSpell DPSNot quite living casters that consume spell power to surviveDragon Magazine #339
Initiate of the Sevenfold VeilSpell SupportAbjuration focused casters that have mastered the prismatic magicComplete Arcane
Inquisitor of the Drowning GoddessDPSLonde Only. Servitors of their watery patron who drag others down in combat.Underdark
Invisible BladeDPSKnife fond rogues who rely on their smaller weaponsComplete Warrior
Justice of Weald and WoeDPSLimited Casting. Stealthy archers with undeniable luck and tools to remove others.Champions of Ruin
JusticiarDPSLawful hunters who are experts in nonlethality and bringing people back aliveComplete Warrior
Keeper of the Cerulean SignSpell DPSPossessing powerful banemagic and aberration warding they are uniquely qualified to combat themLords of Madness
King/Queen of the WildDPSTransversers and masters of specific terrains that are bolstered by said terrainMasters of the Wild
Kishi ChargerDPSRampant charging warriors that are supernaturally good at ridingOriental Adventures
Kitsuki InvestigatorTank UtilityObservation forcused adventurers with truth seeking powers and counter attacking abilitiesWay of the Ninja
Knight ProtectorTank DPSDefensively oriented knights that defend allies and buffing themComplete Warrior
Knight of the ChaliceDPSLimited Casting. Battlers of demons and consecrated castingComplete Warrior
Knight of the Iron GlacierDPSMegaloceros mounted combatants that rally troops and swear oaths to defeat foes as they ride into battleFrostburn
Knight of the PaleDPSHoly knights that gains multiple suites of divine powerBook of Hallowed Might
Kolat AgentDPSSneaky ninja like class that can program and activate sleeper agentsRokugan Campaign Setting
Kolat AssassinDPSStrike the vulnerable! This class excels at striking those who can be hit by sneak attack, and disables the sensesWay of the Ninja
LasherDPSWhip masters with many attacks and wild whip tricksSword & Fist
Legendary CaptainUtility DPSCaptains that rally their crews to incredible victories and featsStormwrack
Legendary DreadnoughtDPSUltimate warriors with unparalleled destructive potentialEpic Level Handbook
Leviathan HunterDPSIf you want to play Monster Hunter, this is the class for you!Stormwrack
Lion of TalisidDPSCat people rejoice, as this class gives you several lion like abilities and more advanced wildshapingBook of Exalted Deeds
Lion's PrideDPSTerrifying warriors that gain extra attacks at a costRokugan Campaign Setting
Lord of TidesSpell UtilityDesert survivalists who can pull and locate water from seemingly anywhereSandstorm
LoremasterSpell SupportA caster that gains secret lore and secretsDungeon Master's Guide
Lyric ThaumaturgeSpell UtilityMasters of songs and spell secrets and plenty of bonus spellsComplete Mage
MaesterSpell UtilityQuick crafters that can identify magical itemsComplete Adventurer
Mage of the Arcane OrderSpell UtilityMages of a society of spellcasters with a communal spellpool they can draw fromComplete Arcane
Mage-KillerSpell DPSSpell on spell violence with casters made to fight other castersMagic of Faerun
MagelordSpell DPSRogue/Caster Hybrids that gain mastery over a few spells and quick conversionLost Empires of Faerun
Maiden of PainDPSDrug addicted pain loving whip wielders with a painful touchPlayer's Guide to Faerun
MalconvokerSpell UtilityA caster who summons evil creatures to fight one another.Complete Scoundrel
MarinerUtility DPSA DPS incredibly adept at fighting and surviving at sea.Kalamar's Player Guide
Master AlchemistSpell UtilityA caster skilled in alchemy and brewing potionsMagic of Faerun
Master Arcane ArtisanSpell UtilityPinnacles of item creation that can rapidly create and draw power from magic items.Epic Insights
Master ArcherDPSA patient archer with incredibly precise shotsComplete Warrior
Master CrafterSpell UtilityInventive geniuses who lose ability to cast spells normally for reduced item creation cost.Encyclopedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation
Master Horse ArcherDPSMounted combatants that get supremely good at firing from the back of their mountWay of the Samurai
Master SmithUtilityCrafters dedicated to making exquisite weapons and armorsMagic of Rokugan
Master SpecialistSpell UtilityWhen it comes to schools of magics, these specialist wizards are the peak of their given schoolComplete Mage
Master ThrowerDPSExperts of tactically disarming themselves to devastating effectComplete Warrior
Master TransmogrifistSpell DPSAdvanced polymorph users that have truly mastered their favored shapes.Complete Arcane
Master of ChainsDPSSpiked chains aficionados that gain a bunch of abilities revolving around the spiked chain.Sword & Fist
Master of FliesSpell DPSSwarmshaping masters with influence over and abilities tied to verminSavage Species
Master of Many FormsSpell UtilityWildshaping taken to the next level that gradually become immune to outside transmutationComplete Adventurer
Master of MasksSpell UtilityWearers of many faces that gain a variety of abilities from their maskComplete Scoundrel
Master of RadianceSpell DPSA resplendent figure focusing on radiance and undead fighting.Libris Mortis
Master of the Unseen HandSpell DPSTelekinetic warriors that fling their enemies skywardComplete Warrior
Menacing BruteDPSViolent, demoralizing fighters, that can extend their crit range.Races of Destiny
Merchant PrinceUtilityLimited Casting. Wealthy people with deep pockets, and deeper favor with the gods.Power of Faerun
MindbenderSpell UtilityMind busting spellcasters that learn how to dominate their thralls permanently.Complete Arcane
MindmenderSpell SupportEnchanters focused on healing trauma and breaking enchantmentsEncyclopedia Arcane: Enchantment
MindshifterSpellThieves that steal spell like abilities all while losing grip with realityEncyclopedia Arcane: Divination
Mirumoto Elite GuardDPSFerocious warriors that are adept at combating castersWay of the Samurai
Mirumoto Niten MasterDPS SupportDual-wielding Swordmasters that can aid casters using their own energy.Oriental Adventures
MongooseDPSBane to all spellcasters everywhere, the mongoose are adept at combating them.Homebrew
Monster HunterDPSHunters that are experts at tracking down their favored monstrous preyMonsternomicon
Mortal HunterDPSOutsiders hellbent on ending the lives of creatures unlike themselvesBook of Vile Darkness
Moto AvengerDPSConsumed with vengeance to the Shadowlands these warriors smite their evil foesOriental Adventures
MountebankUtility DPSSlippery roguish individuals that can escape most any situationComplete Scoundrel
Mystic TheurgeSpell SupportA combination caster that gains levels in both arcane and divine castingDungeon Master's Guide
Mystic WandererSpell UtilityPotion brewing divine casters that can resist charms and charm othersMagic of Faerun
Naga OverlordSpell UtilityEvil masterminds who operate in secret, usually behind cults of devoted followers.Serpent Kingdoms
Naga SlayerDPSWrathful Naga devoted to destroying their favored enemiesCreatures of Rokugan
Nemuranai SeekerUtilityMagic item hunters who can see and disable magic itemsSecrets of the Dragon
Netherese ArcanistSpell UtilitySpecialized arcane casters with reduced epic casting costsPlayer's Guide to Faerun
NightcloakSpell UtilityShadowy casters protected by and commanding monsters through darknessComplete Divine
Nightmare SpinnerSpell UtilityFrightful spellslingers that can kill from fear and protect themselve from itComplete Mage
Ninja SpyDPSBlending in with the night these ninjas have a plethora of ways to be sneaky and elusive, all while avoiding poisons, and gaining proficiency with strange weapons.Oriental Adventures
Ninja of the Crescent MoonDPSCombination of Rogues and Monks that have the damaging potential of ninjas anda plethora of monk like abilitiesSword & Fist
NoctumancerSpell UtilityTheurges that utilize both shadow and arcane magic to accomplish their goalsTome of Magic
Occult SlayerDPSFighters scarred by magic, adept at combating said magicComplete Warrior
Olin GisirSpellSecret guarding casters adept at banishing those who threaten themLost Empires of Faerun
OozemasterSpell UtilityOoze loving indivuals morphing into one and gaining slime properties by their very touch.Masters of the Wild
OsteomancerSpell DPSCasters that can bend, break, and eat skeletonsDragon Compendium
Outlaw of the Crimson RoadDPS UtilityRobin Hood-esque outlaws that learn to cheat deathSong and Silence
Pale MasterSpell DPSA Spell DPS with devastating touch attacksLibris Mortis
Paragnostic ApostleSpell UtilityMagically-inclined individuals that have secret knowledge to bolster their powers.Complete Champion
ParamanderDPSSecret society bound warriors that remain unseen until it's their time to strike before sliding back into the shadowsHomebrew
Peerless ArcherDPSExpert bowsmen and women that can shoot unaware targets expertly and create magic arrowsSilver Marches
Perfect WightUtilityEpic rogue progression that has several abilities to remain super stealthyEpic Level Handbook
Planar ChampionDPSPlanar traveling warriors, ripping open portals, and travelling to a variety of planesManual of the Planes
PlaneshifterSpell UtilityCasters that change the very planes and create their ownsManual of the Planes
PoisonmasterDPSEnraptured by poison, these characters can resist and amplify poisons better than most others.Dark Sun 3
Prime Underdark GuideSupport UtilityLimited Casting. Is your spidey-sense tingling? Well these professional guides have danger sense and are adept at guiding people through the treacherous Underdark.Underdark
Primordial SpiritDPSBattlers that strike and defend like the classical elements (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water)Quintessential Elf
PuppeteerSpell UtilitySubtle specialists of enchantment magic that can remain undetectableEncyclopedia Arcane: Enchantment
Purple Dragon KnightTank SupportMoral Support Martials. Feel good while wading into battleComplete Warrior
Radiant ServantSpell SupportSunlight toting healing aficionados with empowered light spellsComplete Divine
Rainbow ServantSpell UtilityWizards are known for their lack of healing magic but these champions of the coautls gaina ccess to divine spellsComplete Divine
Ratling ShamanSpell UtilitySpirit world traveling shamans with truename abilitiesRokugan Campaign Setting
RavagerDPSWracking those around them with a painful touch, the ravager eventually becomes a visage of terrorComplete Warrior
Reaping MaulerDPSDevastating backbreakers, neck snappers and limb twisters.Complete Warrior
Red AvengerDPSKi masters that have a variety of abilities and can bolsters themselves and heal allies with itSword & Fist
Red WizardSpell DPSA wizard that eventually assembles a circle of others around themDungeon Master's Guide
ReibaiSpell UtilitySpirit Mediums that guard others and banish troublesome ghostsMagic of Rokugan
Risen MartyrSupportRisen adventurers vanquishing evil and working towards ascension.Book of Exalted Deeds
RoninDPSExiled warriors that sneak attack foes and have frightening chargesComplete Warrior
RoofrunnerUtilityReally constraining. All around utility that uses knowledge of the city to travel and benefit their partiesTraps and Treachery I
Royal ExplorerUtilitySeekers and lovers of adventure and knowledge looking to add their contribution to the MinutesSong and Silence
RuatharUtilityA trusted defender of the elves with special abilities to matchRaces of the Wild
RunecasterSpell UtilityRune based casters using them to protect what they cherish and harm foes.Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
RunelordSpell UtilityA caster and master of rune magicArcana Evolved
Runescarred BerserkerSpell TankLimited Casting. Berserkers that can cast spells by carving runes into their flesh.Unapproachable East
Sacred ExorcistSpell DPSDemon banishing and fighting masterminds are dedicated to the art of exorcism.Complete Divine
Sacred FistDPSHoly monks that glow with holy flames and gain inner armorComplete Divine
Sacred Warder of BahamutSupportPaladin Dragon, made to fight evil dragons and protect othersDraconomicon
Sand ShaperSpell UtilityWasteland wizards that can transform the very sand beneath their feetSandstorm
SavantUtility DPSLimited Casting. Innate diviners that fuel their fighting through this innate divination talentEncyclopedia Arcane: Divination
Savant AbolethSpell UtilityAboleths with enhanced abilities and spellcasting for enacting their plansLords of Madness
Scaled HorrorDPSLimited Casting. Lurking amphibious fighters that gain metamagic and spell like abilitiesSavage Species
Scarlet CorsairDPSFearsome pirates, proficient at intimidating foesStormwrack
Scorpion HeritorDPSScorpion enthusiasts that manifest the actual abilities of scorpionsSandstorm
Sea WitchSpell UtilityConjurers of hellacious weather, nasty deepwater beasts, and cursesStormwrack
Seeker of the Misty IsleSpell DPSWanderers of divine persuasion that are expert at traveling where they need to go and finding what they needComplete Divine
Seeker of the SongSpell UtilitySong singers of the highest caliber with melodies unparalleled in power.Complete Arcane
SeerSpell UtilityOracles that can see the future laid out in front of them.Encyclopedia Arcane: Divination
Shadowbane InquisitorDPSBastions of purity, that bring down the corrupt and UndeadComplete Adventurer
Shadowbane StalkerDPS UtilitySacred stealth toting adventurers with sacred abilitiesComplete Adventurer
ShadowbladeDPSShadowblades are stealthy soldiers that manipulate shadows to strike swiftly and fatallyTome of Magic
ShadowcrafterSpell UtilityAdventurers who embrace the shadows of the Underdark to enhance their magicUnderdark
ShadowdancerDPSA DPS who finds solace in sneaking through the shadows and being elusiveDungeon Master's Guide
ShadowsmithUtilityNot your standard crafter! Characters that take their time to craft their creations from ShadowTome of Magic
Shahadet's LegionnaireDPSNaga warriors who have ready shots and sure striking in meleeCreatures of Rokugan
Shiba ProtectorDPS SupportProtectors and warriors who empower the spells of shugenjas and augment their abilitiesOriental Adventures
ShifterSpell UtilityWild shape focused adventurers that have a variety of powerful formsMasters of the Wild
Shintao MonkDPSSpells are not only for casters! These monks get a variety of spells at their disposalOriental Adventures
Silvertongue CharmerUtilityLimited Casting. Wormtongued individuals that can use their powerful words to charm and enthrall othersBook of Roguish Luck
Singh RagerDPS TankNoble combatants with controlled rage and fearsome shouts to demoralize foesOriental Adventures
SirenDPSDangerous people who can serenade others to their doomSavage Species
SkylordDPSWarriors with effortless command over a flying mount and some caster progressionBook of Exalted Deeds
Slaad BrooderDPSSlaad focused on implanting and augmenting spawnSavage Species
SomnamancerSpell UtilityArcane casters that are masters of sleep magicArcana Evolved
Soul EaterDPSHeinous creatures that drain soul energy and use it for their nefarious purposesBook of Vile Darkness
Soul TakerDPSManipulators of the highest caliber that can drain the life out of peopleQuintessential Bard
SoulbinderSpell UtilityMasters of binding circles and controlling extraplanar entitiesEncyclopedia Arcane: Conjuration
Speaker of the DivineSpell UtilityPetitioners of the Divine that can beseech their aid for answers and powerful spells.Book of Hallowed Might 2
Speaker of the StarsSpell SupportFortune telling spellcasters that gain predictions and can grant bonuses to ally.Quintessential Elf
Spectral LoremasterSpell UtilityPursuants of knowledge that was previously lost to the graveEncyclopedia Arcane: Necromancy
SpelldancerSpell UtilityMetamagic enthusiasts that use dance to bolster the effectiveness of their spells.Magic of Faerun
SpelleaterSpell DPSConsumers of magic that eat the spell slots of others.Quintessential Wizard
Spellfire ChannelerSpell DPSSpellfire masters who augment their spellfire abilities and can drain magic items to fuel their fire.Magic of Faerun
Spellfire HierophantSpell UtilityMasters of spellfire able to enhance it to the highest capabilityPlayer's Guide to Faerun
Spellwarp SniperSpell DPSRay shooting rogue casters that look for discretion in their AoE spellsComplete Scoundrel
SpiritcallerSpell UtilityCasters unravelling the secrets of death and undeath through ghostsEncyclopedia Arcane: Conjuration
SpymasterUtilityDeep undercover agents with a variety of identities that are resistant to exposureComplete Adventurer
Starlight MageSpell UtilitySpace mages, that use starlight fueled abilities to fight foesComplete Book of Eldritch Might
StonelordSpell DPSLords of loam and soil that have exceptional stone based powerComplete Warrior
Storm LegionnaireDPSTwo-weapon fighting focused warrior that find several ways to supplement this tactic on the battlefieldRokugan Campaign Setting
StormcasterSpell DPSUse the power of storms to dispatch foes with sonic and electric effectsStormwrack
StormlordSpell DPSDivinely inspired casters that can ride the lightning and empower their own weaponsComplete Divine
StormsingerSpell UtilitySingers who can control the very weather with their songsFrostburn
StreetfighterDPSBack-alley brawlers, who test themselves through fightingComplete Adventurer
Suel ArcanamachSpell DPSLimited Casting. Sword slinging spellcasters whose own spells are hard to dispelComplete Arcane
SunmasterSpell SupportHere comes the sun! Clerics of the sun with divine radiance and eye lasersLost Empires of Faerun
SwanmaySpell UtilityDisney Princess the class! Talk to animals, plants, charm monsters, and turn into a swanBook of Exalted Deeds
SybilUtilityProphets or madmen with prophecies and riddles to guide the future.Savage Species
Tactical SoldierTank DPSFighter that uses teamwork to support teammatesMiniatures Handbook
Tainted ScholarSpell UtilityAn arcane caster with dark secrets and heretical lore.Heroes of Horror
Tainted ShadowDPSTainted stealth based adventurers with shadow powersBloodspeakers
Tamer of BeastsSpell UtilityAnimal loving casters that gain greater understanding and command of themMasters of the Wild
Tamori YamabushiSpellEmbrace the void! Casters with more potent select spells and ability to cast using void pointsWay of the Shugenja
Tattooed MonkDPSEnigmatic warriors with mystic tattoos that give them a variety of extraordinary abilitiesComplete Warrior
ThaumaturgistSpell UtilityA spellcaster with enhanced summoningDungeon Master's Guide
Thayan KnightDPSIgnoble knights of evil loyal only to defending their wizard allies.Complete Warrior
The Voice of the ForestSupportLovers of the forest, with special abilities relating to forestsQuintessential Elf
Thief-AcrobatDPS UtilityA rogue focused on gaining mobility and escaping bad situationsComplete Adventurer
Topaz GuardianSpell UtilityPaladin like class that is specifically dedicated to resisting and smiting aberrationsLords of Madness
TrapsmithUtilityLimited Casting. A utility specializing in building and disarming traps.Dungeonscape
Troubadour of StarsSpell UtilityCelestial bards with holy songs and powersBook of Exalted Deeds
True DemonologistSpell UtilityWalking the fine line, these casters are masters of the arcane act of Demon SummoningEncyclopedia Arcane: Demonology
True NecromancerSpell UtilityA caster that gains the abilities of the undeadLibris Mortis
Tsurichi's LegionDPSNoble archers blotting out the sun with their arrowsWay of the Samurai
Ultimate MagusSpell UtilityThe best of both arcane caster world. Arcane theurges with expanded knowledge and powerComplete Mage
UnboundDPSFighters who shun and refuse magic to such an extent that certain schools can't affect them.Encyclopedia Arcane: Magic Item Creation
Unholy Ravager of TiamatDPSAnti-paladin in dragon form, profane blast, smite, and aura of despairDraconomicon
Union SentinelSpell UtilityAn elite guardsman that gains abilities to imprison and open gatesEpic Level Handbook
Unseen SeerSpell UtilityDivination focused arcane thieves and sneaky folk that do their best to remain one step aheadComplete Mage
Ur-priestSpell UtilityAnti-priests stealing magic from the gods and gaining resistance to their spellsComplete Divine
Urban SavantSpell UtilityCity born casters that use their immense knowledge to analyze foes.Cityscape
Urban SoulDPS UtilityCity born and bred adventurers who draw power and utilize the city to their advantage.Races of Destiny
Venegeance KnightTank DPSKnight set on righting wrongs done to their employersChampions of Ruin
Verdant LordSpell UtilityEco-warriors, that gradually take on the traits and powers of a plantMasters of the Wild
Vermin KeeperSpell UtilityDruidic folk who have mastered the art of influencing and shaping into verminUnderdark
Vermin LordSpell UtilityCasters devoting themselves to vile crawling creatures in exchange for horrifying abilities and command of said creaturesBook of Vile Darkness
VigilanteDPSLimited Casting. Those obsessed with stopping and fighting the guiltyComplete Adventurer
VirtuosoSpell UtilityPerformers with a wide variety of melodies to shape the world around them.Complete Adventurer
Void DiscipleSpell UtilityKnowledgeable casters that manipulate the void to help and harm.Complete Divine
Void IncarnateDPSEpic Level DPS classes that become untouchable by many effects.Epic Insights
Walker In the WasteSpell DPSApotheosis in the desert! Spread disease and thirst through the wastes!Sandstorm
War ChanterSpell SupportBattle bards who control the tide of battle using their unique songs.Complete Warrior
War HulkDPSLarge brute that gets stronger to cause damageMiniatures Handbook
War WeaverSpell SupportCasters who weave eldritch tapestries to affect multiple peopleHeroes of Battle
WarchiefDPSLeader of a tribe that frenzies their loyal warriorsMiniatures Handbook
WarmasterTank SupportProlific leaders that can buff their allies and followers and eventually get a big castle!Sword & Fist
WarpriestSpell SupportLead your allies through the depths of war and bring them out the other side.Complete Divine
Warrior SkaldSpell SupportHardened on the fields of war, these bards sow fear and panic amongst rival war bandsRaces of Faerun
Warrior of DarknessDPSAugmented black magic toting warriorsBook of Vile Darkness
Wasp Bounty HunterDPSBounty hunters that can shoot incredibly accurately and farRokugan Campaign Setting
Watch DetectiveUtilityCSI D&D! Solve crimes and mysteries using evidence and forensicsMasters of the Wild
WavekeeperSpell UtilityDefenders of the realms beneath, that can control currents and beckon forth elemental power.Stormwrack
WaveriderDPSWavehopping mounted warriors patrolling the open seas.Savage Species
Weapon MasterDPSFighters who can perform stunts with their chosen weaponComplete Warrior
WhisperknifeDPSA master of knife combat that excels at throwing and catching them.Races of the Wild
White WizardSpell SupportWizards with a wide variety of support magic and eventually healingQuintessential Wizard 2
Wild ScoutDPS UtilityIt's Super Scout! Camouflage, fast tracking, and bonuses for your favored terrain, what's not to love?Silver Marches
Wild SoulSpell UtilityFey-aligned wizards with access to fey magic and alliesComplete Mage
WildrunnerDPSa fast-running DPS that lets out a wide variety of primal screams.Races of the Wild
WinterhauntSpell DPSFrigid liches of the arctic wastes bringing frost and a frozen worldFrostburn
WitnessSpell UtilitySupernatural sense toting arcane casters, this class focus on enhancing those senses.Encyclopedia Arcane: Divination
World SingerSupportMusicians who shape the world through their songs of powerQuintessential Bard
Wyrm WizardSpellDragon taught casters that are experts at unraveling the inner workings of any spell in the blink of an eye.Dragon Magic
YakuzaDPS UtilityThuggish enforcers with local knowledge, adept dodging, and leadership abilitiesOriental Adventures
Yorei-RyoushiDPSMartially inclined warriors looking to banish the spiritsMagic of Rokugan
Yoritomo Elite GuardDPSEmbodiments of war itself placing a high value on strengthWay of the Samurai
Yuan-Ti CultistDPSDevious cultists of Merrshaulk looking to destroy the minds of other humanoidsSavage Species